1 Peter 2:12
Who Are We?

We each wear many different hats. Often, what we do is the name we go
by. In my life, I have done a wide variety of tasks. Because I did
those tasks, I was called by certain titles or given certain

At one time, I helped electricians in the wiring of houses.  I don’t
know that I was ever an electrician, but I was at least an
electrician’s flunky.

At another time, several times in fact, I worked at hamburger joints.
Sometimes, most of the time, I cooked the burgers, so I was the
cook.   For a few years, I closed the store and counted the
inventory at night.  That made me the third manager.

Of all the things I have been called, the one I have liked the best
has been "pastor" and preacher."  However, I have been called all of
these things because I do.

That is not the way it works in God’s kingdom. In God’s kingdom, God
gives us the title first, and He then expects us to live up to it.
That may sound strange, but it is God’s way. God has given to
Christians a lot of titles. At this point, you may not be living up
to the titles that God has given to us, but He expects us to do so.

There are a lot of these titles.  Let’s look at a few.

I. \\#11\\ In the world, we are pilgrim and a stranger.

1Peter 2:11  Dearly beloved, I beseech you as
strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly
lusts, which war against the soul;

   A. We are not necessarily called pilgrims and strangers because
       of what we have done.  God gave us these titles because of
       what  He wants us to be.
   B. God wants us to be pilgrims and strangers in this world.
       1. Pilgrims are those on a continuous journey.
           a. We don’t have them in our country, not exactly like
               they are in Israel.
           b. In Israel and the Arabic world, they are called
               (1) They are not bums.
               (2) Indeed, they might be very wealthy, but they chose
                    to live the life of a wanderer.
           c. I suppose the closest thing to a pilgrim in our land
               might have been the Gypsies.
       2. Strangers are those with no friendships.
           a. A stranger is someone no one knows, not because they
               are unfriendly but because they have not been here
           b. In one way of thinking, as soon as you meet a
               stranger, he isn’t a stranger anymore.
       3. Now, God is not telling us that we cannot own property,
           have family, work a job, and live our lives; but He is
           telling us with these titles that He does not want us to
           get attached to this world or to the people of this
       4. We are to remain mobile and emotionally free from the
           places and people of this world.
   C. God gives us this title and imagery for our benefit. Why?
       1. Because a love for this world will compromise our love and
           devotion to Jesus.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the
things that are in the world. If any man love
the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

           a. The two loves are extreme!
           b. The more God’s people get involved in the things of
               this world, the less you tend to serve Jesus.

Galatians 1:10  For do I now persuade men, or
God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet
pleased men, I should not be the servant of

       2. Because if our allegiance is to Jesus, the world is going
            to hate us.

John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world
would love his own: but because ye are not of
the world, but I have chosen you out of the
world, therefore the world hateth you.

   D. In this world, our worth is determined by our separation from
       1. I know the world will mock you, laugh at you, curse and
           fire you.
       2. But if you are the same as they are, they will never
           listen to you.
       3. You have to be different to be effective.
       4. Not just different for the sake of different, but
           different in holiness, in righteousness, and godliness.

II. \\#2\\ In the Word, we are a babes.

1Peter 2:2  As newborn babes, desire the sincere
milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

   A. Again, we are not babies for what we do.  We are babies
       because that is what God wants us to be.
       1. There is a characteristic of a baby that God wants us to
       2. Now, babies do two things really well.
           a. They eat.
           b. They mess up.
           c. God is wanting us to shoot for that first picture.
   B. It is interesting that both Peter and Paul use this image,
       but to different ends.
       1. Listen to how the Lord lead Paul to uses the image.
           a. He is describing the believers at Corinth.

1Corinthians 3:1  And I, brethren, could not
speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto
carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

           b. He is speaking of how some spiritual people view

Romans 2:20  An instructor of the foolish, a
teacher of babes, which hast the form of
knowledge and of the truth in the law.

           c. The writer is describing some believers among the

Hebrews 5:13 For every one that useth milk is
unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he
is a babe.

           d. In all of these passages, the notion of being a
               babe is temporary and represents immaturity.
               (1) In Corinth and Hebrews, the writer was saying
                    babyhood is a state you should have already out
               (2) In Romans, he was speaking that the purpose of
                    instruction is to grow us on through that stage.
               (3) And in Hebrews the writer is telling us that
                    babies are unskilled.
       2. Peter’s use of the term is completely different.
           a. Peter is presenting babyhood as a forever thing.
           b. Peter is advocating being hungry for the things of God
               like a baby is hungry for the food.
           c. That is not something to outgrow.  It is not to be a
               temporary condition.  And it is certainly not a sign
               of immaturity.
   C. So by calling us babes, God is telling us what He wants us
       to be… HUNGRY for Bible, HUNGRY to learn truth
       1. It is almost always good for a Christian to feed on the
       2. The only time when it is not good, is when he is not
          getting enough exercise to work off the nutrients that he
          is taking in.
       3. In other words, God doesn’t want any FAT babies.
       4. He wants us to work up an appetite and come back to His
           Word hungry again.

Php 2:12  Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have
always obeyed, not as in my presence only,
but now much more in my absence, work out your
own salvation with fear and trembling.

   D. When it comes to the Word, our worth is determined by our
       hunger and devotion to it.

III. \\#5\\ In the church, you are a lively stone.

1Peter 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built
up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to
offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God
by Jesus Christ.

   A. Again, this is not necessarily what we are.  This is what we
       should become.
   B. A living stone is something you build with.
       1. In the church, your worth is not determined by what Christ
           has done for you but by what you do for Him.
       2. God’s desire is that we are to be built into a spiritual
       3. Get this.  God does not want you to be the ornament that
           gets hung on the wall.
           a. He wants you to be the wall that the ornaments are
               hung upon.
           b. The kind of stones that Peter is talking about are
               not light.  They are heavy and dense.
           c. So God is wanting us to be the part of the house that
               holds everything else.
           d. If an ornament goes missing, I probably won’t notice
               a. It’s small and pretty but non-essential.
               b. So it likely fly beneath my radar.
           e. However, if a wall goes missing, I am apt to notice
           f. Too many Christians are the pretty ornaments when they
               are supposed to be the essential wall.
  C. That which makes a stone valuable is determined by:
      1. It’s composition. What are you made of?
      2. It’s density or strength.  How strong are you?
      3. It’s durability.  How long are you going to last?
      4. It’s beauty.
  D. Your worth as a stone, something God can build with, is your
      stability and strength to stay where God put you.
      1. Huey Stone traveled to Ireland.
      2. Wall was built 1600 years ago, the days of Jesus, the days
          of the Turks.

IV. \\#9\\ In the eyes of Jesus, you are chosen, royal, holy, and
     peculiar people.

1Peter 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a
royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people; that ye should shew forth the praises
of him who hath called you out of darkness into
his marvellous light:

   A. One more time.  This may not be what we are, but it is what we
       are supposed to be.
   B. Peter has described us from different perspectives.  I believe
       this is what Jesus sees us as.
       1. Chosen - elect - handpicked by God
           a. Election scares some so much that they have not
               thought about what it really means.
               (1) Some people are afraid they or someone they love
                    may not be chosen for heaven by God.
               (2) If you want to be chosen, get saved.
               (3) Anyone who calls on Jesus in faith and repentance
                    is the chosen!
           b. But then put away you fear and realize, God wanted us.
           c. All of those who will accept Jesus, God chose to be
       2. Royal Priesthood
           a. To be a priest is to be a servant of God.
           b. To be royal is to be His highest servant.  It is
               beyond the office of High Priest!
           c. God wants you to be the highest of all of His
       3. Holy nation
           a. Notice that God does not see us as individuals here
               but as a part of the whole.
           b. He desires us to be holy, the holiest people that God
               has ever had.
       4. Peculiar people
           a. Peculiar - Different, odd, strange
           b. That comes by not being of this world as the image of
               pilgrim and stranger illustrates.
   C. But notice that in this image, we are told why God wants us to
       be these things.

9. ..that ye should shew forth the praises of
him who hath called you out of darkness into
his marvellous light:

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