Galatians 3:6-14
Truths About Faith

Most know by now that this is a deep doctrinal book. While it has passages
which can produce some great soul stirring sermons, the way we are studying it
(verse-by-verse), means that we must put on our thinking caps.

Especially in chapters 3 and 4.
    Chapters 1-2 - Defending the Gospel
    Chapters 3-4 - Understanding the Law
    Chapters 5-6 - Walking in the Spirit

So far, we have seen some of the benefits of being saved by faith.  Those who
lived under the law had these in limited supply.  Those who live in grace by
faith have then in limitless supply.
    \\#3:3\\ The Holy Spirit
    \\#3:5\\ Ministry and Miracles
    \\#3:11\\ Righteousness

The only thing that the law gave in limitless supply was curse \\#3:10\\.

Deut 27:26 Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do

Gal 3:10 Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are
written in the book of the law to do them.

Tonight, we move more to the purpose of the law.  Why was the law given?
To understand the answer, we need to understand other truths about the law.
Let me give you some truths.

    I. \\#Gal 3:6\\ Example of Salvation By Faith
        A. We have already covered this.
            1. We are wanting to know, "How were the Old Testament saints saved?"
            2. They were saved by faith.
        B. \\#3:6\\ Abraham is an example of one saved by faith.
        C. We have mentioned the trilogy of books Paul wrote dealing with this
            1. Galatians, Romans, Hebrews
            2. Each written at different times to different people discussing
                slightly different truths related to the Law.
            3. With each additional book, Paul gave more examples of those OT
                saints who were saved by faith.
                a. Galatians - Just Abraham
                b. Romans 4 - Abraham and David
                c. Hebrews 11 - Perhaps 14 named, others mentioned

   II. \\#Gal 3:8\\ Prophecy of Faith
        A. The Scripture foreseeing….
            1. God is the Author of the Scripture.
            2. He foreknowing His own plan, made a prophecy to Abraham.
            3. Question - Has the Law ever been a blessing to the whole world?
                a. No.
                b. The Law is to the Jews.
                    1. Even in Jesus’ day, living under the law, He minister
                        primarily to the Jews.
                    2. Mark 8:27 - Tyre and Sidon

Mark 8:27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is
not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.

                c. The Law is a curse to all who live under it!  \\#Gal 3:10\\
                d. Abraham did not have anything to do with the Law.  Moses did.
            4. How did Abraham bless the world?
                a. He is the father of FAITH.
                b. God said, "If you will believe, I will….
                    1. give you a son!"  Abraham said, "I will believe!"
                    2. make a nation out of you!" Abraham said, "I will believe!"
                    3. make you as numerous as the sand and the stars!" Abraham
                        said, "I will believe!"
                c. Because Abraham believed, God was able to send Jesus!
                d. It was not the Law but faith that made it possible for Abraham
                    to be a blessing to the world.
            5. This is then a prophecy that FAITH WOULD BLESS THE WORLD!
            6. The point is that God has always planned that FAITH not the LAW
                would be the means of salvation!
            7. There are not TWO WAYS to heaven.
        B. These prophecy is the foundation for several other things that Paul
            want to tell us.
            1. \\#Gal 3:17\\ This prophecy means faith PRE-EXISTED the Law.
            2. \\#Gal 3:15, 17\\ This prophecy means faith has PREEMINENCE over
                the Law.
            3. \\#Gal 3:7, 9, 14\\ This prophecy makes faith the PRECONDITION
                to being Abraham’s child.
                a. We part of the world that was to be blessed.
                b. We inherit the promise \\#Gal 3:29\\.
                c. It turns out that belief not birth is the condition for being
                    a child of Abraham.
        C. DEVIATION - What was the purpose of the Law?
            1. God has never had two plans of salvation.
            2. God has had two people (Jews and Gentiles) and two different plans
                for those people.
            3. To the human eye, it may look like God cared much for the Jews and
                little for the Gentiles.
            4. Grace is a river, God is the Source.
                a. Grace flowed through Adam, Noah, Abraham.
                b. At Abraham, the river split.
                c. One plan for the Jews and one for the Gentiles.
            5. At this fork, God worked very hard with the Jews.
                a. Gave them a nation.
                b. Made a covenant with them.
                c. Gave them the law.
                d. Made a relationship with them.
            6. At this fork, God seemingly abandoned the Gentiles.
            7. \\#Gal 3:24\\ God has a purpose in giving the Law.
                a. It was to be the Jews school teacher.
                b. To teach them what?  \\#Ex 19:5-6\\
                c. To be a nation of priests.
                d. God intended to use the Jews to win the Gentiles.
                e. They failed.
                f. \\#1Peter 2:9\\ Now God has reversed the roles.
            8. God never intended to exclude the Gentiles.
                a. They were to be won by the Jews.
                b. The Law was the Teacher to teach them to be holy so that they
                    could teach us.

  III. \\#Gal 3:19\\ Permanence of Faith/Temperance of Law
        A. The School Teacher was to teach only until the Seed came.
        B. \\#Gal 3:16\\ The Seed is Jesus.
        C. \\#Gal 3:25\\ Once Jesus came, the School Teacher would no longer be

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