Matthew 5:3
The Beginning of A New Life

Where does the new life begin?  We speak of the new life often, but
what starts it?  Some would say salvation and theologically you would
be right, but even the act of salvation has a beginning.  Salvation 
is itself a process with a soul being saved as the end of the
process, but where does it all begin?  I believe this verse tell us.

Tonight, we will take a break from out study in Jeremiah to look at
the Lord’s words.  I have pointed out for many years that the Lord is
not merely interested in what we do but in what we are.  I am
definitely not the first person to recognize that truth. Some where
in times past, the term BEATITUDES was applied to this section of
Jesus’ sermon on the mountain.  Someone recognized that contained
within these verses were the ATTITUDES which would help us to
BE the kind of person God wants us to BE.

Let’s consider a portion of the Beatitudes this evening.

    I. Condition Defined
        A. The condition Jesus gives to us is "poor in spirit."
            1. According to Matthew’s gospel, this particular
                admonition was the first point of Jesus’ message.
            2. As one who prepares sermons, I can say that most of
                the time, what is said at the beginning of a sermon
                is the foundation for the remainder.
            3. Hence, I believe that this Beatitude might be one of
                most important truths we could understand.
        B. What does it mean?  Let’s take it in parts.
            1. To be poor means to have a need that is greater than
                one’s supply.
                a. A financially poor man has financial needs greater
                    than his financial supply.
                b. A food poor man has food needs greater than his
                    food supply.
                c. A clothing poor man has clothing needs greater
                    than his clothing supply.
            2. So then a spiritually poor person is one who has
                spiritual needs greater than his spiritual supply.
                a. Spiritual needs - forgiveness, mercy, wisdom,
                b. Might I say that while some are definitely more
                    spiritually needy than others, this is not a
                    condition we need to achieve.
                    (1) We are all lacking spiritually.
                    (2) It is our natural state.
                    (3) As long as we are in this body of flesh, we
                         are going to be spiritually poor; that is,
                         we will have need of more spiritual insight,
                         wisdom, understanding, and power.
        C. So what is the point of the pronouncement?  If everyone is
            born spiritually poor, what is the Lord challenging us to
            1. I believe the Lord’s challenge in this Beatitude is
                not that we should become poor in spiritual matters,
                but that we should recognize we are poor in spirit
            2. Although we all have spiritual needs greater than our
                spiritual supply or ability, most do not recognize
            3. Why do we not recognize our spiritual need?
                a. Ignorance
                    (1) Lack of knowledge
                    (2) This can come because we simply have never
                         been instructed in spiritual matters.
                    (3) This is what evangelism seeks to do - inform
                         the ignorant of their spiritual need.  (Of
                         course our ultimate goal is to get them to
                         see that need and to trust Jesus as the
                         remedy for it.)
                b. An inability to perceive
                    (1) But it can also be that we simply can’t
                         perceive or fathom certain truths.
                         (a) Some people simply can’t get Algebra.
                         (b) I simply can’t get music.
                         (c) This is more than simply lacking
                              knowledge. It is also a lack of
                    (2) Every human being has this  shortfalls at
                         some point.
                         (a) It is strange how those who have some
                              knowledge and some ability to perceive
                              like to call those with less knowledge
                              and ability than they idiots.
                         (b) The truth is we are all idiots to
                              someone else and especially to God.
                    (3) This is why we need the Holy Spirit of God.
                         He is literally the only One who can take
                         truth and penetrate the hard and blinded
                         heart with it.
                c. Pride
                    (1) Pride is the false impressions of superiority
                         that comes by having some abilities and
                    (2) In truth, most of the time proud people are
                         good at something.  They just take that to
                         mean that they themselves are BETTER.
                    (3) This pride keeps a person from seeing that
                         they are indeed POOR in spirit.
                    (4) No matter what they are good at, they are
                         still lacking in their spirit, but they
                         cannot see it.
                    (5) Whenever pride comes into the equation,
                         things always get more difficult.
                    (3) A person may be ignorant for any reason but
                         with that false feeling of superiority they
                         refuse to see it.
             4. So the Lord pronounces a blessing upon those who can
                 recognize that they are indeed poor in spirit

    II. Condition Revealed
         A. Thankfully, God works to show us our true condition and
             to humble us so that we can see it.
             1. The large term to describe that work is GRACE.
                 a. Grace is God working in us, through us, and for
                     us to accomplish His will.
                 b. God does not want us to be blind to our
                     condition so He works in us to reveal it to us.
                 c. That is grace.
             2. The more precise term used to describe the work of
                 God revealing our spiritual poverty is PROBLEMS.
                 a. I think God uses problems more than anything else
                     to help us with our spiritual needs.
                 b. God sends problems to reveal our spiritual need.
                 c. Hence, God tells us to rejoice when problems

1Th 5:18  In every thing give thanks: for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Eph 5:20  Giving thanks always for all things
unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ;

        B. So we need to recognize the good that comes with our
            problems and learn to be thankful for them.
            1. We need to recognize that every problem is God’s
                trigger to remind us that we have more spiritual
                needs than our supply.
            2. Every problem an opportunity.  A problem demonstrates
                our spiritual need so…
                a. It is an opportunity to get closer to God, to
                    become more dependent upon Him, more empowered
                    by Him.
                b. Most likely, it is also an opportunity to work on
                    some shortage in our own life.
                    (1) Perhaps a character flaw or maybe some
                         weakness that has attached itself to us.
                    (2) There is no better time than right now to
                         fix whatever is wrong.
                    (3) That is why the problem was sent.
            3. So that in the long run, every problem is something
                God can use for good and His glory.

Ro 8:28  And we know that all things work
together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his purpose.

        C. I know that most of us look at problems as a negative.
            1. We may even see them as an indication that God is
                angry with us.
            2. Here is a new way to look at them.  God loves you
                so much that He is spending extra time shaping you
                into what He wants you to be.

  III. Condition Rewarded
        A. One condition for recognizing that we are poor in spirit
            is listed in the verse.
            1. They will have the kingdom of heaven.
            2. Of course a person who recognizes their spiritual
                need will not automatically go to heaven.
                a. They must still repent of their sin and trust in
                    Jesus Christ.
                b. However, this is the first step in the salvation
                    process and it is THE step that sets all others
                    in motion. 
                c. It is difficult to image anyone who ever came to
                    see themselves as spiritually poor not going on
                    to trust Jesus as their Savior; but at the same
                    time, many do.
                d. That is what the majority of cults in the world
                    are made of.
            3. But the one who recognizes that his/her spiritual need
                is greater than his/her supply begins the process
                that can lead to their salvation.
            4. Hence, the new life begins here.  
        B. But there is more.
            1. I believe this Beatitude is the basis for other things
                that God can do in our life.
            2. Once we can see our spiritual need, we will be able
                to become what God wants us to be in some other
                areas of our lives.
            3. I think every other Beatitude is dependent upon
                getting the first one.
            4. Notice the other Beatitudes.  By seeing our self as
                spiritual needy, we will be able… 
                a. \\#4\\ To mourn.
                    (1) Those who do not recognize their spiritual
                         need may mourn over their problems, but not
                         over who they are. 
                    (2) Only the person who understands his spiritual
                         shortfall would mourn over himself.
                    (3) And once a person understands his spiritual
                         shortfall, the next logical step is to mourn
                         over it.
                    (4) But then that characteristic brings another
                         (a) Comfort - I take it that this comfort
                              comes from God.
                         (b) I would also think it means more than
                              God just giving you a feel-good hug—
                              although there is certainly nothing
                              wrong with that.
                         (c) I would think He would give something
                              material, something of substance.
                         (d) I would think God, with all of His
                              power, would give comfort by doing
                              something to make things better.
                b. \\#5\\ We can learn to be meek.
                    (1) Again, meekness does not fit well into the
                         character of the ignorant or proud.  They
                         would see themselves as always doing what is
                         in the "best interest" of everyone else.
                    (2) But when a person becomes aware of their
                         spiritual poverty and begins to truly mourn
                         over their condition, they become the kind
                         of person that reframes from freely using
                         whatever powers or might they have.
                    (3) These are the people who make the best
                    (4) So when they come to this place, meekness,
                         God rewards them further by setting them
                         over all the earth.
                c. \\#6\\ That beings us to those who will hunger and
                    thirst after righteousness.
                    (1) Another condition which can not be unless one
                         recognizes his spiritual need.
                    (2) This Beatitude seems to me to be directly
                         connected back to being poor in spirit.
                    (3) But then that condition is rewarded by God
                         filling you.
                         (a) Filling with what?
                         (b) It only makes sense that God would fill
                              you will what you hungered for—
            5. The list continues on.
                a. It is my suspicion that all of the items in this
                    list in one way or the other hinge on being able
                    to see our spiritual shortfall.
                b. So even for the believer, a new life begins when
                    he sees himself with more spiritual need than he
                    has spiritual supply.   
                c. This Beatitude is where it all begins - salvation,
                    humility, gentleness, purity, power….
            6. Indeed, we are blessed if we can see ourselves as we
                truly are.

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