2Peter 2:1-3
False Teachers

This morning, we considered false Christians.  Tonight, let’s
consider false preachers.  Peter tells us that there WILL BE false
prophets in the church.  Why?  Because the enemy will put them there.
Remember the parable of the Wheat and Tares.  Anywhere and every
where there is wheat, there will be tares.  Not all the tares will
sit in the pews.  Some of them will stand behind the pulpit, sit on
deacon and elder boards, teach Sunday school class, hosts in-home
Bible groups, write VBS material, and make the decisions of the

We must be aware of their presence.

I. There are three kinds of false preachers.
    A. A preacher who lives right but teaches wrong is a false
        1. There are false prophets like this today—in fact, they
            seem to be many.
        2. People, who as far as the public know, are not immoral,
            not unprincipled, not greedy, not lazy, not unkind,
            but just plain wrong in the Scripture.
        3. Perhaps you remember Harold Camping who predicted Jesus
            return several times.  He started a series of good
            Christian radio stations, one of which I volunteered to
            work for back in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, called
            Family Radio. Every speaker I ever heard on that radio
            station was a good, straight shooting preacher—except
            for him.  He topped his erroneous teaching off by
            predicting that Jesus would return in 2011 (twice) and of
            course Jesus did not return either time.  Harold Camping
            was a good man but he was a false prophet.
        4. A false prophet does not have to be a sexual pervert or a
            greedy huckster to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
            (1) All he has to do is teach wrong doctrine.
            (2) In fact, that it the primary thing that a false
                 prophet has to do to be one.
    B. A preacher who teaches right but lives wrong is a false
        1. Jesus described the scribes and Pharisees of His day as
            this kind of false prophet.

Matt 23:1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude,
and to his disciples,
2  Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit
in Moses’ seat:
3  All therefore whatsoever they bid you
observe, that observe and do; but do not ye
after their works: for they say, and do not.
4  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous
to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders;
but they themselves will not move them with
one of their fingers.

        2. These religious leaders would prove themselves to be
            treacherous and evil.
            a. They will bride witnesses to lie against Jesus, pay
                Judas to betray Jesus, fabricate charges against
                Jesus, and much more all to get an end that they
                thought was justified.
            b. Any preacher whose morals and teaching do not match
                is a false prophet.  (liars, thieves, immoral)
    C. A preacher who neither lives right nor teaches right is a
        false prophet. This is the kind of people that the New
        Testament most often speaks of as a false prophets.
        1. These are the ones Peter described in this text.
        2. Notice how they will err in doctrine.
            a. \\#1\\ They shall teach damnable heresies.
                (1) A damnable heresy is any teaching that, if
                     believed, will damn a soul.
                     (a) Calvinism
                     (b) Baptismal regeneration
                     (c) Church membership, last rites,
                     (d) All roads lead to heaven
                     (e) All worship the same god
                (2) They use "feigned" words.

2Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they
with feigned words make merchandise of you….

                     (a) Feigned means fictitious or lying words.
                     (b) They just make us stuff.
                     (c) They might use Bible words but change the
                          definition.  (Warren Wiersbe said they use
                          our vocabulary but not our dictionary.)
                     (d) Of they might tell a half truth.  (A half
                          truth is a whole lie.)
                     (e) Often to do that, they just over-emphasize
                          part of a truth while keeping the balancing
                          truth hide.
                (3) Their false teaching denies the Lord that bought
                     them \\#1\\ and causes the way of truth to be
                     evil spoken of \\#2\\.
            b. However, this false prophets also err in the way they
                (1) \\#2Peter 2:3\\ also hints at one of the
                      characteristics of this kind of false prophet -
                     (a) He makes merchandise out of you.
                     (b) This character is brought up again.

2Peter 2:15  Which have forsaken the right
way, and are gone astray, following the way
of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the
wages of unrighteousness;

                (2) Another characteristic is their unbridled lust.

2Peter 2:2  And many shall follow their
pernicious ways;

                     (a) Pernicious means unbridled lust.
                     (b) Have you ever noticed how many of the false
                          prophets who live wrong have sexual

2Peter 2:14  Having eyes full of adultery, and
that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable
                      (c) And they are not all with woman!  Perhaps
                           that is why \\#7-8\\ speak of Sodom and

II. \\#2Peter 2:1\\ Notice the entrance of false prophets.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also
among the people, even as there shall be false
teachers among you, who privily shall bring in

    A. The word "privily" means clandestinely, secretly, sneaky
        bring in.
    B. Paul said they creep in to the church.

2Ti 3:6  For of this sort are they which creep
into houses, and lead captive silly women laden
with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Jude 1:4  For there are certain men crept in
unawares, who were before of old ordained to
this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the
grace of our God into lasciviousness, and
denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus

    C. All of these words means basically they same thing.  They are
        deceptive, sneaky, dishonest people who know from the outside
        that they do not believe what you believe but make out as
        though they do to get inside of a sound church.  Then, when
        they have earned your trust, they slowly erode the church’s
        confidence and lead them astray.
        1. This morning, I mentioned three things that God has given
            to the church to keep this type of tare out of the church
            and especially out of places of leadership within the
            a. Strong dependency on the Holy Spirit.
            b. Strong Spirit-lead leadership.
            c. Strong Spirit-filled preaching.
        2. Since false spiritual leaders are just like false
            Christians in that they look and act like the real
            Christians, the church cannot pull them out until they
            manifest themselves.
        3. However, these three things can keep them in check.
        4. We may not be able to pluck the root of false prophets but
            dependency on the Holy Ghost will certainly keep them
            from bringing forth fruit.

III. Consider how a false prophets conquers a church.
    A. This is not Bible.  This is experience.  I have been blessed
        to be at one church for more than 30 years, but from this
        perch, I have watched several churches—some many times
        larger than ours—be lead astray and some totally destroyed.
    B. Stages of a church’s demise or how a false prophet takes over
        your church.
        1. Weaken in Holy Spirit dependence.  They step also has
            a. The church people quit praying.
                (1) Prayer is usually always the first thing to go,
                     both in an individual’s spiritual decline and a
                     church’s.  People start making their own
                     decisions and do not bath them in prayer.
                (2) Joshua 9 - The people of Gibeon heard how God
                     gave Israel victory of Jericho so they dressed
                     themselves in old cloths, packed up old food,
                     and went to see the leaders—telling them that
                     they had come from a far distance and wanted to
                     make peace with them.

Jos 9:14 …and asked not counsel at the mouth
of the LORD.

                (3) Three days later Israel came to Gibeon’s cities
                     and did not feel that they could destroy them
                     because they had made a treaty with them.
                (4) The first evidence that we have quit depending
                     upon God is that we quit praying to Him.
            b. The church pastor gradually quits preaching the hard
                places in the Word of God.
            c. The church people reading the Bible.
            d. The church quits obeying and even trusting the Bible.
        2. The church gets side tracked.
            a. Typically what side tracks a church is activities,
                good activities; however, these activities take the
                church away from the primary purpose of the church.
            b. Do you know what the primary purpose of the church is?
                (1) Most would say, "To win the lost."  No. In fact,
                     it is that very mentality that side tracts the
                (2) The primary purpose of the church is to glorify
                     God.  If you do not get that as the primary
                     purpose, you will have some activities to win
                     souls that are not godly activities.  Christian
                     rock music, super bowl Sundays, drive through
                     church services, and beer parties come in.
                (3) The second primary purpose is to preach and teach
                     the Word of God.
                (4) The third primary purpose is to win the lost.
            c. Even if you get those three primary purposes out of
                order, you will eventually destroy the church.
            d. A false prophet will change the primary purposes of
                the church and get the church side tracked.
        3. These will cause a division within the church.
            a. Just these two things will cause a conflict between
                those in the church who are still desiring Holy
                Spirit control and those who desire to change the
                direction of the church to a more fleshly, carnal
            b. The third step is where the battle will either be won
                or lost.
            c. There are only three possible outcomes at this point:
                (1) The church will recognize that they have been
                     deceived, repent, and turn back to God.
                     (a) That is called revival.
                     (b) And it seldom happens.
                (2) The majority of the church will choose to turn
                     from the spiritual path and follow the carnal
                     path.  (This also seldom happens.)
                (3) The tares will argue that they want the same
                     things as the wheat and that wheat needs to give
                     it "some time," and the godly because they want
                     to believe their leaders will agree to an
                     uncomfortable wait and see.
                     (a) However, this is just a compromise on the
                          side of the godly for the tares will not
                          stop their deceitful conquest.
                     (b) The tares bide their time, win the hearts of
                          more people, and weaken the resolve of a
                          few more of godly until if anything else is
                          set about it, they are strong enough to
                          dismiss or run out those who sought to keep
                          the church holy.
        4. Once the decision from the original conflict is made, the
            lot for that church is cast.  The only thing that can
            safe a church is a revival.  Anything else means the
            church becomes a haven for the carnal and false doctrines
            of the false prophet.

IV. It is essential that every church understand.
    A. If there is wheat, there are tares.
    B. If there are tares in the pews, they will work themselves into
        positions of leadership.
    C. The only way to keep a church spiritual is to depend on the
        Holy Spirit and to preach the whole counsel of God’s Word.
    D. Whether you count yourself a spiritual leader in the church
        or not, your duty is to support the preached Word, spiritual
        leadership, and to seek God’s face.

Two things are inevitable, tares and false prophets, but we can keep
them at bay until Jesus comes.

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