Jude 22-23
Making A Difference

The book of Jude is a small book, only a single chapter long. The majority of
those verses is directed toward false teachers—-recognizing them, resisting them,
isolating them-—but these two verses are geared toward winning them, or at
least winning the lost in general.

These two verses burn at me.  Several times over the last year I have tried to
preach from this text but could not find the message.  I do not know that I have
the appropriate message tonight, but I feel that I should read these verses to
you if nothing else.

For a few moments, let’s notice them.

    I. These two verses describe how to win others.
        A. From the context, I cannot tell for certain if these are how we are to
            deal with false teachers or sinners in general.  However, it seems
            to me that they are the only ways to deal with anyone who is unsaved.
            1. \\#22\\ We can deal with them carefully and compassionately.
                a. I am adding that word CAREFULLY into the thought because I
                    believe it is implied.
                b. Every sinner must be dealt with compassionately, but you will
                    see a contrast in the next verse and I believe the thought
                    here is CAREFULLY, maybe even SLOWLY.
                c. With some you just have to be patient.
                d. Ultimatums, harsh wording, fiery presentations are likely to
                    drive them the wrong direction.
                e. And yet, even with this method, we have to be forceful enough
                    to make certain they know the whole truth.
            2. \\#23\\ Others must be dealt with in a more urgent, forceful
                a. Jude compares this method of witnessing to trying to rescue
                    someone from a burning flame.
                    (1) In those situation, one does not knock on the door. They
                         kick it down.
                    (2) Neither does one ask another if they would like to go
                         with them.  They command them to come on.
                b. Sooner or later, every delaying and refusing sinner must be
                    dealt with in this manner.
                    (1) When years of pleading have not availed and time begins
                         to run out, then another approach may be warranted.
                    (2) I try never to witness to a person so as to close the
                         door to the next seed planter that may follow, but
                         there have been a few occasions when I felt the door
                         was already closed and so decided to push as hard as I
                         felt the liberty.
        B. Now, if there is another method of sharing the gospel than these two,
            I do not know what it might be.
            1. We can present the gospel carefully and compassionately.
            2. We can present the gospel urgently and forcibly.

   II. Some thoughts:
        A. I notice that no matter how we present the gospel, all are in the
            1. This is a rescue of the soul that is danger.  Nothing mitigates
            2. Some do not see the danger they are in.  That is irrelevant.
            3. Some do not want to think about eternal things.  They must.
            4. Some do not believe.  They must be convinced.
            5. Every lost soul is in the fire and has only moments before it is
                everlastingly too late.
            6. On the 27th January, 1903, fire broke out in a London lunatic
                asylum. Of the 300 inmates, 50 perished and 250 had to be
                literally pulled out of the fire.
                While the work of rescue was going on, these poor insane
                creatures behaved in such a way as to remind us very forcibly
                of how insane sinners behave when their salvation is earnestly
                sought after by others.
                a. It was reported that "some laughed at the mention of the
                    fire."  They could not comprehend they were in danger.
                b. "Some said they would not leave their bed in the night and
                    go out."  They hoped the danger would go away of its own.
                    Sadly, neither in that case or in the case of eternity is that
                    going to happen.
                c. "Some were found hiding under the bed from the fire."
                d. "Some seemed to fancy that the rescuers had made the fire."
                     They were blamed for trying to "burn them up."  Many of the
                     lost think that is the case.  Hell is just the imagination of
                     some preacher out to get more money in the offering plates.
                e. "Many of them fought against their rescuers, biting and tearing
                    their hair cut."  Many treat the rescuers as the enemy, but
                    we cannot stop.
                f. "Some were heard knocking at a closed door to get out, when
                    it was too late."  As it was in the days of Noah, Jesus said.
                    How many do you suppose wanted on the ark after the floods
                    came?  Yet, they could not because God has shut the door.
(Handfuls on Purpose, by James Strong and Robert Lee, Electronic version by Cross
Country Software, Volume 7, p164-165.)

        B. I notice that the only question Jude presents is HOW we are to share
            with them.  He never considers IF we will share with them.
            1. Friend, no one decent, moral soul can see another in mortal danger
                and do nothing.
            2. I hear of people who do from time to time and being the world’s
                biggest chicken, I can partially understand it; but it is sinfully
                wrong to allow someone to perish without giving them every chance
        C. I believe that no matter how we present the gospel, certain ingredients
            will be required of us.
            1. Truth
                a. One must know the truth in order to give it.
                b. Every Christian should understand the gospel and salvation as
                    well as their ability will allow.
                c. For two reasons:
                    (1) To make certain you are saved.
                         (a) I would not want to take the word of another for
                              anything as important as salvation.
                         (b) I hope you won’t take an insurance salesman at his
                              word, but that you will read that policy and ask
                              questions until you understand it.
                         (c) How much more should you understand the forgiveness
                              of sin.
                    (2) So that you can share it with others.
            2. Love
                a. Love of Christ and love for others will always be the soul
                    winners’ motive.
                b. A person who has hardened himself to winning others, has
                    hardened his heart to the essential loves of Christianity.
            3. Compassion (pity)
                a. No matter whether you are sharing the gospel slowly, carefully,
                    or urgently, forcibly, you are doing so because you care for
                    the condition that individual is in.
                b. By the way, the unsaved must see that as well.
                c. Sometimes we turn to a forceful presentation when are angry,
                    frustrated, MAD.   That will never work.  Such anger only begets more anger.
                d. Even when we are forceful, it must because we care and the lost
                    must see that.
            4. Courage
                a. I will not tell you different.  It takes a courage to speak to
                    another about Jesus.
                b. The good news is that if you lack it, you can ask and God will
                    give it to you.
            5. Determination
                a. Last but not least is a strong will to tell others about
                b. Knowledge, desire, love, technical skill, and all the rest will
                    not accomplish anything if you are not willfully stubborn and
                    determined to tell others about Jesus.

  III. I am not certain which words it is that have burned in my soul.
        A. Perhaps the words that stick out in this verse are MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
            1. Whether the method is by carefulness and compassion or urgency and
                force, the end result is to make a difference.
                a. Christians, we have to make a difference in the lives of
                b. We must and if we have not been doing so, we must repent of it
                    and begin.
                c. We draw closer to a New Year and as we seek areas in our lives
                    to correct, this should be one.
                d. We must make a difference.
            2. I believe that God has equipped every believer with talents and
                gifts so that he/she can make a difference in the lives of the
                a. Some God has given a love and tenderness, a patience to deal
                    slowly and carefully with others.
                b. To another, courage enough to be forthright and plain of
                c. To another, God has given a stirring testimony.
                d. To another, God has given knowledge and understanding.
                e. These talents are given for many reasons, but one is surely to
                    make the difference in life of others.
            3. These gifts and talents are intended to be our blessings and
                ministry; but if not used properly, they will become our undoing.

Luke 19:12  He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to
receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.
13  And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said
unto them, Occupy till I come.

15  And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the
kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had
given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.
16  Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds.
17  And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been
faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.
18  And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds.
19  And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities.
20  And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have
kept laid up in a napkin:

24  And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it
to him that hath ten pounds.

                a. This parable is not about money but opportunities.
                b. Friend, if we do not use the opportunities we have in this
                    life, we will lose opportunities in the next!  I do not know
                    what kind of opportunities that might be, but I am certain
                    of it!
            4. How will you make a difference?
                a. Jude gives us the methods but you must find your own means.
                b. Some are called to preach the Word.
                    Others are called to teach it.
                    Everyone is can pass out tracts.
                    Believe it or not, everyone can knock on doors.
                    Some have discovered the telephone as their ministry.
                    Others use the internet.
                    Perhaps you are skilled with writing.
                    Perhaps you can sing the message to others.
                c. Whatever the means, we must work together to get the gospel to
                    every creature.
                    (1) All are lost and all need Jesus.
                    (2) Let us work to make a difference in their lives.
        B. But if it is not MAKING A DIFFERENCE, it must be HAVING COMPASSION.
            1. Could it be that the reason I do not do more to win the lost is
                because I lack that needed ingredient?
            2. Oh, God, if so, help me, I pray!

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