Hebrews 4:1-2, 11
Seven Suggestions (1)

I would like to preach through the entire book of Hebrews this
morning, but we know that it is not possible.  The reason for that
desire is to follow a phrase used throughout the book.  The phrase is
"Let us."

That is a phrase that is used 12 times in the book of Hebrews.  That
is almost one per chapter (13 chapters).  But what is even more
interesting to me is that I see it being used to encourage us in
seven different areas of life.  Hence the title, Seven Suggestions.

Normally this phrase used between two people would only be a
suggestion.  If I suggested, "Let us go get a cup of coffee," that
would only be a suggestion on my part, something that perhaps I felt
would be mutually beneficial to both of us.  But you might not follow
my suggestion.  Maybe you don’t like coffee.  Maybe you are busy and
do not have time.  Maybe you just don’t want to sit with me and have
a cup of coffee.  Those are all valid reasons not to follow my

But these are suggestions made by God through a human writer.  I will
still call the message, Seven Suggestions; but I hope we understand
that when God makes a suggestion, it is more than just a suggestion.

Now, have no fear.  We will not get to all seven of God’s suggestions
this morning, but "let us" spend some time looking at some of the
suggestions God made.

I. Let Us Enter God’s Rest.
    A. The first three times the phrase, "Let Us," is used, it
        relates to salvation.
        1. \\#Heb 4:1, 4:11, 4:14\\
        2. That topic is mentioned again in \\#Heb 10:23\\.
        3. So salvation is not only the first topic discussed, it
            also has the most uses of the phrase "Let us."
    B. Notice God first suggestions with the phrase.

Heb 4:1  Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise
being left us of entering into his rest, any of
you should seem to come short of it.

        1. Note three words or phrases in that verse.
            a. There is our "Let us" phrase at the beginning.
            b. Then there is the strange command to be afraid or
                (1) That is an unusual command in the Bible.
                (2) Normally God commands us to NOT be afraid.
                (3) However, this passage is encouraging us to be
                     fearful of something very dreadful indeed, being
            c. There is the phrase "his rest," meaning God’s rest. It
                is that phrase I want to spend a moment explaining.
        2. What is God’s rest?
            a. There are many ways to describe salvation.
            b. In fact, God uses very descriptive phrases to speak of
                our salvation, each one giving additional information
                of what salvation is.
                (1) Being "born again" - Reference to our new life.
                (2) Being "saved" - Reference to our rescue from sin
                     and damnation.
                (3) Being "regenerated" - Another reference to the
                     newness Christianity brings.
                (4) Being "washed in the blood" - Reference to the
                     cleansing from guilt and sin.
            c. Beginning in \\#Heb 3:11\\ through \\#Heb 4:11\\, the
                writer of this book speaks of "God’s rest."
                (1) God’s rest in those verses has two meanings.
                (2) For the original Hebrews coming out of Egypt, it
                     spoke of the Promised Land.
                (3) To everyone born after that time, it speaks of
            d. The term, "God’s rest" is a good description of
                (1) When we get saved, we enter into our Lord’s care.
                (2) He is in charge of our lives and is responsible
                     for them.
                (3) From that moment on, our only responsibility in
                     life is to obey Him.  God is responsible for
                     everything else.
                (4) So Christians can kick back and relax.  God’s got
                     this—whatever this is.
            e. Now, I understand some people have a very difficult
                time resting in the Lord.
                (1) Maybe it is because of the way they were raised.
                     (a) Some people were raised hard, and they
                          learned not to trust anyone but themselves.
                     (b) That can certainly make the Christian life
                (2) Maybe it is because of the people they hang with.
                     (a) Did you know that worry and doubt are
                     (b) If you hang around with people that worry
                          and doubt, it will rub off on you.
                     (c) But then so is faith and trust.
                           i. If you hang with people who have faith
                               and trust in God, that will rub off
                               on you too.
                          ii. God knows that, and it is one of the
                               reasons He commands you to attend a
                               church where there is faith and trust.
                (3) Whatever the reason, just like God expects the
                     drunkard to use faith and obedience to overcome
                     his sin of drunkenness, so God expects us to use
                     our faith and obedience to overcome worry and
                     doubt so that we can enter into His rest.
                (4) That is why God calls salvation "rest."
        3. But HERE God is commanding us to be fearful that we have
            NOT entered God’s rest.
            a. That was what happened to most of the children of
                Israel who came out of Egypt.
            b. They were not at rest in God.
            c. That was seen by their lack of faith.
            d. They were worried and fearful of the giants, of the
                battles, of losing, or dying.
            e. They did not have faith to believe God would take care
                of them so they had not and could not enter into
                God’s rest.
            f. The writer is making the point: If you have no faith
                and confidence in God, you cannot enter into God’s
            g. Good point!
    C. The second time, God commands us to work to get into God’s

Heb 4:11  Let us labour therefore to enter into
that rest, lest any man fall after the same
example of unbelief.

        1. That sounds like it could be a contradiction, doesn’t it.
        2. I have to WORK to get into God’s REST?!
        3. But we do.
            a. The work you have to do is not…
                (1) Keep the Ten Commandments.
                (2) Be better.
                (3) Quit something.
            b. The work you have to do is to trust Jesus and rely
                completely on God—for everything.
            c. Not just your soul and salvation, but for life and
                living as well.
        4. Every religion in the world teaches us we have to help
            God save us and keep us.
            a. Some teach you have to be baptized.
            b. Some teach you have Do good works.
            c. Some teach you have to keep the commandments.
            d. Some teach you have to go to their church.
        5. Two things concerning those religions:
            a. None of that will save you.
            b. Apparently, all of that is far easier than just
                trusting God.  (I say because billions would rather
                try to do good works to go to heaven rather than just
                trust God.)
        6. Salvation comes by trusting the work of Jesus did on the
            cross and only what Jesus did on the cross.
    D. The third time the phrase is sued, God commands us to hold the

Heb 4:14  Seeing then that we have a great high
priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus
the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

        1. Don’t change your mind on Jesus.
        2. The writer repeated that "Let Us" again in \\#Heb 10:23\\.

Hebrews 10:23  Let us hold fast the profession of
our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful
that promised;)

        3. I can only see one reason why anyone ever might.
            a. It is the same condition that the people this book was
                written to were going through.
            b. They were being persecuted.
            c. I am going to tell you what the writer of this book
                was saying: "Even if it costs you your life, hold the
    E. That is the first three times the phrase is used.

II. "Let Us" Go Deeper into God’s Word.

Heb 6:1  Therefore leaving the principles of the
doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection;
not laying again the foundation of repentance
from dead works, and of faith toward God,

    A. The writer is not against teaching the foundational doctrines
        to those who need them.
        1. We need to teach them.
        2. The writer lists some of them in Hebrews 6:2.

Heb 6:2  Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of
laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the
dead, and of eternal judgment.

            a. Baptism - Being immersed into water as a picture of
                what Jesus did for you.
            b. Laying on of hands - In the early days of the book of
                Acts, the laying on of hands had to do with receiving
                the Holy Ghost and His gifts.
            c. The resurrection - Both of Jesus and of ourselves.
            d. Eternal judgment - Damnation for the lost and
                accountability to God for the saved.
        3. All of these are important doctrines, but the writer is
            calling them the elementary level of Christian knowledge.
        4. To be honest, if those kinds of doctrines are elementary
            level truths then there are a lot of people into today’s
            churches that are at the preschool level.
        5. There is a whole Bible with 66 books that we are to study,
            have some familiarity with it, and be able to answer the
            average seekers questions from it.

Heb 5:12  For when for the time ye ought to be
teachers, ye have need that one teach you again
which be the first principles of the oracles of
God; and are become such as have need of milk,
and not of strong meat.

        1. God does not call everyone to be a teacher of the Bible,
            but every Christian ought to be a learner of the Bible.
        2. Then we ought to live what we have learned.
    B. Why would God be suggesting we go deeper into His Word?
        1. Maybe because there are some things in there that we need
            to know!
        2. Like what?
            a. Maybe things that would make us more righteous.
            b. Maybe things that would make us more useful.
            c. Maybe things that would make us more happy.

III. "Let Us" Go Further into God’s Presence.

Heb 12:1  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us
lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so
easily beset us, and let us run with patience the
race that is set before us,

    A. The phrase is used two times in this verse and they are really
        about two similar but different topics.
    B. We will have to stop with the first one:  "Let us lay aside
        every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us."
        1. The category here is holiness.
        2. God’s suggestion is that we get the sin out so that we can
            go further into His presence.
            a. The writer is comparing the life we live to a race we
                run and the sins we keep to weight tied about our
            b. Even the fastest runner will lose the race if he is
                running it with an anvil around his neck.
            c. I have never been the fastest runner.
            d. A weight about my neck might keep me from finishing
                the race at all.
            e. What about you?
        3. Let’s quit seeing how much of the world we can carry in
            our race for Jesus and see how far we can get if we just
            run for Him.

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