1Peter 5:8
Satan’s Tactics: Discouragement and Beyond

I started a series of messages some weeks ago entitled, Satan’s
Tactics. In the last message, we noted that Satan does not use new
tactics when the old ones are working. Satan is old fashioned. He
sticks with what he knows will work and while he has many lures in
his tackle box, he favors some because they are the tried and true.

I also told you that I would discuss with you five of his lures,
those that he merely reloads and repeats. Perhaps it will make it
easier for you to remember them by remembering that all five start
with the letter ‘D." The first lure that Satan uses to tempt people
and pull them away from righteousness is DESIRE. Satan uses the
desires that we have within us to cause us to hurt ourselves.

This evening, I would like to share the second lure that Satan uses.

I. Elijah was a man with discouragement.

1Kings 18:22  Then said Elijah unto the people,
I, even I only, remain a prophet of the LORD;
but Baal’s prophets are four hundred and fifty

    A. I don’t mean to throw off on Elijah.  He was a great man of
        God living in a very difficult time, but the devil almost got
        Elijah with discouragement.
        1. Notice the phrase, "I only remain."
        2. Elijah repeated a similar phrase in \\#1Kings 19:10, 14\\,
            "I, even I only, am left."
        3. It seemed to Elijah that all the prophets and all the
            people had turned from God, and that he was the last one
            holding out.
            a. He was not; There were 7,000 that God had reserved for
                Himself; but even if he was the last, that would not
                have given  him permission to quit.
            b. Yet, he almost did because he was discouraged!
        4. No one can doubt Elijah’s walk with God.
            a. Just read the Bible.
                (1) The man talked to and heard from God on a regular
                (2) He performed 8 miracles in the Bible.
                (3) He prophesied future events that came true.
            b. Yet, he became discouraged enough to almost quit on
    B. Understand what these means.  Anyone and everyone can be
        discouraged and even depressed.
        1. Discouragement and depression are not signs of weakness.
        2. They do not mean that you are not a Christian.
        3. They do not mean that God has forsaken you.
        4. They do mean that you are a human being with a sinful
            nature, experiencing a human condition.
        5. However, Christians can defeat discouragement.
        6. Christians can even defeat depression.

1 John 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and
have overcome them: because greater is he that
is in you, than he that is in the world.

            a. Who is "them" in that verse?
            b. "Them" is anyone or anything, including the devil,
                that wants to attack you.
    C. We need to understand some truths about discouragement and
        it’s bigger brother, depression.
        1. Both are battles of your spirit.
            a. Discouraged comes from the prefix "dis" and the root
                word "courage."  To be discouraged means that your
                SPIRIT lacks courage or zeal or zest.
            b. Depressed is discouragement on steroids.
                (1) The word comes from the prefix "de" and the root
                     word "pressed."
                     (a) The prefix "de" means down.
                     (b) The word "pressed" means to be put under
                          pressure, to be pushed upon.
                (2) The two together mean your SPIRIT is being pushed
                    or pressed down.
                (3) These are attacks against your SPIRIT.  They may
                     have physical or mental causes, but the battle
                     will produce either a spiritual victory or a
                     spiritual loss.
            c. A tire or balloon can illustrate the effect of both of
                these attacks on our spirit.
                (1) Discouragement is a like slow leak in a tire,
                     Your spirit is gradually losing courage,
                     strength, zeal, zest.
                (2) But at some point, the tire has too little air in
                     it to carry the automobile.  Now you are not
                     just discouraged, but you have lost so much
                     courage that you cannot function.
        2. You can be discouraged and depressed because of physical
            a. Being excessively tired, a tired that reaches beyond
                the body all the way into the spirit, can cause
                discouragement and depression.
                (1) Some think that is what happened to Elijah.
                (2) He had been fighting the devil and all of his
                     forces and he was tired through and through.
                (3) What’s the cure?
                     (a) It’s actually very simple.  Rest.
                     (b) It may not sound spiritual but it is for
                          God commanded man to rest one day out of
                          every seven.
                     (c) \\#Ex 20:8-11\\  That’s one of the Big Ten.
            b. Mental and physical problems can cause discouragement
                and depression.
                (1) Chemical imbalances and physical failings and
                     breakdowns of the body can cause them.
                (2) There are medications, diets, and supplements
                     that can correct or at least help most of these
                (3) Whether there are cures or treatments for our
                     bodies, we must still do what we can to conform
                     the flesh into the image of Jesus Christ.
                     (a) Every human being has three enemies, the
                          world, the flesh, and the devil.
                     (b) For each enemy, God has given us a command
                          on how to defeat it.
                            i. For the world, God said flee and
                                separate from it.  \\#2Tim 2:22\\
                           ii. For the flesh, God said to conform and
                                subdue it.
                                \\#Romans 12:2, 1Cor 9:27\\
                          iii. For the devil, God said to resist and
                                fight him \\#James 4:7\\.
                     (c) The key to overcoming our bodies is to, as
                          best as the Spirit of God will empower us,
                          to make it obey.
                     (d) That is what good parents try to discipline
                          into their children when they are young,
                          and it is what we must discipline into
                          yourselves after we are grown.
            c. Sorrow can cause discouragement and depression.
                (1) Sorrow can be caused by loneliness and too many
                (2) God has promised to never put more on the
                     Christian that he can bear, but His confidence
                     in us often exceeds our confidence in ourselves.

1 Corinthians 10:13  There hath no temptation
taken you but such as is common to man: but God
is faithful, who will not suffer you to be
tempted above that ye are able; but will with the
temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may
be able to bear it.

                (3) What is the cure? Put some joy into your life.

Pro 17:22  A merry heart doeth good like a 
medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

            d. But the biggest cause of discouragement and depression
                is what the devil does against us.
                (1) No matter the cause of our discouragement may be,
                     the devil will make it infinitely worse.
                (2) In dealing with causes, we must always deal with
                     the devil.  

II. We Must Defeat Discouragement.
   A. Find out why you are discouraged and depressed.
       1. I have listed four causes for discouragement and
           depression , but I am sure there are probably more.
       2. When you are discouraged and especially when you are
           depressed, you need to find out why.
       3. Three times in the book of Psalms, David asked the
           question, "Why are you cast down, O my soul?"
           (a) \\#Ps 42:5, 11, 43:5\\
           (b) Why did he ask that?  Because he needed to know the
           (c) If you do not know why are "cast down" or "depressed,"
                you will have a far more difficult time overcoming
                it—and it can be overcome.
       4. How do I find out?
           (a) Pray
                (1) Even before you go to the doctor, pray.
                (2) Christians need to quit making prayer their last
                     resort and make it their first.
                (3) If there is a God in heaven who died for you,
                     loves you, saved you, and wants to have a
                     relationship with you, then He ought to be
                     willing to at least talk to you.
                (4) He can certainly show you whether you are tired
                     or filled with sorrow.
           (b) Assume
                (1) In most cases, to make assumptions is dangerous,
                     but no matter what the root cause of your
                     discouragement or depression may be, you can
                     assume that the devil is making it worse.
                (2) Why?  Because Satan is a roaring lion, walking
                     about to destroy you!
           (c) Treat
                (1) Please notice that my most recent thought was,
                     "Find out WHY you are discouraged and
                     depressed," and my last recommendation to you
                     was to "Treat" the problem
                (2) You should be asking, "How can I treat a problem
                     if I do not yet know what caused the problem?"
                (3) You need to remember that despite what the
                     "professionals" may say, dealing with spiritual
                     problems is not an exact science so try the
                     process of elimination.
                (4) Treat whatever problem and all the problems that
                     you can even remotely imagine causing your
    B. Treat all of the possibilities:
        1. Rest - Since exhaustion can cause discouragement and
            depression, take some time off to rest.
        2. Do something different.  Do something fun.
            (a) This is difficult for people who are discouraged or
                 depressed; but since being in a rut and being alone
                 can cause discouragement and depression, change
                 things up.
            (b) Find someone to do things with.
                 (1) In a church of almost any size, there are others
                      in the same condition as you, heading towards
                      your condition, or in worse shape than you.
                 (2) If everyone would quit hiding what they are
                      going through, the members of the body of
                      Christ could actually help one another to deal
                      with the attacks this world makes on our
                 (3) We need to hold one another accountable to
                      better thinking and better use of our time; and
                      the best way to do that is to spend time

Ge 2:18  And the LORD God said, It is not good
that the man should be alone; I will make him an
help meet for him.

                 (4) If that were true of the sinless man, Adam, how
                      much more is it true of the sinful men and
                      women that we now are?
                        i. By the way, I am not saying that those who
                            are desperate to get married should run
                            out and marry the first thing that comes
                       ii. I am speaking of friendships to battle
                            discouragement and depressions not
                            romantic relationships.
                      iii. If you are desperate to find romance, you
                            will likely find that the romantic
                            process will lead to more discouragement
                            and depressions instead of less.
                       iv. Besides that, you don’t want to marry a
                            person you are not first friends with.
                        v. One of the most important proverbs in the
                            Bible is:

Proverbs 18:24  A man that hath friends must shew
himself friendly: and there is a friend that
sticketh closer than a brother.

                             (aa) Quit being hungry and desperate and
                                   just be friendly.
                             (bb) Find people that will stick with
                                   you no matter what.
        3. Take better care of the body you live within.
            a. Spiritual attacks can come through physical means.
            b. Most likely, we could all do a better job in our diet,
                exercising, fasting, and taking vitamins and
                supplements to make up for what our body doesn’t get
                or what our body can no longer pull out for itself.
            c. We are living in the 21st century.  We should use some
                of what is available to us to help strengthen our
                bodies and our spirits.
            d. Don’t just do and take everything, but try some
                healthy alternatives and see if it helps.
        4. Listen to good, Christian music.
            a. \\#1Sam 16:14-23\\, Saul had an evil spirit afflicting
            b. The story is a bit complicated but the short of it is
                that Saul was disobeying God so God allowed a demonic
                spirit to attack Saul’s spirit.
            c. Some wise men near Saul realized what was happening
                and advised the king to find someone who could play
                the right kind of music to minister to the king.
                (1) Through God’s hand, the young man they selected
                     was David.
                (2) Listen to what happened:

1Sam 16:23  And it came to pass, when the evil
spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took
an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was
refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit
departed from him.

                (3) Please understand that I am speaking here of
                     music that drives always demons and draws you to
                     God not music that drives away God and draws
                     demons to you.
                (4) A lot of what parades even for Christian music
                     today is nothing but the devil’s music with a
                     few words changed.
                (5) If it was the music you loved when you were lost
                     and backslidden to God, it must NOT be the right
                     kind of music to attract God and drive away
                (6) If it didn’t attract God and drive away the
                     demons when you were lost and backslidden, why
                     would it attract God and drive away demons now?
        5. See a doctor.
            a. Everyone needs a doctor who understands that humans
                are body, soul, and spirit; but especially those who
                are experiencing the spiritual symptoms of
                discouragement and depression.
            b. Discouragement and depression can be rooted in a
                physical problem.
            c. If you are praying and the first things have not
                helped, it may be time to see a doctor to explore
                the physical possibilities.
        6. If you have been prescribed medicines by a qualified,
            Christian doctor who understand the attacks of the devil
            on your spirit, take them.
            a. Even until you find such a doctor, I would recommend
                you take whatever the doctor you trust has
                recommended you take, but Christians NEED to find
                doctors that understand that there is a spiritual
                warfare being waged against their spirit.
            b. Every Christian needs to understand what pills can and
                cannot do.
                (1) As far as my limited mind can understand,
                     medications do primarily two things:
                     (a) They can provide what our body needs until
                          we and our bodies can heal itself.
                            i. In some cases, that healing may not be
                                possible so we may have to take
                                medication the rest of our lives.
                           ii. But our goal should be to heal the
                                body not to medicate it.
                     (b) They can sedate our spirit.  If you need
                          rest and that is the only way you are going
                          to get it, medicine can certainly help; but
                          sedating one’s self through drugs or
                          liquor is only delaying a problem that is
                          still going to have to be dealt with sooner
                          or later.
                (2) However, medications also do some things against
                     (a) They can give us the sense of being healed
                          when we are not.  This can cause us to rely
                          on a pill instead of helping our bodies to
                     (b) Our bodies and spirits can become dependent
                          upon them.
                     (c) They can cause unwanted side-effects.
                     (d) When we sedate our spirit, we just delaying
                          dealing with hurt, pain, and attacks that
                          we are going to have to deal with sooner
                          or later.
        7. As you do everything else you can, do not neglect to
            resist the devil!

James 4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

            a. God does not command us to run from the devil or to
                conform him.  He commands us to resist him.
            b. How?
                (1) Memorize, meditate, and mention Bible verses.
                (2) Pray
                (3) Attend church, listen to sermons and Christian
                (4) Contact Christian friends who will pray for you,
                     with you, and will do things with you.
                (5) Don’t give into the abyss.
                     (a) The tendency of the discouraged and
                          depressed is to isolate themselves and pull
                          the cover over their heads.
                     (b) Fight it.
                           i. The more isolated you are, the more you
                               have nothing to do but think on how
                               bad things are. 
                          ii. The more you think on how bad things
                               are, the more depressed you become.
                (6) Associate new habits with the devil's attacks.
                     (a) When you feel discouragement and depression
                          trying to pull you in, find something
                          physical to do for Jesus.
                     (b) Pass out tracts; read the Bible to someone
                         who can’t; visit the hospitals (waiting
                         rooms are usually always full); write poems,
                         sermons, letters to others and yourself.
                     (c) Find something to do for Jesus that will
                          make the devil regret attacking you.

One of the most powerful tools the devil uses against people is
discouragement and depression.  If it worked on Elijah, it can work
on anyone.  To save Elijah, God intervened.  To save you, you will
have to let God intervene as well. I pray you will allow Him to do
so tonight.

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