Daniel 1:1-8
What Youth Can Do

The Book of Daniel is about God, Israel, and prophecy, but not about
those alone.  It is also about young people doing right.

The first three chapters of this book have a special emphasis on four
young men, probably just teenage boys as the story begins. The story
will continue to focus on Daniel but after chapter three, Daniel
won’t be the boy being taught. He will be the man doing the teaching.
In fact, before the story is completely told, Daniel will be an old
man, probably 80 or more years old. But it all starts with an
emphasis on four young people.

In chapter one, we see some young people who dared to obey God.

I. Notice the increased influence that youth have in the nations.
    A. Youth have always had a great influence in the nations.
        1. It may be that the WEALTH of the older folk finance
            the nation.
        2  And it may be that the WISDOM of the older folk lead
            the nation.
        3. But it has always been the STRENGTH of the YOUTH that
            carry it.
            a. It is not the middle aged or old who fight in the
                wars.  It is the young.
            b. The draft never started at 45 or 50.  It started
                at 18.
            c. Most branches of service will not even accept a person
                in their 30’s if they have not had some previous
                military experience.
    B. In America today, more and more it is the influence of the
        young entrepreneurs who carry the country.
        1. 2019 marked the tenth year in a row that millionaires
            increased in our country.
            a. Today 3% of the US population are millionaires.
            b. While most of them are still the older achieving that
                status through savings and retirement, more and more
                the youth are making it big.
        2. Young millionaires:
            a. Andrew Mason, created Goupon, millionaire at 29
            b. Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook, millionaire
                at 23
            c. Francis Doherty - Took his grandmother’s recipes for
                jam and became a millionaire at 16.
            d. Elise MacMillan did almost the same thing with her
                grandmothers candies, becoming a millionaire in her
                teen years.
    C. It would appear that youth’s influence in leadership is
        growing as well. When a sixteen year old girl can stand
        before the United Nations and chastise the world for ruining
        her planet, and instead of her getting her bottom spanked and
        sent home, she gets a standing ovation, I would have to say
        young people’s influence in leadership is growing.
    D. But, and I say this somewhat sadly, it is also the youth who
        direct the standards and general moral conditions of America
        1. Music, dress, entertainment, impulse buying are directed
            and influenced by the youth. So much so that the fate of
            restaurants which have existed for decades close and
            brick-n-mortar stores decline simply because today’s
            youth no longer patronize those locations.
        2. It has been that way for years.
            a. Rock-n-roll, mini-skirts, shorty-shorts, and an entire
                sexual revolution were created the youth of the 60’s,
                70’s, and 80’s.
            b. The young people of the 80’s and 90’s moved our
                country to become what they termed a "greener," more
                energy-conserving nation.
        3. Even worse, the drug and gang culture was started by the
            youth of America. Not today’s youth, but by youth none-
        4. The youth of today have a different agenda, pushing
            socialism and perversion to extremes never before
        5. And now today’s youth want to put the last of the
            "boomers" out to pasture and take the reigns leadership
            while they are still in their 20’s
    E. And maybe it is time for us to move along since we did not do
        a very good job in keeping America clean; but before we go,
        let me tell the Christian young people of today that you must
        make your legacy or God and our country today, right now, or
        there will be nothing to pass along to your children.
        must get busy making sure something good happens!

II. Notice what influenced the youth of Daniel’s day.
    A. It was a decision to stay pure and obey God.

Daniel 1:8  But Daniel purposed in his heart that
he would not defile himself….

        1. Those are not two separate decision, but one in the same.
        2. To stay pure was the action they decided upon and to obey
            God was the motivation they had.
        3. If you have the right motives, you’ll be far more likely
            to have the right actions.
    B. It is interesting how unimportant a single decision may seem,
        but in reality, it is a very important turning point in life.
        1. These were just four slave boys who decided to stay pure
            and to obey God; but before it was finished, their
            decision would help to influence nations and kingdoms.
        2. How is that possible?  It is possible because every
            decision either puts us on a new road or drives us
            further down the old one.
            a. It is a New Year.
               (1) Many would like to lose weight.
               (2) Every time we go to the pantry or refrigerator, we
                    are making the decision to drive further down the
                    old road of plumpness.
            b. It is a New Year.
                (1) Many would like to read through the Bible this
                (2) Every time we go to the television instead of the
                     Bible, we are making the decision to drive
                     further down the old road of carnality.
            c. Tonight, we will have church at 6:30.
                (1) Many say they want to learn the Bible, become a
                     better Christian, do more for Jesus.
                (2) Every time we sit at home instead of going to
                     church, we are making the decision to drive
                     further down the old road of spiritual
        3. If you want on a new road, start making new decisions.
            That is what these young men did.
    C. Consider the consequences of their decision.
        1. Even in the immediate, their decisions could have affected
            their lives, those immediately over them, and their walk
            with God.
            a. To those over them, the consequences were not small,
                especially to the keeper of the eunuchs.  He had
                grown rather attached to his head.
            b. Even for themselves, this decision could and did
                change their lives.
            c. It decided:
                (1) Whether they would be promoted or demoted,
                     be imprisoned or be free,
                     be educated or dumped into the lot of manual
                (2) It could have determined whether they lived or
        2. However, those were not the most serious repercussions of
            their decision.
            a. The wrong decision here could have cost them their
                walk with God.
            b. It does not matter what your decisions profit or cost
                in you this world.  It only matters what your
                decisions profit or cost you before God.
        3. Lesson - If you don’t start obeying God over the things
            that you think are small, you will not obey God over the
            things that you think are important.

III. \\#11-14\\ Notice how these youths influenced a nation for God.
    A. They did it with a plan.
    B. Their plan included three parts:
        1. Daniel’s plan was to obey God.
        2. Daniel’s plan was to work with those who could make
           things happen.
        3. Daniel’s plan was to let God stand up for God.
    C. Let’s consider each of these.
        1. Daniel’s plan was to obey God.
            a. I have been here a long time and some things you have
                heard me say many, many times before; but I must say
                one of them again.
            b. You do not accidently obey God.  You must purpose and
                work to do so.
            c. Daniel made the decision that he would obey God and
                then he did the work to do so.
                (1) We understand this concept very well.
                     (a) We make plans and work to be educated.
                     (b) We make plans and work for a career.
                     (c) We make plans and work for marriage.
                     (d) We make plans and work for retirement.
                (2) Why do we think we do not need to make plans and
                     work to obey God?
                     (a) Moses did not happen by Pharaoh’s palace.
                           i. He planned to be there.
                          ii. God directed Moses to be there.
                         iii. God had the will but Moses did the work
                               to get there.
                     (b) Joshua did not happen to walk near Jericho.
                           i. Under God’s direction, he planned to be
                          ii. Indeed, a lot of work and energy went
                               into him and his army being where they
                               were when they were supposed to be
                     (c) Jesus did not just happen by Calvary.
                           i. He planned to be there.
                          ii. Isaiah says that Jesus set His face
                               like a flint to be there.
            d. Let me brag on our people.
                (1) Yesterday, some 30 or more ladies and men planned
                     and worked to fed and witness to the homeless.
                (2) Such projects are not accidentally.  People plan
                     and work to make them happen.
            e. Madam, sir, young person, just what are you plans for
        2. Daniel worked with those who could make things happen.
            a. The days of doing things for God pretty much ended
                when God created the church; but the further into the
                end days we get, the more I see the need for the
                body of Christ to work together.
                (1) Daniel was not alone.
                (2) Daniel had three friends.
                (3) These friends would put their lives on the line
                     for him as is recorded in chapter 1, but they
                     would also put their lives on the line for God
                     as recorded in chapter 2.
            b. We need every Christian to be in one or more of the
                three places of service for God.
                (1) We need some spiritual soldiers on the front
                     lines fighting the fight.
                (2) We need some blessed financiers supporting the
                     work of God.
                (3) We need some prayer warriors praying for the
                     blessings and power of God.
            c. As you grow in the Lord, you will likely find out that
                you are better in one of these areas than the other
                two; but no matter where you excel, you need to
                cross train and serve in all three areas.
            d. I want to say something a little tricky.
                (1) Young people, you need to exceed what you
                     presently are and what you can presently do.
                (2) That is not intended to be a slam.  We all need
                     to exceed what we presently are and what we are
                     presently planning.
                (3) There is nothing wrong with being a godly miner,
                     or construction worker, or office manager, or
                     doctor, lawyer, or business person; but if we
                     don’t get some preachers, some missionaries,
                     some evangelists, some politicians, and some
                     public speakers out of the God-fearing churches
                     like Green Pond Baptist Church, this country is
            3. Daniel’s plan was to let God work.

Daniel 1:12  Prove thy servants….

                a. That is what Daniel said, but what he really meant
                    was, "Prove my God!"
                b. The key to Daniel’s plan was to let God work.
                    (1) Daniel wanted his keeper to let them eat the
                         kind of food God had commanded for 10 days
                         and let God work.
                    (2) If God did not use the food that God had
                         commanded the Jews to eat to make them
                         healthier than the king’s food, they would
                         end up eating the king’s food or starving.
                    (3) Daniel’s plan was banking on God working!
                    (4) Friend, that is always a safe bet.
                c. Every plan should count on God working!
                    (1) That is what living by faith is.
                    (2) If God does not show up, something is wrong.
                    (3) Granted, He may not show up to do what we
                         would most like to see done, but God should
                         always show up and such power that even the
                         lost world cannot miss His presence.
                d. Christians, plan on God showing up!
                    (1) Prove Him.
                    (2) Do the promises of God work?
                    (3) If they work, rely on them.  If they don’t,
                         let’s get another book and another God!

Notice in \\#15-16\\ that the plan worked.
  1. Why?  Because God gets involved when we people stand for Him and
      serve Him.
  2. That should not surprise us.
      a. It might have surprised keeper of the eunuchs!
      b. It might have surprised some of the other prisoners under
          his care.
      c. If the king had found out, it might surprise him.
      d. But it should not surprise God’s people to find out that God
          does what says He will do.

Whether you are a youth or a not-youth, God desires obedience.
    1. Maybe you need to obey Him concerning salvation.
    2. Maybe you need to obey Him concerning repentance.
    3. Maybe you need to obey Him concerning His calling for you

In whatever area, would you dare to obey God today?

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