Joshua 3:3-4
Don’t Lose Sight of God

These words were spoken by Joshua as the Israelites sat on the east
side of the River Jordan, waiting to cross. Joshua told the people to
stay about 2,000 cubits (a little over 1/2 mile) from the Ark.

Most think that was due to the fact that the Ark was holy and it was
not wise for an unholy people to get too close, but Joshua’s own
explanation seems to say that he was not as concerned about the
people getting too close as he was about them getting too far away.
His words warned them that they did not know the way and reminded
them they had never passed that direction.

The distance he told them to stay would keep the wandering Jews in
sight of the Ark so they would always know which direction they
needed to go.

The Jews must have been both excited and concerned at the prospect
of the crossing.
    1. There would be excitement because on the other side was their
        Promised Land. It would be a land full of “milk and honey,”
        a land in which they would plow, plant, and produce. After
        wandering their whole life, the prospect of settling down
        must have been very appealing.
    2. But it must have been concerning as well. They knew the land
        land was occupied. Well they remembered the description that
        the ten spies had brought to their parents years ago. It was
        a land with walled cities and inhabited by giants! It is not
        difficult to imagine how both joy and fear might have filled
        them as they looked down on the river from the hills which
        ran parallel to it.

The Jews had no doubt crossed other rivers in their sojourning, but
crossing the Jordan was unique for several reasons:

I. Crossing Jordan was a concern because the time was dangerous.
    A. It was harvest time and the Bible gives a detail about the

Jos 3:15 …for Jordan overfloweth all his banks
all the time of harvest.

        1. There are difficulties and dangers to crossing a river any
            time, but much more so when the river is flooded.
        2. Even today flood waters are dangerous.
            a. In an article dated June 26, 2016, the Weather Channel
                reported 234 deaths in the US in the preceding 18
                months.  That was up from the average of 82 deaths
                per year and made death by flooding the 2nd most
                deadly weather-related event.
            b. The National Weather Service have a slogan, "Turn
                Around; Don’t Drown."
        3. Yet, the people were standing at the river and they had to
            a. Waiting for the river to go down would do no good for
                it was spring.  The Jordan was fed from the melting
                snows in the mountains.  It would be weeks or months
                for that to run its course and they needed to do
                battle during that time of the year.
            b. It was just a dangerous time to cross the Jordan.
    B. Crossing into 2018 is a dangerous time.
        1. We do not want to be negative or to look where dangers do
            not exist, but these are difficult times in which to
        2. Violence is increasing.
            a. In an article dated July 26, 2016, CNN (not my
                favorite news source) was published entitled,
                "Violent Crime Rising in US Cities, study finds."
                (1) The CNN article opened with this paragraph:

Violent crime is on the rise so far this year
(2016) in major cities across the US compared
to the number of homicides, rapes, robberies,
assaults and shootings that occurred in the
same cities by this point in 2015, a new report
has found.

                (2) Another article, published about the same time,
                     added to the title, "and nobody knows why."
                     (a) I can answer that.
                     (b) It is a sign of the last days.
                (3) On November 6, 2017, The Business Insider (UK
                     version) printed an article entitled, "There
                     have been 307 mass shootings in the US so far
                     in 2017."  That was almost 2 months ago and just
                     after the church shooting at Texas with 26
            b. Due to the church shooting in Texas on November 5,
                our church will be publishing and distributing a new
                policy—probably in January—to give our people
                guidance on what to do if an killer attack occurs
                during church.
                (1) If we had a show of guns this morning, I believe
                     some would be surprised.
                (2) To be honest, I am not sure but what there are
                     more guns in our church this morning than there
                     would have been in the days of the wild east.
                (3) Crossing into 2018 is a dangerous time.
            c. Two weeks ago, Andrea was taking care of another
                person’s house while they were away and she was
                started when a stranger walked up to her on the
                back porch to ask what seemed to be a foolish
                (1) They had no car.
                (2) It was a female teenager all alone.
                (3) Andrea was afraid to leave, afraid for the
                     house’s sake and for her sake.
                (4) I was at the church, got a phone call that she
                     needed an escort, but decided before I went, I
                     needed to have a weapon.  So I went and got one.
                (5) Crossing into 2018 is a dangerous time.
            d. Wait a minute. What kind of times are these when these
                thoughts are on your mind?  They are dangerous times.
            e. Kathy has a scanner that allows her to hear the call
                outs at the fire and police station.  A few weeks
                ago, the police were called for a girl who had not
                arrived home from the school bus.  The mother wanted
                a search  commenced. As it turned out, the young girl
                had fallen, skinned her knee, and was slowly limping
                home; but the mother’s first instinct was that she
                had been abducted.
                (1) Lord, help us in these dangerous times!
                (2) Crossing into 2018 is a dangerous time.
        3. Diseases are on the rise.
            a. Medical News Today published an article in June, 2012,
                entitled Autoimmune Disease Rates Increasing.

            b. In 2015 STDs were on the rise.
            c. For the last 20 or 30 years, it seems we are finding
                new diseases - Legionnaires Disease, Mad Cow Disease,
                Lyme Tick Disease.  I remember when AIDS was a new
        4. Perversion on the rise.  If I was single and wanted to
            date, before I would go anywhere with anyone I would want
            to see their birthday certificate and a pictorial album
            going back to preschool.
    C. I am not advocating fear or panic, but we are crossing a river
        and it is a dangerous time.
        1. We, like the Jews, have God and we are going to make it;
            but as the Jews sat on the east side of the Jordan River,
            looking across, they had reason for some concern.
        2. As we sit on this side of 2018 preparing to cross, we too
            have some reason for concern.

II. Crossing Jordan was a concern because there responsibility would
    A. The Jordan River separated the land that was not theirs from
        land that was.
        1. For more than 40 years, the Israelites had wondered as
           pilgrims in a foreign land.
        2. The short end of that means they had no responsibilities
            on the east side of Jordan.
            a. They had no responsibility in producing. They did not
                have to plow it, plant it, or pluck it.  All they had
                to do was pick up their manna every morning.
            b. They had no responsibility in protection. God was
                literally a wall of fire about them.  The remainder
                of the land might be over-run but they would not.
            c. They did not even have to sew cloths or worry about
                swollen feet.
                (1) Listen to what Moses said as he prepared them to
                     enter the Promised Land.

Deut 8:4  Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee,
neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.

                (2) I am sure but what they never got sick.
        3. They had enjoyed the blessings of a land without any
            responsibilities at all.
    B. But all of that was about to change when they crossed the

Jos 5:12  And the manna ceased on the morrow
after they had eaten of the old corn of the land;
neither had the children of Israel manna any
more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land
of Canaan that year.

        1. They crossed the River Jordan, had their Passover, and
            suddenly, the manna stopped!
        2. Now they have to provide for themselves.  Now they have
    C. Someone might ask, "Why did they want to cross the river?  Why
        not stay on the east side and let everyone else
        1. Because it is the plan of God for His people to take
            responsibility and work.
        2. God does not want His children to be free-loaders.
        3. God loves us and helps us to provide for ourselves, but
            God created work and He intends that His children take
            responsibility for the blessing they enjoy.
    D. How does this relate to us?  I hope as we cross into 2018,
        some will realize this church is yours and you need to get
        involved in growing it, leading it, and keeping it.
        1. This church is ours, is it not?  Sometimes the children
            ask, "What does Brother Hall do with all that money we
            give him?"  But you, adults, know this is no more my
            church than it is yours, right?
        2. And we have a wonderful church.
            a. We probably have one of the highest participation
                rates of any church.
            b. Our people give to support the work, to support
                missions, to support our family, to support projects,
                and to support building a new building.
        3. But, friend, there are still a lot of people are enjoying
            the blessings without sharing the responsibilities.
            a. Should you tithe?  Absolutely, but that is not
                primarily what I am thinking about.
            b. This church needs some more faithful families, some
                that will make it to all three services.
            c. This church needs some more serving families,
                teaching, encouraging, cleaning, decorating, weed
                eating, showing up for workdays.
                (1) Does that mean you might have to grow up some?
                (2) Probably.  If you are going to serve Christ you
                     need to set an example for others to follow in
                     dress, in speech, in attitude, and in habits.
            d. This church needs some more door knockers and friend
                (1) Most churches reflect the pastor.  That was fine
                     when I was 20, 30, even 40 to 50, but we need
                     some young families serving in this church and
                     bringing others young families to Christ and to
                (2) We need some folk in their 20’s and 30’s telling
                     other people in their 20’s and 30’s who Jesus
    E. The children of Israel were crossing a river and on the other
        side lay responsibility.
    F. You and I are crossing into a New Year.  What responsibilities
        are you going to shoulder for Jesus?

III. Crossing the Jordan was a concern because there was fighting
     on the other side.
    A. On the other side of the River Jordan, there were seven
        nations that Israel would have to fight.
        1. They would not be fighting one nation. No, there were
            seven nations on the other side of the river.
        2. They would not be fighting them one-at-a-time either.  No.
            They would fight them all at once.
        3. Neither would these be ill-equipped and untrained armies.
            While Israel had been protected by God, these nations had
            been fighting and warring to stay secured.
        4. And these nations would certainly have something to fight
            for, would they not?  They all knew that it would either
            be seven nations left standing or just one Jewish nation
            when the dust all settled.
        5. Yes.  Israel should be concerned, not afraid but
            concerned.  There was war on the other side of that
            river and it would begin as soon as their feet touched
            the dry ground—if not before.
    B. As you and I cross into 2018, there are enemies on the other
        1. Perhaps not seven-enemy nations, but I know you have at
            least three: the world, the flesh, and the devil.
        2. These three are going to come at you with all the strength
            they have.
        3. Might I also predict that they will all jump on you at the
            same time?
        4. No mercy.  No quarter.
        5. One or all three of these has been on your hot and heavy
            in 2017, have they not?
        6. Don’t expect them to quit.  Expect them to intensify.
        7. Should you be afraid?  No, but you should be concerned.

IV. Now, let’s notice the advice God gave to the children of Israel
     as they looked over the River Jordan.

Joshua 3: Yet there shall be a space between you
and it, about two thousand cubits by measure….

    A. I will paraphrase it.
        1. So what it the advice?  Don’t lose sight of God.
        2. The times might be tough, the responsibilities might be
            great, the enemies might be lined up against you; but
            you keep God in sight.
        3. You might not know what is going to happen on the other
             side of the River Jordan, but God does.

        4. You may not can handle what is going to happen on the
            other side of the River Jordan, but God can.
        5. You might be facing obstacles that you cannot conquer but
            God is not.
    B. And what advice is God giving to us as we cross into 2018?
        1. It is the same.  Don’t lose sight of God.
        2. And the reasons are the same.  You have not been this way
            a. You might not know what is going to happen, but God
            b. You may not can handle what is going to happen next
                year, but God can.
            c. You might be facing obstacles that you cannot conquer
                in 2018, but God is not.

Keep God in sight.  Don’t lose sight of God because I promise you, on
the other side, you are going to find out you need Him a lot more
than you think God needs you!

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