Philippians 3:4-10
What Did Paul Want?

The title of the message is a bit strange. "What did Paul want?"

Your first thought might be, "How could we know?" Through his
writings. The unique thing about Scripture is although it is
inspired God allowed the men who wrote it to color it.

Your second thought might be, "What does it matter? Paul is dead. He
got it or he didn’t. What is that to me?" The answer to that is Paul
was a godly man and he wanted what he wanted because it was what God
wanted him to have. It is what God wants us to have as well.

What did Paul want?

I. \\#4-8\\ Look at what Paul GAVE UP.
    A. This portion is autobiographical.
        The early part of Paul’s life, he had worked in vain to earn
        salvation. Of course, on the road to Damascus, he finally
        realized he could not earn what was being offered as a free
    B. At that time, Paul gave up these things for something he
        wanted more.
        1. He found out that they had not worked, that they could
            not work, and that he had been on the wrong path.
        2. Notice the things Paul gave up.
            a. \\#5\\ Birthright - "stock of Israel, of the tribe of
                Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews…"
                (1) In olden days, there were classes of people and
                     one dare not venture out of their class.
                (2) Middle class eliminated that by mixing both to
                     the upper and lower class.
                (3) Closest we come is to doing something because
                     our parents did it that way before us.
            b. Ritual - "Circumcised the eight day" - According to
                the Scripture
            c. Religion - "a Pharisee"
            d. \\#6\\ Sincerity - He had "persecuted the church."
            e. Works - "in the law, blameless"
    C. These things may or may not bear any resemblance to your old
        life, but they were all that Paul was!
        1. He gave up all that he might have Christ.
        2. And so he says in \\#8\\.
    D. I think that t1he price for salvation is still the same.
        1. That word repentance speaks much louder than most think.
        2. It demands a turn about, stopping and going in the
            opposite direction.
        3. God may or may not bring awareness of His Lordship over
            you at the point of salvation, but whether He does or
            not, God is requiring you to give yourself to Him.

Matthew 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is
like unto treasure hid in a field; the which
when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy
thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath,
and buyeth that field.
45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a
merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great
price, went and sold all that he had, and bought

II. \\#10\\ What did Paul GET BACK?
    A. \\#10\\ Paul gave them up "that he might Him."
        1. All of the 3rd person pronouns in this section refer to
            Jesus.  You will be able to see that as we process
            through the passage.
        2. Paul gave those things up that he might know Jesus.
            a. There are multiple levels on which to know Jesus.
                (1) Savior - On the road to Damascus, Paul met Jesus
                     as his Savior.
                     (a) That in itself is a deep relationship.
                     (b) Knowing Jesus as Savior can, will, and
                          should become richer, fuller, and deeper
                          as you understand what He has done for you.
                     (c) Paul will allude to that in the remainder of
                (2) Service - Servant and Lord relationship.
                     (1) Many Christians seek to avoid this
                          relationship simply because they think of
                          work and lordship in a negative
                     (2) Serving Jesus is work, but it yields
                          unlimited rewards including a personal
                          relationship with God.
                     (3) As a servant, Paul has healed many, called
                          blindness on a sinner \\#Acts 13:11\\,
                          been visited by angels \\#Acts 27:23\\,
                          been delivered by an earthquake
                          \\#Acts 16:26\\, and had been personally
                          directed by God \\#Acts 16:9\\.
            b. Before I mention the third relationship we can know
                Jesus in let me point something out about the word,
                (1) It is a Greek word, second aorist in tense.
                (2) That means that it has no reference to time.  It
                     applies to the present, the past, and the
                (3) So Paul was not saying that when he gave up what
                     he did, he KNEW (met) Jesus.  He is saying that
                     he began to get to know Him.
                (4) Neither is he saying that when he started to
                     serve Jesus, he met Jesus as Lord; but rather
                     that he started getting to know Him.
                (5) These relationships are not established at their
                     full depth, but they cannot to deepen as time
                     goes on.
                (6) And Paul was saying that in giving them up, he
                     still wanted to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
            c. The third relationship that Paul wanted to know Him
                (1) Savior
                (2) Servant and Lord
                (3) Satisfaction
                     (a) I think this is what Paul was speaking of
                          in this text.
                     (b) Although the relationships that Paul had
                          with Jesus could and would go deeper, he
                          wanted to know Jesus in a different way.
                     (c) Paul wanted to know Jesus in a personal
                           i. Would it be blasphemous to say that
                               Paul wanted to know Jesus away from
                          ii. Like Moses, Paul wanted to see Jesus
                               in His glory!
                         iii. This was not for salvation nor
                               ministry but for personal pleasure.
                     (d) To know Jesus in that way, Paul was willing
                          to go much further.
    B. He wanted to know "the fellowship of Jesus’ suffering."
        1. Paul so wanted to know Jesus in a personal way, that
            he was willing and desirous to suffer with Jesus.
        2. Friendship and relationships are established and deepened
            through the things we share, the things we have in
            a. I have a relationship with you because we share this
                worship service together.
            b. Your relationship with me is actually deeper than my
                relationship with most of you because I share with
                you who I am for a few hours each week while you
                just sit quietly.
            c. Yet, as well as some of you may know me, none of you
                know me as well as my children for we have shared
                more things together.
            d. And as well as they know me they do not know me as
                well as my wife for we have shared even more things
                in command.
        3. A strong friendship moves across four plains.
            a. Casual - conversation
            b. Fellowship - Activities, meals together
            c. Work
            d. But the strongest tie is suffering
        4. Paul was willing and desirous to join in with the
            suffering that Jesus endured.  In fact, he did.
    C. Even to the point that Paul wanted to be conformed to Jesus’
        1. Paul was willing and desirous to die with Jesus that he
            might know Jesus.
    D. Paul wanted to know the power of Jesus’ resurrection.
        1. In knowing Jesus, Paul wanted to know of His power as will
            as His Person and pain.
        2. Paul already had power for ministry - healing, cursing,
            direction, protection.
        3. I do not think Paul wanted to know the power of the
            resurrection for more ministry—not in this letter.
        4. I think he wanted to know the power of the resurrection
            for his own needs and glorification.
            a. Paul had spiritual needs?  I think so.
            b. \\#Romans 7:14-21\\
        5. What would Paul need more power for?  The same things you
            and I do.
            a. Failures
                (1) Missed changes
                (2) Things done wrong
                (3) Things he failed to do right
                (4) Things that he just had not been able to
            b. Thoughts - Perhaps not the same as yours or mine but
                we all have thoughts which hinder if not hurt us.
            c. That he might be more like Christ.

III. \\#11\\ Look at what Paul was GOING FOR.
    A. He wanted to attain to the resurrection of the dead.
        1. I do not believe Paul was saying that he had not.
        2. Why?
            a. Because that would contradict the rest of the Bible.
            b. Because he said as much.

13  Brethren, I count not myself to have

            c. "Count" means "consider."
        3. Paul knew that he was going to be apart of the
            resurrection and wrote of it \\#1Thess 4:13-18\\ and
            1Cor 15.
    B. Paul knew he was apart of the resurrection of the dead but he
        wanted to live in such a way that if he had to work to be
        apart of it, he would make it!
        1. "Know that you are eternally saved but live like you have
            to earn it."
        2. Paul wanted to get Jesus’ attention with his life, so each

13 … forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are
14  I press toward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

        3. The "high calling" means the prize or reward given by
            responding to God’s call.
        4. We don’t work for salvation but Paul was working for his
            rewards—and so should we.

So what did Paul want?  He wanted more, more of Jesus, more
fellowship with Him, more of a relationship with Him, and more
recognition from Him.

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