Habakkuk 1:1-6 
It’s Sooner than We Think

This morning, I preached some thoughts as to why I believe the coming
of Jesus is not only imminent but soon.  No, the Bible does not say
that Jesus is coming soon.  That is what I think and what I believe.

I listed several reasons this morning.
    1. Because of the Bible’s teaching on imminent return of Jesus.
        It could happen at any minute.
    2. Because of miraculous re-birth of the nation of Israel.
        a. Israel could be the fig tree that buds.
        b. If so, God will finish everything before that generation
            passes away.
    3. Because of the technology of today.
        a. The technology of television gives the world the ability
            to watch the two witnesses die and lie in the streets of
            Jerusalem in real time.
        b. The AI technology makes it possible for man to bring an
            image to life.
        c. RFID technology makes it possible for access to be granted
            or denied based on whatever criterial the powers that be
    4. Because of the mindset of today.
        a. Regardless of the reason, people seem to be accepting and
            wanting restrictions of who can and cannot.
        b. That is a mindset the anti-Christ will use.

Tonight, I want to give you three more reason I believe that Jesus’
coming is not just imminent but soon.

I. I believe the coming of Jesus could be soon because of the
    prophesied re-alignment of the nations.
    A. In the books of Daniel and Revelation, you will see the
        reference to ten toes, ten horns, and ten crowns.
        1. \\#Dan 2:41-42\\ speak of the end time kingdom having ten
        2. \\#Dan 7:7, 20, 24, Rev 12:3, 17:3, 7, 12, 16\\ all speak
            of ten horns.
        3. \\#Rev  13:1\\ speaks of the ten horns and the ten crowns.
    B. We do not have to guess what they mean because they are
        interpreted for us.

Da 7:24  And the ten horns out of this kingdom
are ten kings that shall arise…

Re 17:12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are
ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet;
but receive power as kings one hour with the

        1. At some point, the world is to be restructured into 10
            kingdoms, unions, nations, or regions.
        2. \\#Dan 7:8\\ tells that the anti-Christ will rise up
            out of the ten horns, the ten kingdoms.

Da 7:8  I considered the horns, and, behold,
there came up among them another little horn,
before whom there were three of the first horns
plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this
horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth
speaking great things.

        3. That would mean the ten kingdoms come BEFORE the anti-
            a. I am not saying that I have all of the answers.
            b. I do not know if there are only ten world powers or
                leaders when the anti-Christ comes to power of if
                only 10 are important and responsible for putting
                him into power.
            c. But I am saying that somehow 10 kingdoms or powers
                exists and the anti-Christ will come from them so
                ten powers must stand out above the others.
    C. Something will make this prophecy come to pass, and it looks
        to me that it could be an world-wide economic collapse.
        1. I know I am no authority on economics, but it seems to me
            that our economic world could collapse at any moment.
            a. Houses that were worth $35,000 18 months ago are not
                worth $100,000.  (I know this personally.)
            b. Lumber that cost $32.00 18 months ago, now costs
                $59.00 today, and it was as high as $75. (I know
                this personally.)
            c. A 2x4 that cost $3.75 18 months ago, now costs $6.50.
                (I know this personally.)
        2. Shelves that were stocked 18 months ago, now are at best
            3/4’s stocked.  Items that I could have picked up off of
            any local shelf 18 months ago, are now iffy and in some
            stations, not possible.  (I know this personally.)
        3. And now there is talk of another lockdown, at least among
            the blue states.
            a. Dr. Fauci (Fowl che) says he does not think another
                lockdown will be necessary, but that may not stop it
                from happening.
            b. But if there is:
                (1) Our international shipping arrives at ports of
                     blue states.
                (2) Some of our biggest manufacturing states are blue
                (3) Some of our computer chip producing states are
                     blue states.
                (4) Some of our biggest agricultural states are blue
            c. If blue states shut down again, the nation and the
                whole world will be impacted.
        4. Some of our existing world unions have been on the verge
            of breaking apart for decades now.
            a. The European Union has been cracking under its debt
                and non-productivity for over half if its existence.
                Britain, the main production and wealth center of the
                EU, finally pulled out of the EU in 2020.
                (1) The EU was not born in 1993.
                (2) Britain started talking about pulling out in
                     2013, just twenty years after getting in!
                (3) It took them seven years to figure out to do
                     it and as I recalled, they never did.
                (4) They pulled out.
            b. The US is no better.
                (1) In 40 years, the US has gone from having a
                     balanced budget to being the most indebted
                     country in the world, which also makes it the
                     most indebted country in the history of the
                (2) To be honest, there is no country of power and
                     standing which is not carrying the burden of
                     substantial debt.

                (3) The economy of the every major nation in the
                     world is built on credit and pretend wealth.
            c. And it should be noted that most of the current
                figures do not show the impact of the last 18 months
                of lockdowns have had on the nations.
    D. There is a limit as to how much any economy can stand until
        it collapses.
        1. Had it not been for the artificial controls and stops built
            into our stock market, it would have collapsed in 2008,
            just as badly or worse than the collapse of the 1930’s.
        2. Since that time, the stock market has been on a tear,
            breaking record after record, and to be honest, I still
            don’t understand why.
            a. My thought is if you can created artificial stops to
                keep you from going down, they can also created
                artificial steps to get you to climb higher.
            b. They call those "bubbles."
            c. Since our nation is dependent upon other nations for
                food, medicines, and materials, c. I wonder if there
                will not come a huge fall soon, a fall that will
                effect the political and economic powers of the world!
    E. All of this seems to me to be sitting us up for a collapse
        that I think will not just effect the United States but the
        entire world and usher in a New World Order.

II. I believe the coming of Jesus could be soon because this world is
     forcing God to judge it.
    A. Let me put this is the simplest terms:
        1. This world is wicked.
        2. The church is powerless.
        3. So God will have to do something.
    B. I will elaborate a little:
        1. The world is wicked.
            a. I can only think of two Biblical commands or
                principals that we may not be violating.
                (1) I do not think sex and prostitution has become an
                     accepted part of our mainstream religions.
                (2) We do not actually offer living babies on the
                     altars to pagan deities.
            b. Outside of those two, we do it all, and we do it with
                mockery, joy, and derision.
                (1) We laugh at God’s marriage.
                (2) We attempt to change the sexes of God’s
                (3) We are violent, rebellious, drug addicted, given
                     to pleasure, blasphemous, and riotous.
                (4) We are the people of Romans 1.
            c. We have forgotten that God has destroyed civilizations
                who were better than us.
                (1) I guess we are even worse than that.
                (2) I guess we don’t believe God ever judged any of
                     those other nations.
                (3) I guess we don’t believe there is a God at all.
        2. The church is powerless.
            a. This has bothered me in my lifetime more than any
                other thing.
            b. The church is to be a mighty force for God in this

Mt 16:18  And I say also unto thee, That thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against

Acts 2;42  And they continued stedfastly in the
apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in
breaking of bread, and in prayers.
43  And fear came upon every soul: and many
wonders and signs were done by the apostles.

                (1) I’ve read the Bible and some history.
                     (a) That is what it should be.
                     (b) That is what it has been.
                     (c) But that is not what it is.
                (2) We are "the salt that has lost his savour, and
                     are thenceforth good for nothing, but to be
                     cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
            c. I have been the edge of the Jordan with my mantle,
                slapped it against the waters, and cried, "Where is
                the Lord God of Elijah?" until my arms grew weak
                and my voice grew hoarse.  The waters never parted.
            d. I do not blame others.  This is my calling and time
                as much as it is anyone else.
                (1) When was the last fire of revival?
                (2) When did we last see a moving of the Holy
                (3) When did we last see souls getting saved in
                (4) When did the church last have zeal, knowledge,
                     conviction, authority?
            e. I do not know why we are powerless.
                (1) Is it us?  I acknowledge most Christians today
                     are not of the same caliber as yester-year.
                (2) But at the same time, at no time have Christians
                    without the conviction of the Holy Ghost ever
                    been much.
                (3) It is the working of the Holy Spirit that gave
                     Christians their caliber.
                (4) If the Holy Ghost is not manifesting Himself in
                     power, we are not going to be much.
            f. So I say again, Christians seem to be powerless.
        3. So God must judge us.
            a. Notice Habakkuk.
                (1) \\#Hab 1:1-4\\ This man is crying out over his
                     (a) \\#2\\  I cry, you are not hearing!
                     (b) I cry, and you are not saving.
                     (c) \\#3\\ Why even show me truth if you are
                          going to do something about it?
                     (d) \\#4\\ The Law (the Word of God) is being
                          ignored and judgment (the hand of God) is
                          not doing anything about it!
                (2) \\#Hab 1:5\\ God says, "I am about to do
                     something you will not believe!" and God goes on
                     to describe the coming judgment.
            b. When God’s people lose their power, it is not a reason
                for the world to rejoice.
            c. It is a reason for the world to tremble for it likely
                means that God is about to do a work Himself!
            d. I believe the very powerlessness of the righteous is
                an indication that God’s judgment is about to fall.
            e. Remember Lot.

2Pe 2:7  And delivered just Lot, vexed with the
filthy conversation of the wicked:
8  (For that righteous man dwelling among them,
in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul
from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)

                (1) Lot was called righteous by God.
                (2) We like to think of Lot as a compromiser and
                     perhaps he was, but God says he was both
                     righteous and vexed over the wickedness going
                     on around him.
                (3) Why didn’t he do something about it?
                     (a) I think he did.
                     (b) He just did not have power.
                (4) So God stepped in.

III. I believe God’s judgment is near because God’s purposes may be
      almost complete.

Hab 1:13  Thou art of purer eyes than to behold
evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore
lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously,
and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth
the man that is more righteous than he?

    A. Habakkuk asked, "Why are you holding your tongue?  Why are
        you not doing something?"
        1. That is a good question.
        2. What would cause God to hold judgment?
    B. May I suggest two reasons?
        1. God wants the lost to be saved and the saved to do right.

Romans 2:4  Or despisest thou the riches of his
goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not
knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to

2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his
promise, as some men count slackness; but is
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to

            a. I cannot say God gives it to everyman, because He does
            b. But to some, God gives every opportunity to do right.
            c. That may be God’s purpose.
        2. God waits for the wickedness of man to FILL UP.

Ro 11:25  For I would not, brethren, that ye
should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye
should be wise in your own conceits; that
blindness in part is happened to Israel,
until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Ge 15:16  But in the fourth generation they
shall come hither again: for the iniquity of
the Amorites is not yet full.

Maybe the cup of His wrath is about full already.

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