John 13:31-38
Down to Business

Starting in John 13:1, we have been invited into the upper room with
Jesus and the disciples.  This supper was many things.
    1. It was the Last Supper that Jesus would have with His
        disciples—no, with His earthly friends!
    2. It was the first Lord’s Supper, a memorial by which we
        remember what Jesus did for us and our relationship to Him.
    3. But John teaches us that it was also to be a great teaching
        night—a seminar if you please—where Jesus would teach or
        perhaps re-teach His disciples some important truths.

Before Jesus could get to the teaching, a two wrongs needed to be
set right.
    1. \\#1-17\\ The disciples bad attitude.  They had come in with
        a rivalry that needed to be ended, which Jesus does, I
        believe, toward the beginning of the evening.
    2. \\#18-30\\ The devil must be dismissed.  As I said last week,
        the devil snuck in on Judas’ heels but he went out in Judas’
        heart.  The devil took possession of Judas and left, going
        out into the night \\#30\\.  By the way, phrase gives us two
        a. The night symbolically speaks of the darkness that Judas
            was entering into. For 3 1/2 years, Judas walked in the
            Light, but in the last few days, he rejected the Light.
            Now, Judas was leaving not only leaving a lit room for
            a dark street but he was going into the darkest of sins.
            It would not be but a few hours until that darkness would
            consume Judas and he would die a cruel death at his own
        b. That phrase tells me that the Jewish Passover had begun.
            Passover begins at sunset.
            (1) The original Passover began with the killing of the
                 Passover lamb and the blood being wiped across the
                 door posts.  During that night, the death angel came
                 through to judge who would live and who would die.
                 During the night that had just begun, the Jewish
                 Sanhedrin would determine to take Jesus’ life and
                 would deliver Him to Rome for execution at dawn’s
                 early light.
            (2) But then the custom of the Passover was to kill the
                 lamb during the day of the Passover and be sitting
                 at home that evening with family.  That was just
                 what the religious leaders did!
            (3) Thus Jesus fulfilled both the versions of Passover!

With those two wrongs set right, Jesus began to teach—and what
teaching He gave!  Almost every sentence recorded is a sermon in
itself—and probably would be in the hands of a more knowledgeable
preacher.  Let’s note some truths.

I. \\#John 13:31-32\\ It was time for God to expose Himself and the
    Father as the great God.
    A. Jesus’ says that the Son and the Father are to be glorified.
        1. I am not certain what a good definition of glorification
            is but I will give you mine.
        2. Glorification is when someone exposes God as great!
            a. The greatness of His power, mercy, love, justice,
                forgiveness, or any other exposure of Him.
            b. It is so sad that so much of what God does is never
                seen by the world.
                (1) God keeps Himself cloaked from human eyes!
                (2) Like Jesus walking in human flesh—no one could
                     really see just how glorious He was except for
                     those few minutes on the mountain when His glory
                     eked out from under His skin!
                (3) The only way to see God’s glory is by faith.
        3. But something was about to happen that would expose both
            Jesus and the Father as the great God!
        4. What do you suppose it was?
    B. It was the death, burial, and resurrection.
        1. These three events together would expose God as He has
            likely never been exposed before!
            a. Jesus’ hour to die for our sins was at hand, and God
                was going to let Him.
            b. And just like one of the things that made Lazarus’
                resurrection so undeniable was the fact that he was
                in the grave for several days, so Jesus’ body would
                lay in the grave for three nights and two days.
            c. Then, on the third day, He would arise!
        2. This would fulfill the Father’s will and expose the
            greatness of God like no other event in the history of
            mankind—probably like no other event in the history of
            infinity—had ever done!
    C. Yet, when Jesus told this to the disciples, they had no idea
        what it meant!
        1. Again, it is so sad—from the human point of view—that
            God chooses to work this way; however, He does.
            a. He has a reason.  The requirement is faith.
            b. But the Holy Spirit must have blinded the hearts of
                disciples so that they could not understand and would
                not ask questions.
        2. Can you imagine how different it MIGHT have been if the
            disciples had understood the death, burial, AND
        3. Instead of being afraid and in hiding, the disciples
            might have been sitting on lawn chairs at the tomb
            counting down the hours!
        4. But just like God chose to keep some truths from the
            Twelve, so God chooses to keep some truths from us.
            a. That was and is God’s business.
            b. Our job is not always to understand, but our job is
                to always trust and obey.
            c. God will expose Himself as the Great God!

II. \\#John 13:33-35\\ It was time for Jesus to leave and the
     disciples to love.
    A. \\#34-35\\ Love One Another
        1. We see the importance of this command since it appears
            the disciples came in that night with a problem between
            them!  That is human nature sad as it may be.
        2. This command goes with what Jesus has already taught the
            a. It forms a set.
                (1) He taught them to humble themselves.
                (2) He taught them to serve one another.
                (3) Now He is teaching them to love one another.
            b. This is the part of the set that makes the other two
                parts possible.
        3. Notice there are some things missing in this passage.
            a. Jesus did not teach why we had to love each other.
            b. Jesus did not teach how are to love each other.
            c. He just said DO it.
            d. Some things need explanation.  Some things just need
                to be done.  Loving one another just needs to be
        4. \\#34\\ Note that it is called a "new commandment."  What
            is new about it?
            a. So far, Jesus’ love had been keeping this group
            b. From now, their love for Jesus and for each other
                would be what keeps it together.
            c. We have the design of the Father, the commands of the
                Son, and the power of the Holy Ghost but we still
                have to do the loving!
        5. Also notice that our love for one another is the truest
            and brightest indicators that we belong to Jesus.
            a. The sign of false religions is that they will kill
                for their gods.
            b. The sign of the one true religion is that we are able
                to love each other even though we don’t always agree
                with each other.
            c. We not only do not kill each other, but we continue
                to work together.
    B. \\#33\\ I’m Leaving - While the disciples did not get the
        death, burial, and resurrection; they did understand that
        Jesus was leaving and they had some thoughts on the topic.
        1. \\#John 13:36-38\\ Peter thought he wanted to go, but it
            wasn’t time and he wasn’t ready.
            a. \\#36\\ Jesus told Peter that he could not go at that
                (1) Why? Peter did not know but his work was just
                (2) The crucifixion did not end anything.  It began
                     (a) The crucifixion began these men’s ministries
                          as preachers, missionaries, apostles,
                          miracle workers, and martyrs.
                     (b) It began the church and the church age.
                          Holy Ghost filled men and women who would
                          serve God and challenge others to be
                          saved and to serve.
                     (c) It began preaching, evangelism, humans
                          healing other humans, giving, and
                          suffering for Jesus.
                     (d) At long last, Gentiles and Jews were saved
                          together and worshipped God together.
                     (e) Heaven became a reward and access to God
                          became an entitlement to all of the
                (3) No, Peter, it is too early to go home.  You have
                     much to do!
                (4) As long as you and I have breathe, it is not our
                     time either.  The only thing we should be
                     finished with is doing nothing for Jesus!  We
                     must tend to the work and let God tend
                     to our departure.
            b. \\#37-38\\ Sadly, Jesus also had to tell Peter that he
                was not as ready to go as he thought.
                (1) Words and promises are easily spoken but usually
                     far more difficult to perform.
                (2) Peter genuinely thought he would die for Jesus.
                     (a) And Peter would have died for Jesus too, if
                          he could have died as a warrior.
                     (b) That was what Peter figured would happen.
                     (c) He had a sword and he knew how to swing it!
                (3) But Peter did not yet understand that dying for
                     Jesus is a sacrificial death, not a warrior’s
                     (a) It is one think to go out swinging but it’s
                          another to go out bleating.
                     (b) Jesus was going to lay His life down and all
                          who follow Him must be willing to do the
                (4) Peter did not yet realize that nor did he realize
                     how difficult that would be.
                (5) Before the morning cock crowed, Peter would deny
                     Jesus three times.
        2. \\#John 14:1-3\\ But when it is time, all will be good!
            a. Jesus is no longer talking about inheriting a kingdom
                but having a home in heaven.
                (1) The topic of reward has changed.
                (2) Matthews mentions the "kingdom of heaven" 32x.
                (3) The last reference is \\#Matt 25:14\\.
            b. So heaven is a new topic to these men.  Jesus started
                them with some basic facts.
                (1) \\#John 14:2\\ The Father has many mansions in
                     His house.
                     (a) Is that rooms in the Father’s house or
                          individual mansions in heaven?
                           i. The word means a staying, residence,
                               abode, or a place.
                          ii. But does it really matter?  Hey, it’s
                               heaven and no matter where you stay it
                               is going to be perfect!
                     (b) But get what Jesus was saying to them.
                           i. Their reward is a HOME.
                          ii. Their reward is HEAVEN.
                (2) \\#John 14:2-3\\ Jesus is personally preparing a
                     place for us there.
                (3) \\#John 14:1, 2\\ We have God the Father and God
                     the Son’s word on it!
                (4) \\#John 14:3\\ Jesus is going to come,  get us,
                     and stay with us there forever!
                (5) \\#John 14:1\\ All of this should comfort our
                     troubled hearts.
            c. \\#John 14:5-7\\ And when it is time, transportation
                will be provided.
                (1) Thomas asks, "How will we get there?"
                     (a) That question was answered in
                          \\#John 14:3\\.
                     (b) The disciples did not understand this
                          change.  As Jews, they had longed for
                          Messiah to come to earth to set up a
                          kingdom.  Now He was talking about leaving
                          and coming to get them.
                     (c) Thomas was wondering how they would find
                          Him.  He figured Jesus was going to some
                          surrounding country and wanted to know how
                          to follow Him.
                (2) \\#John 14:6\\ The way is through Jesus.
                     (a) That statement still not make much sense to
                          the disciples.
                     (b) They were thinking literally.
                           i. "What road will we take to get to You?"
                          ii. Jesus was saying just trust Him.  HE
                               would get them to Him!!
                     (c) Today, most Christians never think twice
                          about being reunited with Jesus.  We know
                          HE will take care of it.
                     (d) And that is what we are waiting on!
                           i. We are not looking for the anti-Christ.
                          ii. We are not looking for the tribulation.
                         iii. We are locked in on a simpler course.
                          iv. We will work the work the Father has
                               given us and trust that when it is
                               time, Jesus will come take us to Him.

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