1Corinthians 2:5
What Can the Power of God Do?

What can the power of God do?  That is not an unreasonable question.  We claim to
serve a God that has all power.  Further, we claim to serve a God who cares about
us.  Even further, we claim that our God will use His power to get involved in our
personal lives.  It is a far question to then ask, "What can the power of God do?"

The Bible gives a long list of things that God’s power can do.

    1. In Exodus, we see the power of God bringing a powerful nation, Egypt, to
        its knees.
    2. \\#Josh 10:13\\ We see the power of God halting the sun in the sky for
        the space of a whole day.
    3. Judges 6-8, God’s power defeated an army, the number of which was like
        grasshoppers for multitude and their camels were without number, with
        only three hundred men \\#Judges 7:12\\.

And these are just a few of the accounts!  But that is the Bible.  What can God’s
power do in this world today?  To answer that question, let’s asks it in two
     1. What can the power of God do for the lost?
     2. What can the power of God do for the saved?

     I. What can the power of God do for the lost?  In a short answer, the power
         of God can covert the sinner.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

James 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his
way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

         A. "Convert" is another Bible word for being saved.
             1. There are several.
                 a. Saved, salvation relates to being rescued.  Salvation is a
                 b. Born again relates to having new opportunities, being give a
                     new life.
                 c. Regenerated relates to having a new relationship with God,
                     typically the term implies the new one is better than the
                 d. Redeemed relates to being purchased again, being God’s once
                 e. Justified relates to the legal standing before God.  It is a
                     case of the sinner’s sin being removed the former sinner
                     standing before God as if he had done no wrong.
                 f. And there are others.
            2. Convert means to change or to exchange.
            3. It implies that old things have been exchanged for new things.
            4. So what does the power of God convert within a sinner?
        B. The sinner’s dirty sin record is converted.
            1. Every human being as a sin ledger before God.

Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the
books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and
the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books,
according to their works.

            2. Recorded in that Book of Works is every wicked thing that we have
                ever done.
                a. Every lie, every thought, and every action.
                b. Nothing escapes the all seeing eye of God.
            3. It is this ledger of sin that condemns us.
                a. Understand, God doesn’t need a ledger.
                b. He is God, and He never forgets.
                c. However, God has instituted a system of justice after which our
                    legal system is patterned.  In that legal system, there needs
                    to be an official charge.  This ledger contains the official
                    charges against the sinner.
            4. Forgiveness is the process of those sins being paid for and being
                removed from the ledger.
                a. Always remember, a sin cannot just be removed.  It must be paid
                b. Jesus, dying on the cross in our stead, paid for our sins.
                c. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, our sins and His
                    righteousness are exchanged or converted.
                    (1) My sins are placed on His ledger.  He died for them.
                    (2) His righteousness is placed on my ledger.  I get credit
                         for the good things that Jesus has done.
                d. From that point on, my ledger is sealed.
                    (1) The sins that I commit after salvation are not recorded on
                         my ledger but on Christ’s.
                    (2) Those new sins can hinder my relationship with God, but
                         they cannot go on my ledger for several reasons.
                         (a) I would be lost again.
                         (b) There would be no other remedy for my sin.  There is
                              one death, one payment for sin, to last for one
            5. So my sin record is converted from one filled with sin and
                corruption to one with deeds of righteousness and godliness.

The Old Account Was Settled
Words & Music: F. M. Graham

There was a time on earth, when in the book of Heav’n
 An old account was standing for sins yet unforgiv’n;
 My name was at the top, and many things below,
 I went unto the Keeper, and settled long ago.

The old account was large, and growing every day,
 For I was always sinning, and never tried to pay;
 But when I looked ahead, and saw such pain and woe,
 I said that I would settle, I settled long ago.

When in that happy home, my Savior’s home above,
 I’ll sing redemption’s story, and praise Him for His love;
 I’ll not forget that book, with pages white as snow,
 Because I came and settled, and settled long ago.

O sinner, trust the Lord, be cleansed of all your sin,
 For thus He hath provided for you to enter in;
 And then if you should live a hundred years below,
 Up there you’ll not regret it, you settled long ago.

Long ago (down on my knees), long ago (I settled it all),
 Yes, the old account was settled long ago (Hallelujah!);
 And the record’s clear today, for He washed my sins away,
 When the old account was settled long ago.

        C. The sinner’s sinful heart is converted.
            1. By heart, we mean the sinner’s nature is converted.
            2. The problem with most sin is that we WANT it.
                a. That is a terrible condemnation on mankind, but it is true.
                b. Our nature craves the evil things that we do.
                    (1) Sinful man craves his lustful thoughts,
                         his angry responses,
                         his drunken behaviors,
                         his lying tongue,
                         his cheating heart,
                         his defiant spirit.
                    (2) The problem is not just that we do these things.  The
                         problem is that we WANT to do them.
            3. In this condition, simply paying for and removing our sins would do
                no good, for we would simply return to them again.
            4. This is exactly what happens when one merely makes a profession
                of faith but does not truly come to be CONVERTED.

2 Peter 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog
is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in
the mire.

            5. However, a true CONVERSION changes your very nature.
                a. God takes out the old heart and gives you a new one.

Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within
you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you
an heart of flesh.

                b. You have been changed a the very core of your being.
                    (1) Your "wanter" is changed.
                    (2) The things that you hunger for, long for, desire are all

2Corinthians 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old
things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

                c. These are the outward marks of an inward conversion.
            6. It is the power of being converted that has let me to coin the
                phrase, "If there has been no change in your life, there has been
                no Christ in your life."
        D. The sinner’s relationship with God is converted.
            1. Before Christ, that relationship is broken, with sin separating God
                from the sinner.
            2. But our spiritual conversion changes that.
            3. From that point on, we have the Holy Ghost indwelling us and no
                matter what, He will not leave us not forsake us.
            4. New sin may strain our relationship with God but it will never
                break it.
        E. The sinner’s eternal destination is converted.  The old destination of
            hell is exchanged for the new destination of heaven.
        F. The sinner’s outlook on life is converted.
            1. Once with no hope, no peace, and no future.
            2. Now, hope and peace abounds and tomorrow is as bright as the
                promises of God.
        G. There are more things which can be said, but we need to look at the
            second question.

   II. What can the power of God do for the saved?
        A. Once converted, the saved sinner still needs the power of God to work
            in their everyday life.
            1. Here is where I break with some of my friends in theological
            2. I believe that we must be able to count on God today.
                a. Many say that the day of miracles are past.  I do not.
                b. I believe the day of the apostles is past, but there are just
                    too many commands in the Bible to pray and to many promises
                    in the Bible that He will answer for me to believe that the
                    day of miracles is past.
                c. I confess, I am no miracle worker and I do not see very many
                    of my prayers answers in a quick and evident way; but I am
                    convinced that those are my short comings—not God’s.
            3.I say to you, "God’s power is available today to meet your needs."
       B. In what ways?
            1. The saved need the power of God to give victory over sin.
                a. This is the Power of God 101, for the Christian. Learning how
                    to have victory over sin is the first lesson a Christian must
                    learn in accessing the power of God.
                b. Even though the sinner has been converted, there is still a
                    battle raging within, for now the convert has two natures.
                c. Paul, a holy man of God, described the battle with the two
                    natures within him.

Romans 7:15  For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not;
but what I hate, that do I.

20  Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that
dwelleth in me.

                d. Paul did what he encouraged others to do.  Stand in the power
                    of God and in the freedom which God has given to us.

Gal 6:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,
and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

                e. Hear well.
                    (1) Christian, you can be free from any and every sin which
                         binds you.
                    (2) I have both seen and experienced the power of God over
                         sin (not that I am sinless or will be in this life).
                    (3) However, I have been changed and set free and you can as
            2. The saved need the power of God to supply their everyday needs.

Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches
in glory by Christ Jesus.

                a. I believe in hard work.
                b. I believe in wise money management.
                c. However, when you have done all that you could, I believe that
                    God will honor His Word.
                    (1) I have made some financial mistakes along the way, some
                         that I wish I could take back.
                    (2) Even so, I tell you with confidence, if you will surrender
                         your life to Him, God will supply your needs.
                    (3) It is my belief that if God quits supplying, it is time
                         for life to end.
            3. The saved need the power of God to give healing to the sick.
                a. Again, I differ with some on this point.
                    (1) Am I a faith healer?
                    (2) No, but I am a believer in a miracle working God, and I
                         believe that God will heal as a result of our seeking
                         Him to do so.
                    (3) Does everyone I pray for get healed?  Absolutely not.
                b. Why do we not see more miracles in the field of healing?
                    (1) I think there are several issues involved, including the
                         wickedness of the world we live in and the plan of God
                         for the end times.
                    (2) However, I believe a lot of the blame lies on the
                         shoulders of us Christians.
                    (3) I believe to do so we must live more pure,
                         believe more resolutely,
                         seek more often,
                         and pray more fervently.
            4. The saved need the power of God to change the hearts of others.
                a. We are called to be light to the lost and salt to the world.
                   That means that God wants us to impact the world we live in
                b. We cannot do this without the power of God.
            5. The saved need the power of God to give peace when none-of-the-
                above happens.
                a. Again, I believe there is power available for the saved.
                b. I believe God can and will do miracles.
                c. However, I also know and understand that the will of God is
                    not always for the miracle, not always for the deliverance,
                    not always for the supply.
                d. When that happens, the saved needs to see the power of God give
                    the peace that passeth understanding.

Phil 4:7  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I close by telling you that this peace is no small feat.  In the last few hours,
I have witnessed a strong Christian looking death in the eyes with a calm
assurance.  I recall years ago, standing at the bedside of an old Christian friend
whose days were numbered and asking, "Are you afraid."  His answer was swift and
clear, "Nooooooo."

I tell you, my friend, God’s power is available today.  It is available to the
sinner and to the saved.  Will you come to the Well of Life and draw from it?

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