1Timothy 2:9-15
Getting the Most Out of Womanhood

Welcome to one of the most hated passages in the Bible, a passage
that describes what God created the woman to be.  It is hated today
because it places a limit on what a godly woman can do.  By my view,
it is not much of a limit but it is a limit and it cannot be denied
as such.  So tonight, we need to do two things.  We need to look at
the verses, but we also need to consider two things.

I. Let’s consider one thing that some say.
    A. Some say these verses demonstrate how our Bible was influenced
        by Middle-Eastern culture.
        1. The Middle East is where Israel is located.
        2. Of course, most know that women in the Middle East are
            considered to be "less" than a man.
        3. That bothers people today and I think it should.  (By the
            way, why are nations and people open to Islam today when
            that religion would and DOES send womanhood to the
            lowest, degrading, evil state that can go?)
        4. Some today explain away these verses by merely saying this
            is not inspired but an influence of the culture.
    B. Consider:
        1. This is not one single reason to suppose that at all.
            There is no question in the original languages,
            manuscripts, or anything else.
        2. If this passage is influenced by culture, how many others
            are?  The end result is that if this Bible is corrupted,
            it is not the inspired, preserved Word of God and we have
    C. Reality is that the Middle Eastern culture did not influence
        the Bible.
        1. This is God’s design for womanhood.
        2. Don’t get mad and quit listening until I have finished
            but God did intend that women willingly limit what they
        3. While that may not sound pleasant to your ears, I believe
            I can prove it before we finish tonight.
    D. However, before we go on, you must decide whether you will
        accept the Word of God as the inspired, preserved Word of
        God or not.
        1. Every individual must.
        2. Your soul hangs in the balance.
        3. But the choice is yours.
        4. There is something else we must consider but…

II. We need to look at these verses.  What is God saying?  Four
     things concerning being the woman He created you to be.
    A. \\#9-10\\ Be modest
        1. Paul does not define modest in this text.
            a. In the Greek, the word "modest" means with order,
                decorum, and good behavior.
            b. This word does not tell us what women can and cannot
                wear, but they do tell us what their attitude in
                selecting their clothing should be.
            c. It should be in good behavior, in proper order; that
                is, it should not cause chaos or confusion.  It should
                not stir up trouble.
        2. Paul added two more terms to help us to understand what he
            a. "shamefacedness"-It means to be bashful when you
                (1) Again, this does not describe what is appropriate
                     and what is not.  It describes what attitude to
                     dress with and what attitude NOT to dress with.
                (2) God did not design women to dress themselves in
                     pride or arrogance as though they had
                     something to show or prove.
                (3) Rather, they are dress with humility, reverence,
                     and a spirit that says either "I don’t want
                     anyone to see my flesh" or "No one wants to see
                     my flesh."
            b. The truth be known, that is most likely NOT the case.
                (1) Ladies, men do want to see your flesh.
                (2) Most women do not understand what a woman’s
                     body does to a man.
                (3) It triggers intense desire.  To some men, a
                     desire so strong that they cannot hardly
                     control themselves.
                     a. This is not a mental desire but a physical
                     b. I have heard jokes all my life about ladies
                         who blame their mood or their desire on
                     c. Men have the same physical demons inside of
                (4) Some men are better at controlling that desire
                     but, as far as, I can tell, most all men have
                     this attraction to flesh.
                (5) I have often wondered why God created men
                     with this characteristic.
                (6) I do not believe it is part of the fall but I do
                     believe it got out of balance due to the fall.
                     a. I think, in part, it is to help us to
                         continue to procreate.
                     b. I think in another thought that it is
                         to bond a man and woman together.
                     c. And I think in another it to give all
                         men (and woman) a sure pleasure.
                (7) Unfortunately, since the fall for many, this has
                      become a source of great displeasure and
                (8) Ladies, you are playing with fire—especially in
                     an undisciplined society like ours—when you
                     dress inappropriately.
                     a. You make yourself a toy in the eyes of men
                         who do not even know you.
                          i. One study into brain waves noted that
                              when men see a woman inappropriately
                              dressed that the region of the brain
                              that becomes active is the part that
                              is activated when a man sees a
                              desirable truck or tool.

                         ii. Another study proposed the theory that
                              men are not seeing the woman a an
                              objects as much as a different kind
                              of a human, one what can feel emotions
                              but not think.

                     b. In a society where men are NOT taught self
                         control, that is a risky thing to do.
            b. "sobriety"-It means sound thinking.
                (1) That means think when you dress.
                     (a) Do you really want to be desirable in the
                          eyes of men you do not know?
                     (b) Are you advertising that your body is
                          available, come and get it?
                     (c) Are you telling people that you are an
                          immodest woman who thinks only of sex?
                     (d) Are you wanting to tell God that you don’t
                          care about what He created you to be?
                (2) Another way of saying this would be to say, "Use
                     common sense."
        3. Paul then gives some things that women should not do.

1Tim 2:9 …not with broided hair, or gold, or
pearls, or costly array;
10  But (which becometh women professing
godliness) with good works.

            a. It is because of this verse and what Peter said
                \\#1Peter 3:3-5\\ that some do not wear any jewelry,
                make up, or nice cloths.
            b. I do not feel that is what this verse is saying
                although if you do, you should abide by that.
            c. I feel that what he is saying is do not use the
                externals things to make yourself appealing to men.
                (1) I have no doubt that if Paul and Peter were alive
                     today, they would say do not use the dress—or
                     the lack thereof—to make yourself appealing to
                (2) However, they did not have the kind of clothing
                     that we have and would not until near the end
                     of the church age.
            d. \\#10\\ What Paul is saying is use your character to
                attract a man not your body, not your wardrobe, and
                not your body!
            e. Ladies, if you use your body and your beauty to catch
                a man, you will most likely lose him to someone else
                who has better bait later on.
            f. You say, "No one is attracted to my character."
                (1) Either your character needs some work.
                (2) Or you are fishing in the wrong fishing hole.
    B. \\#11\\ Be Taught
        1. It is interesting that people claim the Bible wants to
            keep women in the dark ages, barefoot and pregnant.
        2. Actually, the opposite is true.
            a. The Bible does command women to limit themselves in
                certain areas but it is not to keep them in the dark
                ages it is to help them find their greatest
            b. Here is one place in the Scripture that proves that.
            c. I need you to just skip the "in silence" for right
                now.  I will not get to that until next week.
            d. Focus instead on the first part, "Let the woman
        3. The Bible teaches the woman to learn.
            a. Perhaps you did not know that even the best societies
                did not teach the woman.  They did not feel it was
            b. Even Jews in this time period did not teach the women.
            c. Yet, the Bible teaches women to learn, especially
                about the things of God.
            d. At the time the Bible was written, it promoted women
                to positions never before seen and still not seen
                in many cultures of the world.
                (1) \\#John 1:12, Romans 10:13, 2Cor 5:17\\ And many
                     others offer women as well as men the opportunity
                     to become a child of God.
                (2) \\#Acts 2:17\\ Describes the Holy Ghost filling
                     both men and women for service to God.
                (3) \\#Acts 9:36\\ Calls Tabitha a "disciple" of the
                     the Lord.
                (4) \\#Acts:24-26\\ Describes a husband and wife
                     team, Pricilla and Aquila, discipling Apollos.
                (5) \\#Acts 21:9\\ Tell us that four of Philip’s
                     daughters were prophetesses.
                (6) \\#Romans 16:1\\ Tells us that Phebe was a
                     "servant" in the church at Cenchrea.
                (7) \\#Romans 16:3\\ Calls Priscilla Paul’s "helper"
                     in Christ Jesus.

                (8) Chloe of \\#1Cor 11:1\\ hosted a church in her
                (9) \\#1Cor 16:3\\ Again mentions Aquila and
                     Priscilla, this time as having a church in their
               (10) \\#Gal 3:28\\ Testifies that there is neither
                     male nor female in Jesus Christ.
               (11) \\#Philemon 2\\ Lists Apphia as Paul’s "beloved"
                     who along with Archippus had a church in their
            e. While the Bible was not written to change the status
                of women in a culture, it did, has, and is expanding
                their opportunities beyond any other religion or
                culture UNTIL our modern-day, anti-God world decided
                that they should be able to do anything and every-
                thing that a man can or could do.
                (1) And while I understand that today in our culture
                     that might sound horrible, the truth is God did
                     put some limits on women.
                (2) By the way, God also put some limits on men.
                (3) But that is what we will have to wait until next
                     week to discuss.

Right now, consider this, "Is God’s Word inspired and preserved?"  If
it is, then you can trust that whatever limits God put on women, He
did for a reason.  If you do not, then it really does not matter what
God’s Word says because you are going to do what you deem to be right
in your own eyes anyway.

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