1Cor 11:23-34
I Reaffirm (The Lord’s Supper)
1/11/2015 PM

Through the years, we have noted on that the Lord’s Supper is not a
mere ritual.
1. It is a ritual that shows our union with Jesus.
2. It is a remembrance that demonstrate what Jesus has done for us.
3. It is a right (privilege) afforded the saved.
4. It is a reminder to stay in the proper relationship with God.
5. It is a routine that reminds us of Jesus coming.

But to what end is this practice? Why does the Lord want us to do
this? I believe the end is that we might rededicate ourselves to Him,
that we might reaffirm our relationship with Him.

I can only deduce two possible reasons.
1. Perhaps there is some merit to keeping the Lord’s Supper.
    a. I reject this possibility mainly because of Israel.
    b. Israel was a nation steeped in ritual.
        (1) Many of the places in Israel were named to remind people
             of what He had done for them in that place. (Bethel
             means "house of God," Ebenezer means "Place of God’s
             help.")  In fact, many of the people’s names were
             reminders of events or thoughts (Joshua means "Jehovah
             saves" and Ichabod means "The Glory is Departed."
        (2) God established memorials, usually built of stone, to
             remind people of Him and His works.
        (3) Most all of the Jewish holy days were essentially
        (4) Even the sacrifices reminded the people of God’s
             willingness to forgive and renew.
    c. Yet, all of the reminders seemed to come up short.  Israel,
        as a nation almost to the last man and woman, turned away
        from God and God set them on the shelf.
    d. They earned no favor or merit.
2. Perhaps the Lord’s Supper is to have an effect upon us.
    a. I believe this is the key.
    b. God wants the Lord’s Supper to do something—not for the lost
        for they have no part in it—but for the saved!
    c. Hence, God gave to us a different kind of reminder.  It is a
        reminder with very few rules.
        (1) There is no date or day on which this reminder must be
             done.  (As the pastor, I have selected to do this three
             to four times each year.  Hopefully that is enough to
             keep our hearts stirred but not so much that we grow
             tired of it.)
        (2) There is no Biblical itinerary of what we are to do when
             we are practicing this exercise.
        (3) No Bible passage is required, no songs must be sung, no
             specific words must be read, no particular ritual must
             be practiced.
        (4) God has left the practice entirely in our hands.
    d. There are very few commands of conduct that must be meet (save
        only we should be right with God).
    e. All of this means the service is completely in our hands.  If
        the way we do this does not suit you tonight, we can change
        it the next time.
    f. The meaning then cannot be in the service but must be in the
        results of the service.
    g. I judge that the performance of the ritual is not what is
        of utmost importance to God, but that as we perform this
         service, we reaffirm some things to our God.

What things does God want us to reaffirm tonight?

I. I affirm my faith in Jesus and Jesus alone.

Phil 2:9  Wherefore God also hath highly exalted
him, and given him a name which is above every
10  That at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth,
and things under the earth;
11  And that every tongue should confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the

    A. I will not trust human works, human abilities, or human
        religion for salvation.
    B. I will trust what Jesus did for me as the human Sacrifice.
        1. I will trust that He was and is God.
        2. I will trust that He was born and lived without sin.
        3. I will trust that He offered Himself willing on the cross,
            taking my sin upon Him.
        4. I will trust that He was buried as proof of His death.
        5. I will trust that He arose in power to give me a new life.
    C. On the other hand….
        1. I will acknowledge that I was/am unworthy of any of God’s
            mercy and goodness.
        2. I was/am just blessed to receive God’s gift of salvation!
        3. As I thought on this, a song came to mind.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Blessings on Me.

As the world looks upon me, as I struggle along
They say I have nothing, but they are so wrong
In my heart I’m rejoicing, how I wish they could see
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

There’s a roof up above me
I’ve a good place to sleep
There’s food on my table
And shoes on my feet
You gave me your love Lord
And a fine family
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

Now I know I’m not wealthy, and these clothes , they’re not new
I don’t have much money, but Lord I have you
And to me that’s all that matters, though the world cannot see
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

        4. I like this song as far as it goes but thought it should
            go further so I added another verse and altered the

You came to this world, as we struggled along.
They said You were no one, but they were so wrong.
You din our place, O how I wish they could see.
Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me.

There’s a mansion above me,
A place You will keep.
There’s food on Your table,
Crowns to lay at Your feet.
You gave me your blood, Lord,
and e-tern-i-ty.
Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me.

II. I affirm my need to examine my soul for sin, both known and

2Pe 3:14  Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye
look for such things, be diligent that ye may
be found of him in peace, without spot, and

    A. We have a wicked heart with two tendencies.
        1. We sin and hide it.
        2. We sin and don’t even know it.
    B. Tonight, God has given us a command to examine ourselves to
        see what is going on within.
        1. \\#1Cor 11:23-27\\ Paul describes the Lord’s Supper as
            the Lord gave it, but in \\#1Cor 11:28-32\\, Paul
            explained how we are to practice it.
            a. I see five verses in that section which speak of the
                examination we are to give ourselves!
            b. We must open the closed doors, turn on the dim lights,
                and look in the dark corners for we cannot be what
                God wants with sin in our life.
        2. We are to take the Light of God’s Word in the hand of the
            Holy Spirit and let Him show us who we are and what we
            are doing, both right and wrong.
            a. How are we spending our time?
            b. How are we treating our families, friends, co-workers?
            c. How are we responding to our problems?
            d. How are we caring for the strangers, the poor, the

III. I affirm my love for Jesus.

Re 2:4  Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee,
because thou hast left thy first love.

Mt 24:12  And because iniquity shall abound, the
love of many shall wax cold.

    A. I do not want to have the cold heart toward Jesus.
    B. I see the danger of a heart that does not love.
        1. We may have duty and ritual, both of which are good to
            carry us when our emotions are faltering.
        2. But neither of them are enough!
    C. I want to have feelings for my God and I want my God to have
        feelings for me.
        1. I want to love Him.
            a. Duty can demand obedience but love does more.
            b. Love can produce trust, loyalty, understanding,
        2. I want to appreciate Him.
        3. And I want to feel that He loves me.
            a. I want that motivation, that satisfaction, that
            b. The things that only love can give!
        4. I want I feel that that He wants me.

IV. I affirm my determination to be obedient to Word of God.

James 1:22  But be ye doers of the word, and not
hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
23  For if any be a hearer of the word, and not
a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his
natural face in a glass:

    A. While I want to feel God over obedience, I do not want to
        have feelings with no obedience.
    B. Obedience is a rather a large topic.
        1. The Bible has many commands in it, so many, it is hard to
            remember them all, let alone do them all.
        2. However, since the Holy Ghost is within us, the only
            thing we must do is what the Holy Spirit tells us to do.
        3. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would bring to remembrance
            the things that He (Jesus) has taught us.
        4. So while I want to be obedient to all of the Bible, I will
            concentrate on the things that the Holy Spirit is dealing
            with me about.
    C. There are two more things I need to remember to obey.
        1. I must stay in the Word so that the Holy Spirit will have
            something to remind me of.
        2. If I do not feel the Holy Ghost reminding me of things to
            do, something is wrong with me.

V. I affirm my duty to share the gospel with a lost and dying world.

Matt 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20  Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am
with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

    A. While this would also come under the topic of obedience, for
        myself, I need to consider it individually.
    B. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.  That was His
        1. Jesus was the first and the best Missionary and
            Evangelist, but He is gone.
        2. The only way that others will come to Christ is if someone
            take the gospel to them.
        3. I must be part of that team.
        4. I reaffirm that I will.

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