2Tim 4:1-5
I Charge You

We are winding down Paul’s last preserved letter and as so much of
this letter, it contains personal information from Paul to Timothy.
In chapter 3, Paul began talking to Timothy about end times and giving
Timothy council concerning them. Remembering that Paul had no way of
knowing that the end times would not come for at least 2,000 years, he
was actually giving counsel that he thought Timothy might use in his

Paul was still thinking last times in chapter 4, \\#3-4\\.  So
everything that Paul was telling Timothy, was for him (and others) to
use to stay faithful and to ward off the end times for as long as

\\#3:1-9\\ Character of end times
\\#3:10-13\\ Contrast of godly
\\#3:14-4:5\\ Command to Timothy

The first command Paul gave to Timothy relating to the end times was
related to his faith, continue in the things you have learned
\\#3:14\\.  The second command dealt with his actions \\#4:1-5\\.

We can study this command in three thoughts:

I. \\#1\\ The Charge
    A. Paul used that word.
        1. "charge" means "to protest to someone, to witness to
        2. The idea is to make them understand.
        3. Paul was telling Timothy that he really needed to
            understand what he was about to tell him.
    B. Our church uses that word today when we commission someone
        to the ministry of a deacon or a preacher.
        1. We preach to them and try to make them understand the
            sacred position and calling that God has given to them.
        2. We emphasize to them that the future hangs upon them and
            those like them to stay faithful to the things of God.
    C. Paul accentuated the charge by stating two facts with it.
        1. Fact 1 - He charged Timothy before the presence of God and
            Jesus Christ.
            a. Paul was not just telling Timothy something important.
            b. He was telling him something from God, moving the
                scales of importance far beyond all of man’s
        2. Fact 2 - The Lord Jesus Christ shall judge the living
            (quick) and the dead at Jesus’ appearing and at the
            appearing of His kingdom.
            a. Paul charged Timothy while drawing his attention to
                the day when Jesus would return, judge the world,
                and establish His kingdom.
            b. That is detailed \\#Rev 19:11-19\\ and
                \\#2Thess 1:7-10\\.
            c. The implication is that how Timothy, other preachers,
                and the body of Christ take heed to these words will
                effect this event.
            d. I do not mean we can change this event but we can
                delay it, as has been done by every generation that
                has gone before us until this present hour.
    D. What else could Paul have said to emphasize the importance of
        what he was about to tell Timothy?

II. The Commands
    A. This section is made up of a series of short, easy to
        understand commands.
        1. The first five, I believe pertain more to what all
            preachers and Christians need to do to put off the devil
            and to delay the end times.
        2. The second four are likewise important but their emphasis
            seems more personal, more from Paul directly to Timothy.
    B. (1) \\#2\\ Preach the Word - I was tempted to actually count
        this as two commands.
        1. "Preach" - Proclaim, tell, make the people to know
           a. This word is not limited to formal preaching.  Anyone
                can and everyone should be a preacher, a teller of
                the Word.  God has called us all to be "preachers"
                of the Word.
            b. I am always amazed at the simplicity of God’s plan.
                (1) The devil cannot and will not be put off by
                     elections, by building big churches, by
                     elimination of hunger or poverty.
                (2) We will never delay the end times by advances
                     made in medicine, science, or even peace.
                (3) The only way to put off the end times is to
        2. "the Word" - But what must be proclaimed is singular. Only
            the Word of God will do.
            a. I fear there is not as much distinction between the
                pulpit and the pew as some might think.
            b. Many Christians do not read their Bibles.  They do not
                study them, meditate upon them, or memorize them.
            c. I fear the pulpits do not either.
                (1) Preachers have a briefcase full of messages they
                     either wrote or, more than likely, copied.
                (2) They may shift a few points around or change
                     their illustrations, but they basically have
                     their book of sermons and that’s it.
                (3) They can’t create their own sermons because they
                     are not into the Bible enough to see how it
                (4) That is normal for a young preacher, but if they
                     are in the Bible and called, at some time, they
                     should catch afire!
        3. I believe here is the downfall of our day.  We have
            churches that have no Bible and pulpits that have no
    C. (2) Be instant, in season and out of season.
        1. Be ready.  Everyone has to study, but there should be one
            topic that every Christians is always ready to proclaim,
            the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
        2. Be ready when you feel like you have God’s power and be
            ready when you do not.
            a. Secret- Preachers do not alway sense God’s power.
            b. Just like secretaries, data entry, mechanics, and
                farmers sometimes feel like they are going through
                the motions, so do preachers and Christians.
            c. Tell this story anyway!
            d. It is not the teller of the story that has to feel the
                power of God.  It is the one hearing it!
    D. (3-5) Reprove, rebuke, and exhort
        1. Paul mentioned some terms like these in \\#2Tim 3:15\\,
            "for reproof for correction.
        2. All five of these words are different but similar.
        3. "Reprove" means to convince, convict, tell a fault,
            a. The word then means that we are to use the Word of God
                to persuade men concerning spiritual matters.
            b. It may come as surprise, but people have never been
                eager to accept the Bible.  People have always had to
                be convinced.
            c. That is OUR privilege and duty now.
        4. "Rebuke" - To stop, to forbid, to censure, to tax, to
            a. We are to unleash the Word of God in such a way that
                it stops the sinner from continuing in his sins.
            b. There must be a balance of both godly force and love.
            c. Many tend to be timid when it comes to telling people
                what the Bible says.
                (1) They do not want to "offend" them, to lose them
                     as a friend, or to look narrow minded.
                (2) Consider what is at stake, their soul.
                (3) We certainly do not want to offend or to give
                     God’s enemies any more ammunition, but we are
                     must be strong enough in our presentation that
                     the sinners do know what the Bible says.
        5. "exhort" - The word means to call, to ask, to invite.
            a. Christians cannot force others to the truth, but we
                can invite them to choose Jesus.
            b. Notice the conditions Paul listed:
                (1) With longsuffering, patience that hurts.
                (2) With doctrine - Doctrine is truth, facts.  When
                     speaking of the Bible, is refers to Bible
    E. \\#5\\ (6) "watch thou in all things"
        1. Notice the personal pronounce, "thou."  Paul was directing
            this specifically to Timothy.
        2. Watch means to stay alert, on guard.
            a. A sleeping Christian not only misses opportunities.
            b. He/she also misses changes in directions.
            c. The world, the devil, and sin have changed directions.
                (1) The devil is no longer hidden but out in the
                (2) Sin has come out of the shadows and is boldly
                     standing in the light.
                (3) Yet the world stands and applauds.  They are
                     spiritually asleep.
    F. (7) "endure afflictions" - Hard times were not going to stop with
        Paul’s death.  Timothy must get ready for what he would have
        to go through to stay faithful.
    G. (8) "do the work of an evangelist"
        1. Evangelists have two primary duties in the church.
            a. They stir revival.
            b. They win souls.
        2. We must all be evangelists.
        3. If we do not see souls saved and the church aflame, the
            church will die.
    I. (9) "make full proof of thy ministry"
        1. Notice again the personal pronoun.
        2. Demonstrate that God has called you.

III. \\3-4\\ The Complication
    A. \\#3\\ By the end times, people will not put up with sound
        1. That is not a prophecy anymore.  It is a fact.
        2. However, like all prophecies, since Jesus has not
            returned, people’s attitude toward the Word of God and
            preaching is only going to get worse.
    B. Instead of Bible preachers, we have those who preach fluff.
        Every time you buy one of their books or advertise for them,
        you are promoting their worthless teaching.
    C. \\#4\\ They shall and they have had a part in turning the
        people from the Word of God.
        1. We first had the name it and claim preachers who were
            greedy and immoral, causing much of the world to turn
            from preaching in disgust.
        2. Now we have those who only preach a feel good gospel,
            making the few of will listen to preaching think all
            preaching is supposed to be like that.

IV. \\#9-10\\ Cause
    A. There was a reason Paul was telling Timothy these things.
    B. It was because so many had turned from the truth.
        1. \\#2Tim 1:15\\ Hermogenes and Phygellus
        2. \\#2Tim 2:17\\ Hymenaeus and Philetus
        3. \\#2Tim 2:10\\ Demas
    C. Demas was mentioned by Paul in two other letters:
        1. \\#Colossians 4:14\\ - 62 AD
        2. \\#Phm 1:24\\ - 63 AD
        3. 2Timothy - 67 AD
    D. No doubt many had turned since Rome burned and Nero
        charged the Christian with doing it in 64 AD.
        1. So much so, that Paul probably figured the rapture and
            the anti-Christ were soon to come.
        2. But first, there had to be the falling away—and that
            seemed to be happening all around Paul.
        3. So he charged Timothy, "Don’t let it happen to you!"

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