John 16:7, 16-19
The Little While

\\#7\\ Jesus told the disciples that He was going away and that it
was expedient or necessary that He do so.

This was certainly NOT the first time Jesus had told His disciples
this truth.
    1. John appears to write his gospel in chronological order.
    2. If so since \\#John 12:1\\, we have been reading about the
        last week of Jesus’ life and from \\#John 13:1\\, we have
        been reading about the last night of Jesus’ earthly life.
    3. Matthew records three occasions where Jesus told the disciples
        that He was going to Jerusalem to be betrayed, beaten, and
        killed! \\#Matt 17:22, 20:18, 26:24\\
        a. The disciples did not seem to understand at all what Jesus
            meant when He made those statements; yet for some divine
            reason, when Jesus simply says that He is going to leave
            them \\#John 16:7\\, they seem to not only get it but
            need to completely understand it \\#John 16:17-18\\.
        b. I am not certain why it hit home with them so this time
            except to say the Holy Ghost opened their minds to grasp
            a little bit of the truth.

Notice the phrase Jesus used in \\#16\\ that the disciples repeated
several times in \\#17-18\\, "a little while."  The disciples, trying
to understand it, repeated the phrase "a little while" three times.
And after they talked about it among themselves, they still not
understand it.

Let’s consider "The Little While" for a few moments today.

I. \\#16\\ There are two "little whiles.”

John 16:16  A little while, and ye shall not see
me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see

    A. After the first "little while," Jesus would be leaving.
        1. I am not sure that the disciples ever comprehended this
            "little while."
        2. Jesus and the disciples were a team (except for the
            traitor), and it sounded like Jesus was breaking up the
            a. The way Jesus made this statement, it was as if He
                were quitting of His own accord, as if Jesus were
                quitting the team.
            b. Perhaps this is why what Jesus said hurt them so
            c. They were left with nothing to do but attempt to
                comprehend how long a little while was and that, I
                think, is why they keep repeating the phrase.
    B. But the after the second "little while," Jesus would return.
        1. Like I said.  They probably never understood the first
            "little while."  I know that did not comprehend the
            second one.
            a. The second "little while" has been over 2,000 years so
                far and is still counting!
            b. So far, the ratio of the time Jesus was on the earth
                to the time He has been gone is 3.5 years to 2,017 or
                for 1 year that Jesus was on the earth, He has been
                gone for 576 years.
            c. And while it looks to me like Jesus will likely return
                at any moment, it could be another 2,017 years before
                He comes—or even longer.
            d. That does not sound like so "little" of a time, does
        2. But we should not compare how long Jesus was here to how
            long Jesus has been gone.
            a. Instead, we should compare how long Jesus has been
                gone to eternity!
            b. 2,017 years doesn’t even measure compared to eternity.
        3. Why should we compare how long Jesus has been gone to
            a. Because when Jesus returns, everyone that is His will
                step into eternity—everyone.
            b. According to \\#1Thess 4:13-18. 1Coor 15:20-58\\, two
                things happen when Jesus returns:
                (1) Those who are already dead in Christ will receive
                     their eternal bodies. That is the Resurrection.
                (2) But all that are living in Christ will step into
                     their eternal form too.  That is the Rapture.
            c. From that time forward, there will be no more time;
                but a timeless period will begin as Christ’s people
                step out of time and join God in forever.
                (1) If you want to give yourself a headache, try to
                     figure out how long forever is.
                (2) If you want to go insane, try to figure out how
                     long forever has been for time is just a short
                     slice of temporariness  dropped into the middle
                     of forever.
        4. I had a thought.  Those who are dead in Christ have no
            body right now.  Fear not.  I believe they are enjoying
            the state they are in; however, the only way we who are
            living will ever know what that state is like is if we
    C. The "little while" that Jesus spoke of is now.

II. \\#20\\ It is a time when those that are His will weep and lament.

John 16:20  Verily, verily, I say unto you, That
ye shall weep and lament….

    A. Why?
    B. Although not given, I see many reasons.
        1. The obvious reason is that Jesus is gone.
            a. That is hard for us, but imagine how hard it was for
                the first generation Christians.
            b. We have never seen Jesus.  We often speak of the joy
                that will be ours when our eyes FIRST behold Jesus.
            c. Many in that first generation did see Jesus.
                (1) Many walked with Him.
                (2) I wonder how many times they went to bed at night
                     wishing they could relive those 3 1/2 years!
                (3) Yes, for us all the little while is a time of
                     weeping and lamenting for Jesus is NOT here.
        2. Evil will rule over us.
            a. Evil has always been evil.
            b. The difference is when we were lost, we were too blind
                to see how evil evil was.
            c. Evil is not just bad.  Evil is unjust.
                (1) Evil is bad because it does evil things to us.
                     (a) It hurts us, others, or both.
                     (b) That is evil.
                (2) But evil is unjust because the more evil we are,
                     the more happy we should be. It doesn’t way.
        3. Death will steal our loved ones.
            a. Talking with some of our folks at the funeral
                yesterday, it was pointed out to me that we have had
                three men die from our church in the last 12 months.
                (1) Brother McVea, Brother LaPrarie, and Brother
                (2) I believe that is the first time that has happened
                     since I have been the pastor of this church.
            b. Why so many?
                (1) Because the average and the median ages of our
                     people is rising.
                (2) First, we are glad for all of the silver and bald
                     headed people in our church.
                (3) However, we need our young people to win young
                     people to Christ so that the church will
                     continue on.
                (4) Yesterday was a good step in that direction.  We
                     had 5 young adults (all under thirty) passing
                     out tracts and candy bags.
        4. Persecution will be our constant threat.
            a. America is rapidly catching DOWN to the other nations.
                (1) To preach and live right is now politically
                (2) The PI is gradually become a crime.
                (3) Crimes are punishable by the laws.
                (4) Unjust laws being enforced is persecution.
                (5) Persecution takes the form of confiscation,
                     arrest, beatings, and death.
            b. Yes, America’s direction is DOWN.
    C. The "little while" that Jesus spoke of is now.

III. \\#20\\ While we are sad, the world will be happy.

John 16:20 …but the world shall rejoice….

    A. While we, the people of God are afflicted and weeping, this
       world will rejoice and be happy.
    B. What have they got to be happy about?
        1. Actually nothing.  The world should be fearful and
            weeping, but they are not.
        2. Why?  Because they have a dark soul and a blind mind.
            a. The world is ignorant and cannot see.
                (1) They don’t know they are lost and headed for hell.
                (2) They don’t know that they are serving the devil
                     right now.
                (3) They can’t even understand that most of what they
                     consider pleasure is actually what is causing
                     most of their present pain.
                     (a) drunkenness
                     (b) drugs
                     (c) fornication
        3. Such people know little responsibility, and they cannot
            comprehend accountability, but it is coming.
        4. The more evil this world gets, the happier they are.
    C. The little while that Jesus spoke of is now.

IV. Jesus said more about "the little while," but let me continue on
     to show you three promises and a command He left for those who
     are His.
     A. The Three Promises
         1. \\#22\\ You will see Me again.

John 16:22 …"I will see you again…."

             a. If Jesus is going to see me, I am going to see Him.
             b. These days may be lonely, painful, hard, and tough;
                 but Jesus will return and I will see Him!
             c. If that does not thrill your soul then something is
                 wrong with you spiritually.
                 (1) Maybe you are lost.
                 (2) Maybe you are saved but have fallen in love with
                      the world again.
             d. For the Christian, these are the only lonely,
                 painful, hard, and tough days we will ever
        2. \\#22\\ You will rejoice.

John 16:22 …and your heart shall rejoice, and
your joy no man taketh from you.

            a. The joy that lies ahead will outshine all of the
                pain and sorrow that this life contains.
            b. That is saying a lot—not for you and me for we have
                had a good life of comfort and ease.
                (1) In our lives, our bellies have been full, our
                     backs have been clothed, our homes have been
                     both warmed in the winter and cooled in the
                (2) We have had such wonderful medicines and health
                     care that we have known very little of disease
                     and suffering.
                (3) Today for many, a short life is 70 years of age.
            c. But the promise of a future joy that will outshine all
                sorrow is also made to Christians who were born in
                lands of drought, disease, oppression, homelessness,
                hunger, cruelty, violence, and, murder.
                (1) Their lives have known suffering that our worst
                     nightmares have not dreamed.
                (2) Yet, when "the little while" is over, their joy
                     will outshine it all!
        3. \\#23\\ You will understand.

John 16:23  And in that day ye shall ask me

            a. How many times have we said, "Well, I just have to ask
                God about that when i see Him."
            b. Not according to this verse.
            c. All of the questions the confusions, and the
                disappointments of this little while will be gone!
            d. This is the only time such maladies will afflict us,
                and I say good-bye to bad rubbish.
    B. Let me close by saying "the little while" will end.
        1. The very phrase itself means that this time period will
            not continue for long, but its ending is only going to be
            good for those who have trusted Jesus as their Savior
            during that time period.
        2. Have you?

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