Mark 2:21-22
My Wills, My Won’ts, My Attitudes

This is the first Sunday of the year and it provides a great
opportunity, the opportunity to change some things. God knows how
much we need this opportunity. That is the reason He gives us so many
occasions to start over. Every 60 seconds provides a new minute,
every 60 minutes a new hour, every 24 hours a new day, and every 365
days give us a new year.  And here we are at a New Year.  What will
you do with it?

Jesus used this parable to teach us that some need to quit patching
the old. Every New Year, unsaved people try to patch up their broken
lives by resolving to leave off some bad works and by beginning some
good ones. I do not criticize that. It is a good effort, a noble
effort. And if successful, it will make a better individual, a better
mate, a better parent, a better citizen; but it is still only a patch
on the old. Most people don’t need a new patch. Most people need a
whole new garment.

The new garment that most need is Jesus.  Jesus is the One and only
One who can give us a new life.  If you are here today and are
without Jesus Christ, I implore you to turn to Him and be saved. Find
what it is to receive a new life, a new heart, new goals, now powers,
new joys, and new opportunities.

But this morning, I want to talk primarily to the saved.  You who
already have a new life, a new garment.  While there is absolutely
nothing wrong with the garment Jesus gave us, we live in a world with
thrones and thistles.  Not only so, but sin and the world pull and
tug at us.  Because of this, the new life that Jesus gave us
sometimes gets some tears in it.  It is not the fault of the Lord,
but our garment now needs some patches.  Like the Dutch boy who
saved his town from the faulty dam, we need to stick something in the

So what kind of patch is needed?  As we enter the New Year, I believe
most Christians need to examine their garment and patch it in three
    1. We need to set some new priorities.  That is, we need to
        start doing some things.
    2. We need to set some new boundaries.  That is, we need to
        stop doing some things.
    3. We need to do these things with some new attitudes.  That
        is, we need to realize that our problem is not just our
        behavior.  It is also our attitude.  This past week, we were
        blessed with a few days with our twelve grandchildren.  It is
        amazing how easy it is to see the importance of a right
        attitude when you are with children.

It is from these three thoughts that I got the title of the message.
My new priorities will be My Attitudes. My new boundaries will be My
Won’ts. And my new attitudes will be My Attitudes. So let’s look at
some My Wills, My Won’ts, and My Attitudes.

    I. In 2014, I will give cheerfully.

2Co 9:7  Every man according as he purposeth
in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly,
or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

        A. For a few moments, I am going to speak on giving of your
            substance to God. I want to make it clear at the onset, I
            am not speaking on this topic for my personal benefit nor
            for the church’s benefit.
        B. I am speaking on it for the benefit of the listeners.
            1. Some of you have been saying for years, "I will tithe
                when I can afford it."
            2. And you still can’t afford it.  And you never will.
            3. Your problem is not how much money you have.
                a. Your problem is your priorities.
                b. You love buying the things you love!
                c. And nothing is going to change in your life until
                    you get a new priority and a new attitude.
                    (1) Your first new priority needs to be God.  To
                         put Him first, above yourself, above your
                         pleasures, even above your family.
                    (2) You second priority needs to be that you will
                         do whatever is necessary to put God first
                         and to keep Him there.
            4. Learn an important lesson - Giving of your substance
                to God is not about having so much you can afford it.
                a. No one I know ever started giving to God because
                    He had too much.  People don’t find an extra 10%
                    and start giving it to God.
                b. Everyone started by saying, "I am going to put God
                    first in my giving and keep Him there!" then they
                    set about doing whatever was necessary to make
                    that happen!
                    (1) It means cutting Christmas down (take it
                    (2) It means selling the boat and the camper or
                         whatever toys you have indebted yourself
                    (3) It means skipping the vacation.
                    (4) It means shopping at a thrift store instead
                         of a department store.
                    (5) It means learning how to have fun at home on
                         a tight budget.
                d.  I do not know of anyone who ever put God first in
                     their substance who did not have to sacrifice to
                     do so.
            5. You say, "I won’t do that!"  Then you will never be
                able to tithe or even enjoy the things you have for
                you will always be indebted.
                a. You keep looking for a ship to come in that is not
                    going to come in.
                b. Even if it did, you would spend it and be more
                    indebted than ever.
                c. More money just means more expensive toys.
                d. Why?  Because indebted people stay indebted all of
                    their lives.
                e. Their issue is not money.  Their issue is
                    priorities.  You need to put God first.
            6. Let me give you some steps to change your life.
                a. Quit charging.  Destroy those interest charging
                b. Quit unnecessary spending - No cigarettes,
                    alcohol, junk food, sodas, eating out, get rid of
                    television, cell phones, internet.
                c. Sell the toys you bought and pay the debt with it.
                d. Devise a plan to pay everyone - Divide your
                    income and pay a percent to everyone.
                e. Call your debtors, daily if necessary.
                f. Work overtime
                g. Spend any extra time together having fun (board
            7. Will God bless me?
                a. Maybe not at first.  He might leave you to pay the
                    bills with 10% less.  Why?  To test you.
                b. But in time, God will bless.
                    (1) You may have less but you enjoy it more.  You
                         learn that things and activities are not
                         nearly as important as the people in our
                    (2) Because you have given up your charge cards
                         and your extravagant spending, you have more
                         money for the important things.
                    (3) And then God steps in and actually starts
                         blessing you because you put Him first!
                         (a) Better health and fewer doctor bills.
                         (b) Better jobs and better wages.
                         (c) Happier in the home.
            8. Friend, aren’t you tired of trying to paddle upstream
                with a tennis racket for a paddle?
                a. It is a New Year.  You need a new garment!  You
                    need a new will, a new won’t, and new attitude.
                b. Years ago, I was with a man whose family attended
                    our church.  The man (Thomas Barnett) did not
                    attend often.  He always had other things to do,
                    but his wife and two children were fairly regular
                    on Sunday mornings and evenings. The man had a
                    good job. It was an educated man’s job but it was
                    stressful. I do not remember the occasion, but
                    He was telling me how rough his financiers were. I
                    suppose I had encouraged him to be more faithful
                    in church and he was trying to explain to me why
                    he couldn’t. He spoke of the stress of work, his
                    high mortgage, the cost of having two children—I
                    had six—and so on. He never put God first in his
                    life or his finances. Today, they are divorced.
                    I have not seen him in years, but I would bet
                    that he still has similar complaints and still is
                    not putting God first.  Nothing will ever change
                    for the person who keeps putting patches on the
                    old.  You can’t fix these kinds of problems with
                    patches.  You need a new garment.

   II. In 2014, I will joyfully accept the will of God.

1Th 5:18  In every thing give thanks: for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

        A. That verse may well be one of the most difficult verses in
            the Bible—not to understand but to accept!
        B. It says that everything and anything that happens to you
            is God’s will.
            1. sickness, being let go at work, wrecks, unruly
                neighbors, pesky family members
            2. In other words, if it is happening, God has allowed it
                and He can—no, He will—work through it for your
                good and His glory.
        C. Understand, just because something is happening does not
            mean everyone involved is right with God, or even
            pleasing to God.
            1. Even the Christian that everything is happening to may
                not be right with God or living a life that is
                pleasing to Him.
            2. But God can and will use whatever He brings into your
                life to help the Christian who wants to do His will
                be a better Christian and to bring glory to God.

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work
together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his purpose.

        D. So My Will, My Won’t, and My Attitude this year will be
            to accept God’s will with JOY.
            1. Let me point out that the difficulty in this attitude
                is not the accepting.  It is the accepting with joy.
            2. You and I do not have much of a choice when it comes
                to accepting things.  we do it because we must.
            3. Our choice is accepting it with joy.
                a. Without frustration, aggravation, murmuring,
                    complaining, threatening to quit
            4. We are often quick to criticize the Israelites coming
                out of Egypt but then we commit the very same sin.
                a. We do realize that they did not complain when…
                    (1) …the Red Sea closed on the Egyptians?
                    (2) …the water came out of the rock?
                    (3) …the manna fell and all they had to do was
                         pick it up?
                b. When did they complain?  Just before God sent the
                    miracles!  When things were difficult and
                    frustrating and aggravating.
                c. And when do we complain?  When things are
                    difficult and frustrating and aggravating.
                d. And what was God trying to teach the Jews?  To
                    trust Him in the difficult times.
                e. And what is God trying to teach us?  To trust Him
                    in the difficult times.
                f. So what does God want us to do?  He wants us to
                    accept His will with joy!
        E. By the way, let me point out that God always knows what is
            best for our lives.
            1. We are so limited in our understanding.  We have no
                idea what today’s problems were sent to accomplish.
            2. Last Sunday morning, we stopped to worship in Joplin,
                MO.  They had tornadoes hit them just a few weeks
                after they hit our area in 2011.  We were at the
                heart of ground zero.  Everything there was new
                because it was all destroyed in the tornado.
            3. The church was new but the congregation was small and
                was fifty and older.  I believe our young people were
                the only ones there—and how that church family
                rejoiced to have us in their services.
            4. In his sermon, Pastor Bruce Allen told the story of
                the farmer who found a bird’s next in his brush pile.
                The farmer was clearing a field and stacked the
                brush in a large pile to burn.  As he added to the
                pile, he saw a bird’s nest a soon-to-be momma bird
                was building.  He reached into the pile, grabbed it,
                and threw it on the ground.  The mamma bird was no
                doubt disturbed but build it back.  After all, she was
                going to have some babies and needed a nest.  The
                next day, the farmer saw the new nest, reached into
                the pile, and threw it on the ground.  This ritual
                went on for several days.  At last the momma bird got
                the message and went on to build her nest elsewhere.
                And soon, the farmer set fire to the brush and all
                was consumed.  What seemed like meanness to the bird
                was actually love and kindness for the farmer knew
                what would happen to the bird and her babies if the
                comfortable nest were allowed to say.  So it is with
                God.  Only He knows what the future holds and today’s
                trials may be His acts of love and kindness.

  III. In 2014, I will serve the Lord with diligence.

Jos 24:15  And if it seem evil unto you to
serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye
will serve; whether the gods which your
fathers served that were on the other side
of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites,
in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and
my house, we will serve the LORD.

        A. How do you feel about welfare?
            1. Most people have a negative view of welfare.
            2. Some of it is deserved and some of it maybe is not.
            3. Regardless of what you think about government welfare,
                most Christians are on Christian welfare.
            4. How so?  Because all the come to church for is to get,
                never to give, never to serve.
        B. Thinking about, I have concluded that there are several
            kinds of welfare Christians.
            1. There are the "pity me" Christians.  These are the
                ones who are always talking about how bad things are
                and how bad they have it.
                a. That preacher is too long.  That one is too short.
                    That preacher is too loud.  He gives me a
                    headache.  This one is too quiet.  I can’t hear
                b. I can’t go to church.  It’s too cold.  The pews
                    are too hard.  The church is too crowded.  I
                    might catch a cold.  I have so much going on at
                    work.  I have so much going on at home.
                c. I want to watch TV.  I need to take a nap.  I want
                    to sleep in late.
            2. Then there are the "give me" Christians.  These are
                the ones just want to get but never give.
                a. Sadly, in most churches, 10% of the Christians do
                    90% of the work, leaving most of the 90% on
                    Christian welfare.
                b. They come to church and say, "Give me, preacher.
                    Give me, Sunday school teacher.  Give me, choir,
                    Give me, congregation."
            3. Then there are the "not me" Christians.  These are the
                ones who are always quick to excuse themselves from
                every message or challenge.  They are not going to
                pray.  They are not going to repent.  They are not
                going to visit.  They are not going to revival.  They
                are not going to give.  They are just not going to do
        C. I am not saying these things to hurt anyone’s feelings.  I
            am saying them because if you are really a Christian, you
            have a hole in your garment and you need to patch it.
            1. Listen to this verse.

Matt 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20  Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you….

            2. This is a self-replicating verse.
            3. By that I mean that although command was spoken to the
                disciples, the command tells the disciples to teach
                their disciples everything that Jesus taught them,
                which would include this commandment.
            4. Confused?  Jesus told them to teach their converts the
                same thing that Jesus taught them, so every
                Christian is to be taught and then to obey this
            5. GO.  Get involved.  Get busy.  Win others, Teach
                others.  Help others. Love others.
            6. Everything that Jesus did, we are to do!
            7. In 2014, let’s serve the Lord with diligence!

This message is NOT finished.  I have just decided to stop here.  In
reality, we all need to check our garment.  If you never received a
new one, get one today.  If you did, find the tears of your life and
patch them!
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