1Corinthians 12:27
It’s Really Huge

That is a simple but powerful statement.  The Apostle Paul used the
term, the body of Christ, to describe to us who we are in Jesus
Christ.  Like Jesus and His parables, Paul was using an earthly
truth—our bodies—to explain a deep spiritual truth—who we are in

This morning, let’s skim the surface of that thought by considering
three bodies: the ALL BODY, the YOU BODY, and the US BODY.  I know
those terms do not make much sense right now; but hopefully, they
will when I am finished.

I. The ALL Body
    A. We are part of a body that is bigger than we can see.
        1. That is Jesus Christ’s body.  Christians need to
            understand Jesus’ body.
        2. Paul spoke of the body of Jesus Christ in books written to
            the Romans, the Corinthians, the Ephesians, and the
            a. So also did the writer of the book of Hebrews
                \\#Heb 13:3\\.
            b. And he told everyone that he wrote to the same truth:
                You are part of Jesus’ body.
            c. That makes for a big body for that would cover a space
                of thousands of square miles.
        3. However, the body was not limited to those locations or to
            the first generation of Christians.
            a. It includes every Christians from the cross to the
                rapture, from Israel where it was birthed all around
                the globe.
                (1) That is every born-again believer all across the
                     globe for 2,000 plus years.
                (2) It’s really huge!  It’s all the believers in all
                     the ages.
                (3) By the way, death does not remove you from
                     Christ’s body.
                (4) Death removes your on-earth responsibilities but
                     the dead in Christ are still part of the body.
            b. All of us together form ONE huge body.

1Co 12:12  For as the body is one, and hath
many members, and all the members of that one
body, being many, are one body: so also is
13  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into
one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether
we be bond or free; and have been all made to
drink into one Spirit.

       4. All of this means that you and I are a part of that large,
           eternal body.
    B. It is somewhat difficult for some to get the concept of being
        a part of something so big.
        1. I will confess, we are only a small part; however, we
            should never think we are insignificant part.
        2. Every believer has been indwelt with the Holy Ghost of
            God, enabled to fulfill their role in the body, and
            placed in a spot where they can fulfill their God-
            ordained role.
            a. God has selected you, YOU, to do something and He has
                equipped YOU to do it.
            b. That to me is absolutely awesome.
            c. Don’t minimize that.
                (1) Some of you have been very gracious to me to say
                     that you feel I have been blessed by God with a
                     gift to discern and share the Bible.
                (2) Suppose I had minimized my gift and not developed
                (3) Would I be the man I am today?  Would I be the
                     pastor of this church?  Would you be here?
                (4) No gift that God gives can even begin to be
                     understood until we accept and develop it.
                (5) But I will tell you that God does not give
                     useless gifts to anyone!
                (6) All Christians are part of the body and all
                     Christians are important to the body.
                (7) Listen to the words that Paul spoke:

1Cor 12:21  And the eye cannot say unto the hand,
I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the
feet, I have no need of you.
22  Nay, much more those members of the body,
which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:

    C. Being part of this large body of Christ is part of the plan of
        God and His salvation—and it is a stupendous and amazing
    D. So first, I speak of the ALL body.

II. The YOU Body
    A. The All body is big, too big for us to see and perhaps too big
        for some to comprehend well, but God gave us each a smaller
        1. It is the body that we live in right now.
        2. I could call that the ME body but I will call it the YOU
        3. The body you live in is a picture of the body of Christ.
    B. For example, we know that for YOU to function properly, all of
        the members of your body must be doing their part.
        1. John Moore fell yesterday.  He shared that he fell because
            his left leg did not do what it was supposed.  (He is
            91!)  He got up to walk and lead with his right leg and
            when it was time for him to shift his weight to the left
            leg, it was still sitting back where it was!  Some can
            identify with that.
        2. Just like the body doesn’t work properly if all the
            members are not working, neither does the body of Jesus
            Christ work properly if all of the member are not
            a. Some would argue that.
            b. They would say, "God does not need me to accomplish
                His work."
            c. I did not say that God needed you.  I said things are
                not working correctly without you—and that is
                (1) The souls you are supposed to win, to grow, and
                     to encourage will not be won, grown, or
                     encouraged if you do not do what God has gifted
                     and called you to do.
                (2) That is not speculation.  That is Bible.

Eze 3:17  Son of man, I have made thee a watchman
unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word
at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
18  When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely
die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest
to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save
his life; the same wicked man shall die in his
iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine

            d. I am not here to offend or insult you, but some of you
                have the wrong idea about your responsibilities in
                God’s body.
                (1) You do not HAVE to assume your responsibilities.
                     You can excuse yourself if you want.  You can
                     say, "I don’t know how" or "God doesn’t need me"
                     or "Let someone else do it" or "I am too busy."
                (2) But just because you excused yourself, don’t
                     think God has!
                (3) You are part of the body and nothing but death
                     will relieve your of the calling that God has
                     put on your life.

Ro 11:29  For the gifts and calling of God are
without repentance.

                (4) You might say, "God did not call me."
                     (a) He did.
                     (b) If He saved you, He gave you the Holy Ghost
                          and the manifestation (a gift of Him) to
                          serve God by.
                     (c) Just because you did not listen to Him or
                          seek out your gift or develop your gift
                          does not change anything.
        3. We learn an important lesson from the YOU body.  We learn
            that unless all of the members are working properly the
            body does not work properly.

III. The US Body
    A. Just like God has given us the YOU Body that reflects the ALL
        Body, God has also given the US Body to teach us something
        about the ALL BODY.
        1. The US BODY is the local church.
        2. It is US, the Green Pond Baptist Church.
            a. There are many US BODIES.
            b. Any gathering of two or more believers in Christ
                becomes a US BODY.

Mt 18:20  For where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I in the midst
of them.

        3. The US BODY is not as large as the ALL BODY.
            a. Neither does it have the duration, the reach, or the
                ability of the ALL BODY.
            b. But each one reflects the ALL BODY as it follows and
                serve Jesus Christ; and we can learn lessons about
                the ALL BODY from the US BODY and about the US BODY
                from the ALL BODY.
    B. For example, both the ALL BODY and the US BODY must be under
        the control of the Holy Ghost.
        1. Notice the emphasize that Paul placed on the Holy Ghost
            in this chapter—a chapter about the body of Christ.

1Co 12:4  Now there are diversities of gifts,
but the same Spirit.

7  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given
to every man to profit withal.
8  For to one is given by the Spirit the word of
wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the
same Spirit;
9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to
another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

11  But all these worketh that one and the
selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally
as he will.

13  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into
one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether
we be bond or free; and have been all made to
drink into one Spirit.

        2. All of these are references to the ALL BODY, the body of
            all believers from the cross to the rapture; but it
            emphasizes the necessity of the body relying on the Holy
        3. In fact, this is also reflected in the YOU BODY.
            a. You have heard me say it before, but it is worth
            b. You have a body, but you are a spirit.
            c. You can see your body.
                (1) It may be large, small, pretty, ugly, in shape,
                     out of shape, but that is all right.
                (2) Your body is not who you are.  It is just where
                     you live.
                (3) Granted, we should take care of the body so that
                     we can live longer and serve Jesus better, but
                     no matter what you do, your body will die.
            d. You will never die because you are not a body.  You
                are a spirit.
            e. But once your spirit leaves your body, your body will
                die because a body without a spirit is dead.
        4. Here we have an amazing truth: For a body to live—any
-            body—it must have a spirit living inside of it.
        5. The Green Pond Baptist Church to be alive, we must have
            the Holy Ghost.
            a. Sadly, I am not sure we really comprehend that truth.
            b. Question - How strong is the Holy Ghost in the Green
                Pond Baptist Church?
            c. Another question (which actually partially answers the
                first question - How strong is the Holy Ghost in you?
        6. I do not want to get too deep into this issue because of
            time, but did you know the Holy Ghost must be sought?
            a. I don’t mean that you have to have a "2nd blessing" as
                some teach.
                (1) No.  You got the Holy Ghost when you got saved,
                     but His presence on you and His power must be
                (2) By the way, the manifestation of the Holy Ghost
                     is not primarily an unknown or some religious
                     experience in a church house.
                (3) The primary manifestation of the Holy Ghost is
                     that He separates you from sin and into service
                     for Jesus Christ, compelling you to behave like
                     Jesus Himself.
            c. That is call "being filled with the Spirit."
            d. How is He sought?  Several things.
                (1) Remove yourself from sin.
                (2) Give yourself to God.
                (3) Seek His presence in prayer.
            e. Have you ever sought the Holy Ghost?
            f. If not, your level of the Holy Spirit’s presence in
                your life is weak and you lack of Him is causing His
                presence to be weak in the church.
            g. We are connected both by in ALL BODY and in the US

Paul made a simple but profound statement in our text verse.  You are
the body of Christ.  May God help us to understand the importance of
that position.

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