Luke 19:1-10
A Divine Appointment

This account is about two men, perhaps the two most hated men in
Israel.  One was shorter.  One was taller.  One was more wealthy. The
other, much poorer, but both of them were hated.

You can tell the shorter of the two was hated.
    \\#2\\ Publican
    \\#2\\ Chief among the publicans
    \\#7\\ Sinner - This was probably not because the man was any
     more immoral than any others.  He probably was not.  At least,
     he thought he was a honest man.  \\#8\\ He immediately gave away
     half of his fortune, but then he promised to give back 4 times
     any that he had taken wrongfully.
     \\#7\\ They all murmured against Zacchaeus.

The other Man was also hated.  On this day, it looked like He was
loved.  There were many followers.  One would think that they were
admirers; however, their love was very shallow.  In less than two
weeks, some of these same people would be calling for Jesus’

I am interested in Jesus’ actions in this story. I see three actions.

I. Jesus came.
    A. This is an easily overlooked thought but quite probably one of
        the most important and profound truths in the whole story.
        1. Jesus came to the right city, Jericho.
            a. I know the geography and political climate at that
            b. Jewish land was down south, around Jerusalem, and up
                north, around Galilee.
            c. In the middle was Samaria.
            d. Jews would travel east, cross the Jordan River, and
                then come back west across it again to avoid
                traveling through Samaria.
        2. However, I also know that Jesus was determined to go to

Luke 9:51  And it came to pass, when the time was
come that he should be received up, he stedfastly
set his face to go to Jerusalem,

            a. And that in the very next verse, Jesus went into
            b. That wasn’t the first time Jesus had cut across
            c. He was on the shortest route.
            d. At some point, Jesus left the shortest route and
                crossed the Jordan River.
            e. The Bible does not tell us all that He did over there
                but it does tell us that He spoke to Zacchaeus and
                healed two men that were blind.
        3. Jesus came to the right city.  He came to Jericho.
    B. Jesus not only came to the right city, He also came to the
        right street.
        1. I don’t know how large the city was at that time.
        2. It had been large in the days of Joshua.
        3. It is logical that the conditions that made it large once
            would make it large again.
        4. But Jesus came to the right street.
    C. But then Jesus also came to the right tree.
        1. I am starting to see a picture here.
        2. I know Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus.
            a. \\#3\\ "he sought to see Jesus"
            b. \\#4\\ He could not so he "ran before, and climbed up
                into a sycamore tree to see him."
                (1) Thanks to the generosity of the church, I had the
                     privilege of going to Jericho in 2008 and while
                     there, I saw what is called Zacchaeus’ tree.
                (2) It is an ancient tree, thought to have been alive
                     since the days of Jesus.
                (3) No one knows for certain that this is the tree
                     Zacchaeus climbed or not, but it is like that
                     tree and  as old as that tree, so who knows?
                (4) So Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus very badly.
        3. But it looked like Jesus also wanted to see Zacchaeus!
    D. Could we call this a "divine appointment"?
        1. Unbeknown to Zacchaeus, it looks like as badly as
            Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, Jesus wanted to see him
        2. Could you be having a divine appointment this morning?
            a. I am preaching in faith today, believing that Jesus
                is here.
            b. What’s more you are here.
                (1) You have come to the right city, Green Pond!
                (2) You have come to the right church.
                (3) You are sitting on the right bench and Jesus is
                     stopping right in front of you!

II. Jesus cared.
    A. I see in this account, six truths that tell me that Jesus
        cared—not just for mankind or the Jews or even the city of
        Jericho, but for the man Zacchaeus
        1. Jesus came to the right city.
        2. Jesus came to the right street.
        3. Jesus came to the right tree.
        4. Jesus knew his name.

Luke 19:5  And when Jesus came to the place, he
looked up, and saw him, and said unto him,
Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day
I must abide at thy house.

            a. I am always amazed that Jesus knew HIS name.
            b. As far as we know, they have never meet.
            c. But Jesus came to see HIM.
            d. Never forget, Jesus died for the world, but He cares
                about YOU!
        5. Jesus went into Zacchaeus’ house.
            a. That was forbidden by Jewish tradition.
            b. I’ve never seen it in the Bible, but some man wrote a
                book and his book got confused with God’s book and
                the people believed it was a sin for a person to eat
                with a sinner.
                (1) It is the reason they are murmuring about Jesus

Luke 19:7  And when they saw it, they all
murmured, saying, That he was gone to be guest
with a man that is a sinner.

                (2) That is the reason murmured concerning Jesus
                     eating with sinners.
                (3) Even the disciples AFTER the resurrection and
                     ascension of Jesus had trouble with that.

Acts 10:28  And he said unto them, Ye know how
that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is
a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of
another nation….

            c. But Jesus went in.  Why?  He cared for that man.
        6. In entering Zacchaeus’ house, Jesus made everyone else
            a. In that crowd were people who needed healing, helping,
                and preaching to.
            b. Did Jesus care MORE for Zacchaeus than them?
            c. No, but He cared as much for Zacchaeus as them.
            d. Friend, Jesus cares for you.
    B. I have known people that really stumbled at this simple truth.
        1. They had no problem believing in the deity of Jesus.
        2. They had no problem believing in the virgin birth.
        3. They had no problem believing in the substitutionary
            death, the blood atonement, or the bodily resurrection of
        4. They had no problem believing that Jesus cared for and
            would save others.
        5. They just had a problem believing that Jesus would care
            for and save THEM.
    C. When it comes to salvation, some people are more emotional and
        some are more cerebral.
        1. Some of us, when convicted simply broke before the
            conviction and got saved.
        2. Some people have to think through everything.
            a. Is the Bible reliable?
            b. Is Jesus God?
            c. Did Jesus die and rise again?
            d. The last question is always, "Will He save me?"
        3. You need to know, Jesus cares for YOU.
            a. I don’t know how many people were in Jericho in that
                day.  I don’t know how many people were on that
                street or even in that tree.
            b. But I know Jesus knew Zacchaeus by name, and He knows
                you by name too.
            c. You can think yourself right into hell.
            d. Trust Jesus today.

III. Jesus converted Zacchaeus.
    A. That man got saved.  Jesus converted him.
        1. Some want to question Zacchaeus’ salvation.
        2. I’m not really sure why.  I guess it is hard for them to
            believe that a rich Jew can be saved.
        3. But he did get saved.
    B. Why am I so certain Zacchaeus got saved?
        1. Because Zacchaeus experience the joy of the Lord.

Luke 19:6  And he made haste, and came down, and
received him joyfully.

            a. I believe it had been a long time since Zacchaeus had
                felt joy.
            b. Isn’t it strange how the pleasure that you think sin
                will give you is short-lived.
           c. This man didn’t get joy for a season. This little man
               is in heaven today, still enjoying the joy of his
        2. Because Zacchaeus’ wallet got saved!

Luke 19:8  And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the
Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give
to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from
any man by false accusation, I restore him

            a. I’ve accepted the testimony of salvation for a lot of
                people whose walled never did get saved!
            b. But we need to understand the significance of what is
                taking place here.
            c. This man just gave away half of his fortune straight
                out and if he was less than honest, he was committing
                to giving a good bit more.
                (1) Why was he a tax collector?  For the money.
                (2) Why was he a chief tax collector?  For more
                (3) What had he given up to be a tax collector?
                     (a) His friends
                     (b) His nation
                     (c) His name
                     (d) Probably some of his family
                (4) This man had loved money a lot!
                (5) Now he loved Jesus more!
            d. A true sign of conversion is when what you loved most
                before you now love less than Jesus.
        3. Jesus said as much.

Luke 19:9  And Jesus said unto him, This day is
salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he
also is a son of Abraham.

            a. You may not have heard it, but the day you got saved,
                Jesus said as much about you.

Luke 15:6  And when he cometh home, he calleth
together his friends and neighbours, saying unto
them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep
which was lost.

            b. Even more, your name was written down in the Book of

Luke 10:20  Notwithstanding in this rejoice not,
that the spirits are subject unto you; but
rather rejoice, because your names are written
in heaven.

All of these things can be true for you.
    1. You can know that joy.
        (a) the joy of your sins being forgiven
        (b) the joy of being a part of God’s family
        (c) the joy of being redeemed
    2. Your wallet can get saved!
    3. Jesus will write your name in the Book of Life.

How?  All you need to do is…
   1. Believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, died for your sins.
   2. Yield your will and life to Him.

Would you do that right now?

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