2Tim 3:1-9

Paul moved in his letter to Timothy from the present to the future.
Remembering that Paul was in prison, expecting soon to be executed,
it makes sense that at some point he would at least the future to
Timothy.  \\#1-9\\ Describe the Coming Days.

There are three thoughts that we can gather from these words from
nothing more than a quick read of them.
    1. This is future.  \\#1\\ Paul used the phrase "shall come," the
        future tense of the verb.  There are some future days coming
        that were to be bad days.  Paul’s days were bad days.  He and
        many others were dying for Christ by some very cruel means;
        yet, these coming days would be a different kind of bad days.
        What was and is to come is uniquely bad.  This is the future.
    2. This is certain.  Nothing can stop these coming days.  No
        amount of preaching, no amount of praying, no amount of
        soul winning, no amount of reviving—nothing can stop these
        coming days.  God has determined that this is how the church
        age will end.  Now, while we cannot stop these days from
        coming, we can do our best to keep them from coming in our
        day.  If we preach, if we pray, if we win others—perhaps we
        can turn the tide of evil in our day, but even if we do, it
        will come. How will we know if we are sucessful?  The most
        obvious wll be there will either be a revival or a rapture.
    3. Things are going to get worse.  What Paul was describing are
        the last days, the days in which Jesus will come for the
        church and the tribulation will begin.  The fact that Jesus
        has not returned for the church yet is an indication that we
        have not reached the bottom of the barrel yet.  Things are
        going to get worse.
        There are two ways to look at that fact:
           a. We can consider ourselves in a sinful freefall.
           b. We can consider this an opportunity to serve God!

As the title of the message suggests, this chapter is a chapter of
contrast.  As we approach the coming days,
    \\#1-9\\ describes their behavior,
    \\#10-13\\ describes what should be our behavior,
    \\#14-17\\ describes what Paul wanted Timothy’s behavior was to

I. \\#1-9\\ The Coming Days-"THEM"-It is interesting how God used
    different books to give us different details about the end time.
    Some focus on the devil, rising in power.  Some the church,
    shrinking in power.  This passage focuses mainly on the people.
    A. \\#1-4\\ They will be slipping in character.
        1. For 4 verses, Paul wrote about the evil character of
            mankind in the coming days.
        2. Words are used which paint the image of selfish; greedy;
            arrogant, disrespectful to others, to parents, and to God;
            having no natural affections; angry; violent; evil;
            traitors; and pleasure seekers.
        3. We are getting close to this kind of character but,
            apparently, we have some more sinking we can do.
            a. The "me, me, me" generation must grow some more.
            b. A few more of the ethical must leave this world yet.
            c. We were working at the church today and Danny
                Collier’s came by to tell him to watch as his house
                had been broken into.  After, Brother Danny—not
                trying to be critical, simply said of the man, "He
                lives in a humble home and hasn’t got much.  Why
                would anyone break into his house?"  The answer is
                because we are to the place that a man would steal
                your last two cents and think nothing of it.  Yet, we
                must sink lower yet.
            d. Road rage must increase yet.  We must get some "Little
                League" rage, some basketball final rage, some "My
                child didn’t make the honor roll" rage.
            e. We need more public officials who will cheat on their
                wives or husbands, who will sell their office and
                influence, who will betray the people who elected
                them.  We have a lot of them, but more are coming.
            f. We need more teachers to sleep with their students;
                more preachers to deny the Bible they preach;
                more trivial lawsuits to be awarded;
                and more able body citizens to be on disability and
        4. It is sad to say but violence, theft, cheating, race
            baiting, and bullying will yet step it up.
    B. \\#5\\ They will have a shallow, shadow of godliness.
        1. I find it interesting that the image of godliness will not
            have completely disappeared in these days.  The image,
            the covering, the shadow of godliness will still be
            visible—however, it will not run deep but will be
            superficial, shallow, of a surface depth only.
            a. A few years ago, we put some imitation wood flooring
                into the parsonage.  It looks like wood but it is not.
                The surface is made to look that way, but it is
                tougher and easier to care for than wood.
            b. I have seen come commercials in which they say they
                have a tile that looks like marble.  It is not marble
                but it looks like it.
        2. Shallow, surface coatings do fine on floors and tiles, but
            when it comes to godliness, a surface coat will not do.
        3. Godliness must run deep—in fact, it must spring forth
            from the converted and devoted soul or else will
            accomplish nothing.
            a. Take a sledge hammer and hit one of those marble
                floor tiles like you would a marble slap and you will
                find quickly what is marble and what is not.
            b. Take a saw to the imitation floor and you will see
                what is wood and what is not.
            c. Put the trials of life to those with nothing more than
                a form of godliness and you will find out what is
                real and what is not.
        4. The people living in the coming days may have the right
            credentials and titles, but what they have will not even
            help them, let alone others.
    C. \\#6\\ They will be silly followers.
        1.  We seem to be moving from people in general to a
             description of people in the churches during these
             coming days.
        2. The religious will follow those shallow shadows of
        3. Could it be that this passage is being fulfilled by
            our Robert Shullers, Joel Osteens, and Benny Hinns?
            a. I find it interesting that the Bible depicts this
                phenomenal happening by the shallow shadows of
                godliness "creeping into the houses" of silly women—
                not the silly women coming to the house of the
                shallow shadows of godliness.
                (1) Isn’t that just how it is happening today?
                (2) Television has made that possible.
            b. I also find it interesting that these shallow shadows
                of godliness will use lusts as their main ploy.  "Sew
                a seed and reap a financial harvest!"
            c. And I find it interesting that these shallow shadows
                of godliness will target women.
                (1) Don’t be too offended.
                (2) It may be because women are simply more tender to
                     God than men.
    D. \\#7-8\\ They will have a short learning cycle.
        1. Always learning but never growing in knowledge.
        2. \\#8\\ Paul gave two examples, Jannes and Jambres who the
            Hebrew targum said were the Egyptian magicians that
            withstood Moses in \\#Ex 7:11\\.
        3. I do not know if they targums got the names connected to
            the right incident or not but I do know that somewhere in
            Moses’ life Jannes and Jambres withstood him—not because
            of a targum but because Paul under the inspiration of the
            Holy Ghost said they did.
    E. \\#9\\ All of these people will have a sure end.
        1. The people of the coming days will be dealt with by Jesus
            Himself when He returns.
        2. And while it may seem to those who are living in those
            days that there are no bounds on the behaviors of the
            people, there will be—and when people cross it, God will
            move things along to the next phase.

II. \\#10-13\\ Contrast-"US."
    A. How the unbelievers and deceived behave in the end days is
        between them and God, but we who the righteous have a way
        that we will respond.
        1. Note-The behavior of the righteous is not dictated by
            the conditions around us or by the effect it has on
            a. In the days Paul was speaking of, behaving as God
                leads will probably have very little impact on those
                around us.
            b. The godly will do it anyway.
        2. Our behavior is dictated by the Word of God and we will
            obey because it is the right thing to do.
    B. \\#10\\ BUT - Paul connected what he was about to say about
        himself and proper behavior back to the what he had said
        about the behavior of those in the coming days.
        1. Paul did not expand on specifics concerning his behavior
            and life.
        2. But he did encourage Timothy to follow his life not the
            lives of those who would come in future days.
        3. So do I.  We may have to guess a bit as we look at some of
            what Paul meant, but one thing is for certain, if a
            Christian imitates Paul’s life, he will not go badly
    C. How did Paul live?
        1. You know my doctrine.
            a. Christians live according to what we believe.
                (1) That is often in opposition to how we have been
                     treated or to what we want.
                (2) Paul had been an example to that many times and
                     he refers to his being mistreated \\11-13\\.
            b. The implication is that the righteous will do right
                no matter what the world does or does to us.
            c. Bob Jones use to say, "Do right.  Do right.  Though
                the stars fall from heaven, do right!"
        2. His purpose.
            a. Paul had two primary purposes in life.
            b. It was to glory God and to tell others about Jesus.

Ga 6:14  But God forbid that I should glory, save
in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…

Php 1:21  For to me to live is Christ….

            c. This should be our purpose—no matter what days we
                live in and no matter how successful we are at it.
            d. Christians must remember that we are not working for
                the effect but for the effort.  Our reward is based
                on our effort.  God will take care of the effect.
        3. His faith.  Paul had faith…
            a. In the God who ruled over all things.
            b. In His Son who died for our sins.
            c. In the power of the Holy Ghost who could save sinners.
            d. And in the reward of the righteous.
        4. His suffering.  They did not stop him.
        5. His demonstration of love.
            a. The word charity has changed some since our Bible was
                translated but the general idea is still there.
            b. When you do charity work, you are demonstrating your
                love for others.
            c. Paul demonstrated his love for Christ, for the church,
                and for fallen man.
        6. His patience.
            a. If you read the life of Paul, you might conclude that
                he was not patient with sin, but you would also have
                to conclude that he put up with more than we would to
                help sinners come to Christ.
            b. That is patience.
        7. His life.
            a. A reference to the totality of Paul’s life.
            b. Paul was mentioning some elements of his life, but
                Timothy had been with Paul long enough to remember
                much more than Paul was going to say.

III. \\#3:14-4:5\ Command - Relates specifically to Timothy’s

2Tim 3:14 …continue thou in the things which
thou hast learned…

    A. Take the things that you have learned of me and keep doing
        1. As far as Paul knew, Timothy would be alive in the days
            that he had prophesied of in \\#1-9\\.
        2. I do not think anyone thought the Lord would be gone for
            2,000 years!
        3. Paul wanted Timothy to do right regardless of what
            direction the world went.
    B. That is what I want for my life, for the lives of my family,
        for the life of this church, and for your life.

Let’s ask God to make it so!

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