Matthew 11:28-30
The Great Invitation

Someone wrote, "Some burdens are meant to be SHARED, some burdens are
meant to be SHOULDERED, and some burdens are meant to be SHED.  That
true.  We all have cares, duties, responsibilities--burdens--that we
must shoulder, but if we are Christians, we have a Savior that both
desires and will help us.

    I. Things are hard.
        A. Jesus used two terms that all speak of our hard,
            1. labor - That is work.
            2. Heaven laden - burden, load
            3. So here is Jesus’ picture: We, the human race, are
                all laboring to carry a heavy load.
        B. What is heavy and hard to carry?
            1. Life is.
                a. That is an all inclusive term.  Most everything
                    that has to do with life is heavy.
                b. For most, work is heavy.
                    (1) Actually, God intended that work be a heavy
                         load.  He made it that way in the curse.

Ge 3:17  And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast
hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast
eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee,
saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the
ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
it all the days of thy life;
18  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth
to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the
19  In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out
of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and
unto dust shalt thou return.

                    (2) For most of the world, working is what
                         they do just to live.
                         (a) Sadly, most people, even in America,
                              do not like their work.   However,
                              we should consider just how hard
                              others have it.
                         (b) Most people do not know what a
                              savings account, a 401(k), or even
                              food for tomorrow is.  They just
                              work for this day and the survival
                              of their family.
                         (c) We are blessed not only to be able to
                              work for out tomorrows, but to be
                              able to select what kind of work we
                               i. My advice has always been, find
                                   something you like to do to
                                   make your living.  Doing so
                                   takes so much of the labor out
                                   of work.
                              ii. But no matter what job we
                                   perform and no matter how much
                                   we might like it, there are
                                   times when work becomes hard to
                (c) However, some have found out that NOT working
                     is hard too!  We are indeed strange creatures.
                     We live most of our lives wanting to get out
                     from under the bondage of work only to finally
                     get out and realize it wasn't as bad as we
                     (1) Retirement becomes empty (or too busy!).
                     (2) Our disability is painful.
            2. Family is heavy.
                (a) I love my family and my family loves me but
                     that doesn’t mean there are never any
                (b) Ask the housewife who is caught in the
                     endless cycle of cooking and cleaning.
                (c) Ask the father (and today you can ask the
                     mother too) who have to work so hard to pay
                     the bills.
                (d) Ask the parents who have smaller children they
                     are trying to direct down the paths of
                     godliness and sound reasoning or the older
                     parents who have children living in wrong
                (e) Ask the grown-up children who have become
                     their parents’ keepers.
            3. Aging is heavy.
                (a) Few will spend much time thinking about it
                     before it comes but getting old is no picnic.
                (b) Dimming eyes, failing hearing, aching joints,
                     sagging flesh, waning muscles, lost memories,
                     thinning hair—and those are the early stages
                     of that dreaded disease.
            4. Sin is heavy.
                (1) No doubt. That is what Jesus was referring to
                     when He made this statement.
                     (a) This passage does not tell us where Jesus
                          was when He made this statement.
                     (b) I see Him walking through some crowded
                          street, filled with people who were
                          broken, battered, and bruised from sin.
                     (c) That is not hard to find.  You can see
                          it on every street and road in the world
                          that has people on it.
                           i. People problems - There are those who
                               cannot get along with their boss,
                               their mate, their parents, their
                               children, their neighbors, their co-
                               workers, even strangers.
                          ii. Addiction problems - Those entangled in
                               addictions to alcohol, tobacco,
                               pornography, drugs, sex, and food.
                         iii. Dream problems - Those whose dreams and
                               hopes have been beaten down by a
                               seemingly endless line of rejections,
                               refusals, denials, and bad
                (2) I think it must have been that way on the last
                     day of the Feast of Tabernacles \\#John 7:2\\,
                     when Jesus stood up on a crowded street of
                     Jerusalem and shouted.

John 7:37  In the last day, that great day of the
feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man
thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture
hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of
living water.

            5. Even righteousness is.
                (1) Jesus never told us that doing right was going
                     to be easy.  In fact, He told us the opposite.

Matt 5:10  Blessed are they which are persecuted
for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
11  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you, and shall say all manner of
evil against you falsely, for my sake.

                (2) Doing right has never been easy but it gets
                     much, much harder when society no longer knows
                     what wrong is.

   II. What is Jesus offering?
        A. Rest!
            1. That is a common word but what does it mean?
            2. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as repose,
                sleep, freedom from activity or labor, peace of
                mind or spirit, freedom of anxieties.
            3. That is a large definition for a four-lettered word.
        B. In a nutshell, it means one will not have to carry all
            of their burden all of the time.
            1. There are some burdens we can SHED.
                a. It means we do not have to carry the burden of
                     guilt any longer.
                     (1) Guilt is what we feel over the wrong things
                          that we have done.
                     (2) As we have all done wrong things, we all
                          have some guilt that we should carry, but
                          rest means we do not have to carry it any
                b. It means we do not have to carry the burden of
                    regret any longer.
                    (1) Regret is what we feel over the right things
                         that we failed to do.
                    (2) Guilt and regret are like Siamese twins.
                         They follow us around, ever burdening our
                c. It means we do not have to carry the burden of
                    discouragement of its big brother, depression.
                    (1) It is impossible to have an accurate count on
                         the number of people who are discouraged.
                    (2) Statistically, as many as 1 in 10 are

            2. There are some burdens we must SHOULDER.
                a. I do not mean to say that we will have nothing to
                     carry for we will.
                b. Even with rest, there are loads that we must bear.
                    (1) Earthly responsibility and cares do not just
                         (a) Christ offers us rest not death.
                         (b) As long as we ae alive, there will be
                              burdens we must carry.
                         (c) What Christ offers is rest, a break,
                              a place and time to catch your wind.    
                    (2) For example, we will still have to carry the
                         responsibility for our past.
                         (a) Decisions of the past are like ripples
                              in the pond. 
                         (b) They reach out in all directions
                              touching everything and everyone they
                              come into contact with.
                         (c) Our past may have limited our future and
                              hurt others.
                         (d) We cannot expect those repercussions to
                              be undone in this life.
                    (3) What does Jesus offer to help in these
                c. God gives an amazing grace.
                    (1) Grace means that God steps in to help.
                    (2) Whatever rest does not remove, grace gives us
                         the strength to carry.
                    (3) Grace is a different topic and I will not go
                         there this morning, but I will say that with
                         these gifts which our Lord offers, the human
                         soul is able to enjoy life.
            3. So Christ offers to SHARE all of our burdens.
                a. Some He simply takes away but even those which 
                    which will be our responsibility, He shares.
                b. You do not have to carry these burdens alone any
                c. Jesus offers you rest.

  III. So Jesus invites us to trade in our heavy burden for rest.
        How does that work?
        A. \\#Matt 11:28\\ The first part of the invitation is to
            1. That is it.
            2. We must want it.  We must come and receive it.  We
                must accept it.
            3. There is no one who does not understand the concept
                of coming.
            4. If there is something we want, when we are called,
                we go get it.
                a. When we are called to the table to eat, we go get
                b. When our paychecks are read, we go and collect it.
            5. If you want rest, go to Jesus and get it.
        B. \\#Matt 11:29\\ Take my yoke upon you.
            1. A harness of wood or iron used to join a pair of work
                animals together.
            2. Jesus is inviting us to get into the harness with Him.
            3. This is not so that we can help Jesus with His load.
                (He needs no help.)
            4. It is so that He can help us with ours!
                a. Notice that this means that Jesus is not just
                    taking our load away.
                b. We are in the harness with Him.
                c. It means that when we can’t carry the load, He
                    will carry it for us!
        C. Learn of Me.  Jesus was saying that there are some things
            He can teach us that will make the burdens we carry
            1. Most are carrying more than they should be carrying.
            2. Others are carrying their loads incorrectly.
                a. As a youngster, I was taught to carry those heavy
                    loads with your legs and core, not your back.
                b. If you try to carry all of your burdens with your
                    emotions, you are carrying them the wrong way. 
                c. You can spend as much energy on frustration and
                    worry as you spend on actually carrying the load!
                d. I saw an inspirational commercial about how a
                    timber man had to train horses how to carry
                    fallen timber.  They start training them to
                    carry something light, a tire, because the horses
                    are often afraid of the load.  At one point, the
                    announcer says, "A horse that can pull 9,000
                    pounds lacks the confidence to pull a 25 pound
                    tire."  So the lumberjack trains the horse how
                    to carry the burden properly.

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