2Tim 2:15
The Faithful Minister (4)

We are continuing to see the counsel that Paul gave to Timothy in
this, the last preserved letter before Paul’s death.  So far, we
have seen…

I. \\#1\\ Be strong like a son.
II. \\#2\\ Speak like a witness.
III. \\#3\\ Be hard like a soldier.
IV. \\#4\\ Be single-minded like a warrior.
V. \\#5\\ Strive like the athlete.
VI. \\#6-7\\ Partake like a farmer.
VII. \\#8-13\\ Remember like a child of God.
VIII. \\#14, 16-18\\ Proclaim like a Preacher

In encouraging Timothy to preach like a preacher, Paul mentioned two
more preacher-men who had turned from the faith \\#17\\, Hymenaeus
and Philetus.  Paul did not want that to happen to Timothy and he
gave him some council to see that it did not.

IX. \\#15\\ Study like a workman.

2Tim 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto
God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.

    A. Concerning Hymenaeus and Philetus, as Paul mentioned them, he
        was talking about those preachers who…
        1. \\#16\\ babble vainly and profanely instead of move people
            to godliness.
        2. \\#17\\ Their words are like a canker, "gangrenous," a
            condition of your flesh and tissue just rotting away.
        3. \\#18\\ Their words are just plan wrong, filled with
    B. Paul gave one piece of advice to Timothy to keep this awful
        condition from happening through him—study.
        1. Study the Bible.  Learn it.  Know what it says.  Let what
            it says sink into you, change you, grow you.
        2. Again, one would think this is a given for preachers but
            so many preachers spend so little time in study.
            a. For some, it is because it is not their calling. They
                may be leaders; they may be charismatic, they may be
                likeable, but they do not love to study the Word of
                (1) These men should not be senior pastors, pastors
                     that preach the Word.
                (2) They can be visitation pastors, project
                     overseers, music ministers, missions directors,
                     and a variety of other leaders in the church,
                     but they should not be the primary preacher in
                     the church.
            b. For others, it is because they are too busy.  Some
                preachers would love to read the Bible, study a
                passage, cross reference some thoughts, read what
                others see—but they are too busy doing other things.
                (1) These men either need to get some help or they
                     need to let some of the business go.
                (2) If their primary ministry is the Word of God,
                     they must invest time into it.
            c. Preachers who don’t study are like….
                (1) Carpenters who don’t work with wood.
                (2) Mechanics who don’t like cars.
                (3) Bakers who don’t like flour.
                (4) Farmers who don’t like dirt.
    C. In this verse, Paul told Timothy three things that would
        happen if he studied.  Let’s get the last one first.
        1. He will rightly divide the Word of God.
            a. I am moving this to the top of the list because it
                seems to be the most logical and sought after reason
                for studying the Bible.
            b. Those who study the Bible will have a greater
                understanding of God’s Word.
            c. If a preacher is going to preach, he needs something
                to say.  The only thing worthy of a preacher saying
                will have to come out of the Bible.
            d. Our words on politics, social conditions, the criminal
                justice system, finances, psychology, medicines,
                science are only worth listening to IF it coming from
                a Bible principal.
            e. Preachers need to preach the Bible.
        2. He would be approved of God.
            a. That could mean three things.
                (1) It could mean that a preacher who studied will be
                     approved (blessed and empower) by God.
                (2) It could mean that a preacher who is approved of
                     God will study.
                (3) Or it could mean both.
            b. The first meaning would be one of reward.
                (1) If Timothy studied the Word, God would reward him
                     with His approval.
                     (a) He will be blessed and empowered because of
                          his study.
                     (b) The blessings are not merely limited to
                          gaining Biblical understanding.
                     (c) They might include blessings on one’s home
                          life, business life, on his health, and on
                          his happiness.
                (2) I find that to be true.  I love to study the
                     Bible because I like to see old truths afresh
                     and new truths for the first time.
            c. The second meaning would be one of screening.
                (1) Those who have been approved of God to handle the
                     Word will study the Word.
                (2) I believe that to be true but can only speak of
                (3) However, my council would be if you are listening
                     to someone who does not know the Bible, he is
                     either too green to be in that position or he
                     was not called of God.
            d. So I think both have merit.
        3. He will not be ashamed.
            a. The preachers’ worse nightmare is for Sunday morning
                to roll around and he has no food to give.
            b. I do not want to fail in these hours when I stand
                behind this scared desk.

X. \\#19-26\\ Live like you are the Lord’s
    A. In this section, Paul listed several exhortations which sound
        much like the ones he gave in 1Timothy.
        1. Remember that around six years would have passed.
        2. You can’t beat the basics!
        3. Paul’s goal was to ground Timothy and he cannot do that
            without reminding him of the basics.
    B. \\#19\\ Notice the importance Paul placed on these items.
        1. "the foundation of God standeth sure"
            a. Paul was about to tell Timothy something about God
                that was bedrock, basic, foundational, to God
            b. This revelation is something that God and all that He
                is rests upon.
            c. This is big.  Paul was building this up as something
                very important.
        2. "having this seal"
            a. Then Paul added this to emphasize the importance even
            b. A seal reminds us of the seal of empire, like the one
                used on Jesus’ tomb.
            c. Having a seal means it is authentic and important, of
                great value.
            d. Paul built this up to make it sound as if it was the
                most important truth he had ever found!
        3. What is it, Paul?
            a. "The Lord knoweth them that are his."
                (1) Our reaction might be, "Is that all?"
                     (a) However, that reaction demonstrates how much
                          we take God’s relationship with us for
                     (b) The almighty God knows US because we are
                (2) The context would indicate that God knew
                     Hymenaeus and Philetus were never God’s.
                     (a) It is very likely that the number one reason
                          a preacher does not preach the whole truth
                          of the gospel is because he is lost,
                     (b) I read Joel Osteen’s reply to the criticism
                          as to why he does not preach on sin, hell,
                          or salvation.  His response was basically
                          that people are beat down enough.  He wants
                          to build them up.  There is a real
                          possibility that he does not know Jesus as
                          His Savior.  He has the world’s largest
                          church, 40,000 members.  He has made
                          millions by calling himself a preacher and
                          pastor, but he refuses to preach a message
                          that could lead a lost soul to Christ,

            b. "And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ
                depart from iniquity."
                (1) Notice the "AND."  This is also a foundational
                (2) Those who claim Christ should depart from sin.
                (3) We all know that some who claim Jesus do not, but
                     they should.
                (4) Paul called that as foundational and basic a
                     truth as the fact that God knows us.
            c. \\#20-21\\ Paul took that thought further.
                (1) He used the comparison of the good china to the
                     plastic dishes.
                (2) Just you may have some better dishes you use when
                     company comes over and some that is just every-
                     day, so God has some servants which are special
                     to Him.
                (3) Which servants are God’s special servants?  The
                     one who "purges himself" from sin!

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