Psalm 78:36-42
Eight Steps In Being Right With God

Would you notice three things from this text?
1. \\#Psalm 78:37\\ The people were not right with God.
    a. This type of boldness would offend most in our culture today; yet, it is
        not a man making the statement but God Himself.
    b. Sadly, God is not talking about the world in general here, but His own

2. The people were not right with God because they had not stayed steadfast in
    the covenant \\#37\\.
    a. That simply means they were not fulfilling their end of the covenant.
    b. \\#Psalm 37:41\\ says that they had "turned back" on God.
    c. A covenant is an agreement or contract.
    d. When God brought Israel into the Promised Land, He made a contract with
        them.  He would provide, protect and bless them if they would obey Him.
        He obviously had done His part but Israel had not done theirs.
    e. Instead, the Scripture suggests they attempted to:
        (1) Flatter God \\#Psalm 78:36\\
             (a) The word means to ENTICE or DECEIVE.
             (b) The people were talking the good talk but not walking the walk
                  that backs it up.
        (2) Lie to God \\#Psalm 78:36\\.
             (a) That is promising God something you will never do.
             (b) I am reminded of how people try to excuse a lie by saying, "I’ll
                  do it.  I am going to get it done."
             (c) You can’t pull that on God.  He knows the end from the beginning!

3. \\#Psalm 37:41\\ The people had limited God.
    a. No doubt, this backslidden people had limited God’s control in their lives.
        (1) They had taken God’s goodness, but they did not want Him to give them
        (2) Disobedience does limit God’s control of our lives.
    b. However, they also limited what God could give and do for them.
    c. Whenever you limit God’s authority in your life, you limit God’s blessings
        in your life.
    d. Most people are busy searching for the middle ground that they like the
        most; that is, obeying God as little as possible to get as much as

That was then.  Here we are God’s people now.  We need to ask ourselves, "Are we
right with God?"  The root of all of Israel’s problems centered on the fact that
they could not stay right with God.  I dare say that there are many people sitting
in churches today with that same problem.  They mean to do right.  At times, they
commit to doing right.  They just can’t stay on that path for very long.

I don’t know how you do things but I do things by making a list.  If there is
something I want to do, I attempt to figure out the steps it will take to get it
down, make a list, and then get at it.  My lists often change.  I see something
that I missed before, or I realize that something I thought was a major step is
not; however, overall, the list method works very well for me.

Let me give you a list of eight steps to stay right with God.  This list may be
over simplified for you.  You are welcome to tailor it to your own needs; however,
I believe it is a good place to start.

    I. Be saved!

Acts 10:42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it
is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever
believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

        A. It stands to reason that if you are going to be right with God, you
            must be saved.  Even so, many seem to overlook it.
        B. Notice the relationship a lost person has with God.
            1. You are separated from God.

Isaiah 59:2  But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your
sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

            2. You are the enemy of God.

James 4:4  …whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of

            3. God’s wrath is already hanging over you.

John 3:36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that
believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

            4. This is not the kind of relationship any individual would want to
                have with the Almighty God.
                a. Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon called Sinners in the Hands
                    of An Angry God.
                b. In that sermon, he emphasized just how close a lost person is
                    to hell.
                c. He described them as being held above the cauldron of hell
                    by nothing more than a spider’s web of God’s mercy.
                d. That is your position. unsaved person, today.
        C. Jesus has died to remove your sins, make a child of the Living God,
            and pay your sin penalty.
            1. As Paul said, all you need to do is believe—trust—on Jesus.
            2. The act itself is not difficult but it does require a commitment.
                a. I have know some who already believed in Jesus but were not
                    willing to make the commitment.
                b. Nevertheless, at some point, you must commit your life to
                    Jesus.  You must determine to obey Jesus and make Him your
                    (1) Are you going to be perfect?  No.  You will make some
                    (2) Are you going to be miserable?  No.  If God has been
                         calling you, you will be surprised at how happy you.
                    (3) Will your friends and co-workers think something strange
                         has happened to you?
                         (a) Yes, most likely.
                         (b) At first, they will likely poke fun at you.
                         (c) However, even while they do so, they will respect you
                              for doing something that they know they themselves
                              ought to do.
                         (d) And even if they do not, do you really want to go to
                              hell for such as they are?

   II. Study the Word!

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

1 Peter 3:15  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and [be] ready always to
[give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in
you with meekness and fear:

        A. In explaining the importance of this point (and the next two), let me
            give you some background information.
            1. There are at least four connections that salvation gives the
                believer with God.
                a. The Holy Spirit
                    (1) The Holy Spirit is our LIFE CONNECTION with God.
                         (a) By that, I mean that by the Holy Ghost, the believer
                              very spiritual life is maintained.
                         (b) The presence of the Holy Ghost gives us eternal
                              life, spiritual life, access into God’s presence,
                              awareness of God, communication with God, and
                              every other blessing that is ours.
                    (2) The Holy Spirit connection is God-sustained.
                         (a) Outside of trusting Jesus as our Savior, we did
                              nothing to earn this connection and we do nothing
                              to keep this connection.
                         (b) Our sins may spiritually dull us to the place where
                              we cannot hear the Holy Ghost, but even sin will not
                              remove the Holy Spirit from us.
                    (3) The Holy Spirit is ours just because we are God’s.
                b. Let me list the other three connections and speak about them
                    (1) The Bible is our GUIDANCE CONNECTION.
                    (2) Prayer is our COMMUNICATION CONNECTION.
                    (3) Church is our PRACTICAL CONNECTION.
            2. The other three connections are not God sustained.  They are
                believer sustained.
        B. The Bible is our GUIDANCE CONNECTION.
            1. Actually, the Bible is for much more that just our guidance but
                that is one of the most important and basic functions of the it.

Psalms 119:105  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

            2. The Bible shows us where we are and how to get to where we need to
                a. Technology keeps moving forward.
                     (1) First came the compass.  A compass could only tell you
                          generally what direction you were headed.  To use it,
                          you had to know what was in a particular direction.
                     (2) Then came a map.  It showed you where things were, but
                          to use a map, you had to have an idea where you were.
                     (3) Now we have a GPS.  A good GPS shows you where you are
                          and where you need to go to find what you want.  Just
                          type in Wal Mart, McDonalds, even doctor or dentist, and
                          a GPS will plot the course from where you to where the
                          nearest one is.
                b. The Bible is our GPS - our GOD PRODUCING SAINTS device.
                    (1) As you read it, it shows you, were you are.  In that
                         way, James says it is like a mirror.

James 1:22  But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your
own selves.
23  For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man
beholding his natural face in a glass:
24  For he beholdeth himself…

                    (2) However, like a light on a path, it shows you where you
                         need to go.
                    (3) If you have ever been convicted by a sermon, you have
                         been convicted by the Word of God, for the Word is what
                         gives the sermon its power.
            3. Do not neglect this powerful connection with God.
                a. You need the guidance that only the Word can give.
                b. If you neglect the Word, you limit God in your life.
                c. If you limit God, you limit His blessings.
                d. If you do these things, you are not right with God even if you
                    are saved.

 III. Pray!

1 Thessalonians 5:17  Pray without ceasing.

Ephesians 6:18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them [to this end], that men ought always
to pray, and not to faint;

        A. Prayer is our COMMUNICATION CONNECTION with God.
            1. We know that God does not need to be told what is going on in our

Matthew 6:32 …for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these

            2. However, God still tells us to talk to Him and tell what we need,
                as well as, what is going on in our lives.
            3. If we do not, we will not receive the things that we need.

James 4:2  …yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

            4. So talking to God is essential for our supply.
        B. However, prayer is not just us talking to God.  God also talks to us
            during prayer.
            1. It surprises some to find out that prayer is TWO-WAY communication.
            2. How does that work?
                a. God speaks to you through the Holy Spirit.
                b. He puts thoughts into your mind, thoughts that you know you
                    could never have come up with.
                    (1) Sometimes, God will whisper a solution to your problem,
                         or a next step for you to follow,
                         or a comforting thought for you to hold onto while He
                          works other things out.
                    (2) That is how I create sermons.
                         God chains thoughts and Bible verses together or
                         sometimes He gives answers to questions
                         or even shows solutions to situations.
            3. I believe this is what Isaiah meant when he told us to WAIT UPON
                THE LORD.

Isaiah 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they
shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 8:17  And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house
of Jacob, and I will look for him.

        C. I do encourage a prayer list for you to pray for others, but if all
            you do is read names and needs, you are missing a huge aspect of
            1. And I bet your prayer life is as boring as can be.
            2. Use prayer to communicate with God and to let Him communicate with
                a. Take your Bible and look up the verses that come to your mind.
                b. Ask questions and give God an opportunity to tell you what to
                c. Take a notepad and jot down the thoughts you have (Satan will
                    surely snatch them away if you do not).
        D. Remember, these last three connections are believer-sustained.
            1. If you do not do them, you are limiting God.
            2. If you limit God, you are depriving yourself of His blessings.
            3. If you do these things, you are not right with God even if you are

   IV. Attend church!

Hebrews 10:25  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner
of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the
day approaching.

        A. The fourth connection that we have with God as a result of salvation.
            1. Of the four, this connection is the least appreciated.
                a. I do not say the least used for I doubt that people who do
                     not go to church spend much time studying the Bible or
                b. I do say "least appreciated" because often people who will
                    speak well of prayer and the Bible, do not speak so well of
                    attending church.
            2. Church is our PRACTICAL CONNECTION.
        B. One of the complaints of Christianity today is that it is not very
            1. That is absurd!  Nothing will be as HELPFUL, as COMFORTING, as
                LIFE CHANGING, and as STRENGTHENING as Christ being in your heart
                and your life.
            2. The place to see that Christianity is practical is the church.
                a. If you attend the right kind of church,
                    you will see men and women of all ages,
                    of all walks of life,
                    of all ethnic groups,
                    of all social levels,
                    and of all financial statuses living out the Word of God.
                b. Our fellowship is bit smaller and a bit more rural, so we do
                    not have all the diversity that other larger. more
                    metropolitan churches have, but we still have a good range.
                    (1) Some in this fellowship were raised in church.
                    (2) Some in this fellowship were far outside the arms of a
                         church when they were saved.
                    (3) Some were saved young.  Some were saved old.
                    (4) Some are bosses.  Some are employees.
                    (5) Some make average to above average income.  Some are
                         have below average incomes.
                    (6) Some lived clean lives.  Some, not so much.
                    (7) Yet, God has touched, forgiven, healed, saved, and
                         changed for His glory and our good.
            3. Get this!  Inside the confines of a local fellowship, one can see
                just how practical Christianity is.
                a. One can see how to let God live though him/her at work, in
                    the home, in the community.
                b. One can see how forgiveness removes guilt and empowers faith
                    in God.
                c. One can see how to make amends for past mistakes and how to
                    live with the ones that cannot be mended.
                d. One can see how God changes sinners and then uses them for His
                e. A good church can be encouraging, uplifting, and challenging.
                f. All though I do not want to lose any more of our sheep, I say
                    today what I have said in the past.
                g. If the Green Pond Baptist Church does not do that for you, go
                    find a church that does.
          4. I have seen God's handiwork by looking at several oceans, the Smoky
                and Rocky Mountains, vast plains, and even a few continents, but
                the most impressive handiwork of God that can be seen is inside the
                local church! 

   V. Watch for the Lord’s Second Coming!

Matthew 24:42  Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
43  But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the
thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to
be broken up.
44  Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man

        A. This step is not so much an existing connection we have with God but
            an anticipated connection we will have with God.
            1. Sadly, the words of Jesus add a judgment element to the return of
                a. His point is that when He comes, we do not want to be caught
                b. Some of us boys remember what mom used to tell us when we got
                    to old for her to handle.
                c. "Just wait until your father gets home."
                d. Might I say, that statement motivated me to go to bed early
                    more than any thing else mother could say!
            2. It is so sad that Jesus’ return must be used this way, but wicked
                flesh often needs to have a threat over it to coerce it to behave.
                a. I am not certain what Jesus will do to misbehaving Christians
                    when He returns, but whatever it will be, it must be something
                    the disobedient will not enjoy.
                b. Perhaps there will be some type of physical punishment.
                    (1) Maybe we will lose an eternal reward.
                    (2) Perhaps an eternal privilege or honor will not be ours.
                    (3) Perhaps our status will be diminished.
                c. Perhaps our punishment will be to see our sinful selves with
                    sinless eyes.
                d. Perhaps our punishment will be to see the sorrow in our Savior
            3. Without question, not watching for the return of Jesus will result
                in a life that is not right with God.
        B. However, Jesus’ return should not have bear only a negative
            connotation for us.
            1. Nothing should be more exciting and joyful for the Christian than
                the thought of seeing His Savior.
                a. At last, we will get to see with our eyes the One who died for
                b. If that is not a sweet anticipation to you, you may need to go
                    back to the beginning of this message and start over!  (You
                    may not be saved.)
            2. John tells us, that among other things, Jesus’ return will also
                complete our salvation.

1 John 3:2  Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what
we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for
we shall see him as he is.
3  And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

                a. That day will be the last day any Church-Age Christian will
                    ever be plagued by sinful flesh!
                b. How sweet it will be to leave this flesh behind with you
                    being victorious and it defeated rather than with it
                    victorious and you defeated.
        C. While I can not promise you that Jesus will come this year, I can
            promise you three things:
            1. The Lord is soon coming.
            2. The date of the Lord’s coming is closer now than ever before.
            3. When He comes, most will not be ready!
            4. If you will keep this day in your sights, it will help you to stay
                right with God!

   VI. Witness!

Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy  Ghost:
20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and,
lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

Romans 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how
shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear
without a preacher?

        A. Some of the things required to stay right with God are things that
            some do not naturally want to do.
            1. I imagine that the biggest fear for most Christians is the fear
                of telling someone else about Jesus.
            2. I also imagine that the more anti-God this world becomes, the
                larger that fear becomes.
            3. I completely understand.
                a. I have the same fear.
                b. I know that it is largely illogical and unwarranted, but I
                    have always had it too.
            4. However, that is where COURAGE comes in.
                a. I was a little bit surprised to see that courage is not listed
                    as one of the gifts the Holy Spirit gives.
                b. Instead, the Scripture shows where Paul on his way to Rome to
                    be tried for preaching the gospel, got his courage.

Acts 28:15  And from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us
as far as Appii forum, and The three taverns: whom when Paul saw, he thanked God,
and took courage.

                c. He just dug down deep and pulled it out.
                d. Courage must be something that God endowed man with in
                e. Sometimes, we must summon it.
        B. Can we be right with God without telling others about Jesus?
            1. The correct answer is NO.
            2. To tell others about Jesus is not a calling.  It is a command.
            3. Not only is it a command, I believe it is the activity that is
                nearest to the heart of God.
                a. God sent His Son to die for others.
                    This act opened the path to heaven.
                b. Since His return, Jesus has been preparing a place for those
                    who would accept Him.
                    This act opened a place in heaven.
                c. God commanded us to tell others what Jesus had done for them.
                    (1) This act is God’s proposal to heaven.
                    (2) Yet, the path and the place can not be used if no one
                         gives out the proposal.
            4. You and must understand that Christ has no voice to share what He
                has done except our voice.

  VII. Minister!

1 Corinthians 12:7  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to
profit withal.
8  For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of
knowledge by the same Spirit;
9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the
same Spirit;
10  To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another
discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the
interpretation of tongues:
11  But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every
man severally as he will.

Ephesians 4:11  And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the
edifying of the body of Christ:
13  Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son
of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of

        A. At one point, I started to include witnessing with ministering.  I
            came to the conclusion that they are not the same.
            1. As I have said, witnessing is a command.
                a. No gifts or callings are required for a command.
                b. We do it because we are told to do it.  PERIOD.
            2. Ministering is a calling.
                a. A calling requires the infusion of some kind of spiritual gift
                    or talents from God.
                    (1) That is, God must give us the ability to do something.
                    (2) These gifts will often need to be honed or sharpened.
                b. And some kind of impression from God as to how we are to use
                    our gifts.
                    (1) That is what we mean by the term CALLING.
                    (2) Everyone can do something unique.  To locate a ministry,
                         we need God to tell us how to use what we can do.
        B. Understand two important truths from these texts about ministering.
            1. Everyone has been given some gift by the Holy Spirit.
                a. \\#1Cor 12:7\\ - God has given everyone something to do.
                b. Your gift may be more spiritual in nature or more physical.

Exodus 31:2  See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur,
of the tribe of Judah:
3  And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding,
and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,
4  To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,
5  And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in
all manner of workmanship.
6  And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the
tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom,
that they may make all that I have commanded thee;

                c. What matters is that you recognize it as a God-given gift to
                    be used for Him.
            2. The way to use that gift or talent is up to God.
                a. God may call you to a position.  He may not.
                b. Our job is to be willing to use our gifts not controlling the
                    use of our gifts.
        C. There is one additional truth you need to know about ministry.
            1. This is not from the text.  It is something that I have observed.
            2. If you do not find an outlet for what God gives you, He will
                eventually stop giving to you.
                a. I liken the situation to a garden hose.
                b. If water does not exit the hose, water cannot go into the hose.
                c. If you do not find a way to use what God has given to you, God
                    will stop giving it to you.
            3. This is one of the last, but most important, steps to staying right
                with God.
                a. You want to keep the power of God fresh and flowing through
                b. The psalmist desired a daily anointing of fresh oil in his
                    service for God.

Psalms 92:10  But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall
be anointed with fresh oil.

 VIII. Separate Yourself from the World!

1 John 2:15  Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If
any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 Peter 2:11  Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain
from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

        A. This is not the last step in staying right with God.
            1. It is actually one of the first.
            2. The reason I have moved it to last was to emphasize its importance.
            3. The reason most Christians can not stay right with God is because
                they have not separated themselves from the world.
        B. John makes several things very clear.
            1. We are not to love the world itself.
            2. We are not to love the things which belong to the world.
            3. If a person does not have this understanding, John uses a term to
                indicate that at best, they are presenting experiencing a
                relationship with God; and, at worst, they never have.
                a. The term is "the love of the Father is not in him."
                b. The most likely interpretation for that phrase is that they
                    are lost.
        C. Why would John, the apostle of love, make such a defining statement?
            1. Because there are some things that the Holy Spirit imparts to all
                believers at the beginning of their salvation journey.
                a. You have heard me say before that God reveals some things to
                    some Christians at different times; but in the end, He will
                    get us all to the same destination.
                b. The dangers of the world is not one of them.
            2. Every born again believe should have an understanding of the
                world’s danger as an infant.
                a. It is a Holy Spirit given instinct.
                b. Such a Scripture puts some exceedingly carnal so-called
                   Christians on notice.
        D. So what should we do?
            1. We should listen to the Holy Spirit’s warnings about this world,
                its toys, and our behavior.
                a. God didn’t give us that warning to rob us of our fun.
                b. He gave it to us to protect us from harm.
                c. And He placed the Holy Spirit within us to ring like an alarm
                    when we get too close to dangerous things.
            2. We should put up walls of separation between us and the world.
                a. We don’t have to be cocky or arrogant.
                b. We just need to stay away from worldly behavior.
                c. By-the-way, you never get too old to be drawn to something new.
                    (1) The computer has opened a doors of temptations to people
                         who thought they never would.
                    (2) Pornography, gambling, adultery, gossip, and many other
                         temptations are consuming people who thought they would
                         never fall into such a trap.
                    (3) Just stay away from worldly things!
            3. We should put very high walls of separation between us and the
                worldly things we are drawn toward.
                a. Those are likely the things that will draw us away from God.
                b. Remember James warning:

James 1:14  But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and

                c. A temptation comes out of our own lusts, our own desires.
                    (1) You can’t be tempted to do something you hate.
                    (2) You are tempted to do things you want to do.

These are the eight steps, eight simple steps, that can help you stay right with
God.  Will you follow them?

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