John 3:1-8
The Imperative

The book of John is a book of declarations and we see that is the
case this evening.  While many truths are given in this book, none
are any more important that the one we see tonight.  You must be born

We left Jesus in Jerusalem in the last chapter.
    1. We do not know how long He stayed there. About all we know
        is that this occasion was likely early in the ministry of
        Jesus by its placement in this Gospel.
    2. John does not record the miracles He did there nor all of
        the sermons Jesus preached there.
    3. But Jesus had done enough miracles \\#2\\ that an important
        Jewish leader, Nicodemus, came to Jesus in the night so
        that he could talk with Jesus.
    4. It was during that conversation that Jesus made this most
        important declaration.
What can we learn about that declaration tonight?

I. The New Birth Is an Imperative Declaration
    A. That means that it was a command.
        1. This was a request, a suggestion, a debate, or advise. It
            was a command, plain and simple.
        2. And Jesus gave it to a leading Pharisee.
            a. I find it interesting that while Nicodemus did not
                understand what the command meant, he did not dispute
                either the command or Jesus’ right to give him
            b. All of the other things mentioned down through verse
                21 are for the purpose of explaining this essential
    B. It was open-ended.
        1. It applied to everyone.
        2. While directed to Nicodemus, we will see from the
            remainder of the conversation and the Bible, that it is
            a command for us as well.
    C. Why didn’t Nicodemus understand?
        1. This was a new truth.
            a. The new birth is a process of the New Covenant, not
                the Old.
            b. The Old Covenant had faith, obedience, and the Law to
                change behavior.
            c. But the New Covenant has faith, obedience, and the
                power of the Holy Ghost to change behavior.
            d. That process whereby the Holy Ghost moves into us,
                forgives us of our sins, and abides within us is
                called the New Birth.
            e. It is the work of the Holy Ghost that makes the new
                birth possible, powerful, and permanent.
        2. As far as we know, this is the first time that truth had
            been taught.  (As far as I know, none of the other Gospel
            writers even use this terminology.)
    D. What does Jesus tell Nicodemus to help him understand the new
        1. That it is essential.
        2. \\#5-6\\ That it is Spiritual birth.
            a. The word is capitalized.
            b. This is a work of the Holy Spirit.
            c. Without doubt, there is a distinct difference in the
                way God presented Himself in the Old and New
                (1) Let me say up front that God did not change. Just
                     the way He presented Himself changed.
                (2) In the Old Testament, there is little direct
                     reference to any one member of the Godhead.
                (3) Rather, the names of God all speak of all three
                     of the persons of the Godhead.
                (4) It is not until the New Testament that we learn
                     that God manifests Himself in three persons,
                     Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
                (5) However, it is interesting that we suppose the
                     name for God in the Old Testament refers to the
                     Father and that the ones being given better
                     billing in the New Testament are the Son and the
                     Holy Ghost.
                (6) How do you know that?  John has already taught us
                     that it was not the Father who created all
                     things but the Son!
                (7) I bring this up to point out to myself as well as
                     to you, the term God is not a reference to any
                     one member of the Godhead.  It is a reference to
                     all three members of the Godhead.
                (8) It is not until the New Testament and the New
                     Birth that God presents Himself as three persons
                     with three roles.
                     (a) The Father to oversee all things.
                     (b) The Son to die and deliver the saved.
                     (c) The Holy Ghost to indwell and guide the
                (9) And yet we are still not talking of three gods
                     but of one who manifests Himself in three
                     unique persons.
        3. \\#5\\ That it is a second birth, completely different
            from the first.
            a. Jesus spoke of two births - the earthly (water) and
                the spiritual (Spirit).
            b. Is it possible that Jesus was speaking of baptism
                 (1) No.  Why not?
                 (2) Mainly the context.
                      (a) Jesus was in the process of explaining what
                           Nicodemus did not understand.
                      (b) If water baptism was part of the salvation
                           process, Jesus would have had to plainly
                           say so.  Which He never, ever does.
                      (c) Instead, Jesus is trying to help Nicodemus
                           understand that the birth He was speaking
                           of was completely different from the first
                      (d) In that birth, we are surrounded by a sac
                           of water until the time of birth, then the
                           sac breaks and the baby must be delivered
                           or die.
                      (e) Jesus’ point is that a human being does not
                           go back into the sac of water to be born
                      (f) In the second birth, he is born of the Holy
        4. \\#7-8\\ The new birth is like a work of the wind.
            a. No one sees the wind but we feel it and see the effect
                that it has had.
            b. So is the new birth.
                (1) We can’t see it happen because it is our spirit
                     that is being birth not our body.
                (2) But we feel it.
                (3) And the whole world sees the effect of it.
    E. \\#9\\ Even with that explanation, Nicodemus does not
        understand—and thank God he didn’t or else you and I would
        not have Jesus’ additional statements.

II. \\#10-13\\ The New Birth Is by Faith
    A. Jesus basically told Nicodemus that he was going to have to
        trust Him because Jesus was speaking of the things He knew
        and of which no other man could know.
        1. No one else could know because no one else had been to
        2. And Jesus did know because that is where He came from.
        3. Let’s grasp that.
    B. Jesus told Nicodemus that He, calling Himself the Son of Man,
        came down from heaven.
        1. He did not offer any proof.
        2. He just declared it.
        3. Again, Nicodemus does not debate.  When Jesus said,
            Nicodemus just accepted it.
        4. Two thoughts:
            a. That is faith.
            b. That means Jesus was not a human who ascended into
                God but rather that Jesus was God who descended to be
                a human.
    C. That is faith.
        1. Nicodemus was living when Jesus lived and had seen his
            miracles but that did not eliminate his need for faith.
        2. Some seem to think that if they could see a miracle or
            hear from God, they would be able to believe.
        3. Not so.
            a. It does not matter who much external evidence there
                is because no matter how much is proven, there will
                always be something that is not.
            b. Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t have some
                (1) We have the Bible, with its miracles and
                (2) We have the words of Jesus, with His wisdom and
                (3) We have creation with its demand for a Creator.
                (4) We have the conviction that we felt in our own
            c. But the last step for all humans is faith.
            d. Without it, you can not be saved.
    D. And that means that Jesus did not start here and work His way
        to heaven but came from heaven to the earth.
        1. Again, this Godhead is hard to understand.
        2. There are some good people who can’t seem to do so.
        3. Are they saved?  I think it is possible.
        4. But the words of Jesus make it clear that Jesus was God
            before He came to this earth, while He came to this
            earth, and has been since He left this earth.

III. \\#13, 16\\ The New Birth Is Dependent Upon A Unique One
    A. This unique One is not named or plainly declared but I think
        Nicodemus knew who Jesus was speaking about.
        1. \\#13-14\\ He is called the Son of man \\#John 1:51\\.
            That means that He embodies all that is human.
        2. \\#16\\ He is called the Son of God.  That means He
            embodies all that is God.
    B. \\#13\\ This unique One came down to make the New Birth
    C. \\#14\\ But He must yet be lifted up.
        1. That is not a reference to His ascension to heaven but to
            His crucifixion on the cross.
        2. As the serpent was lifted up in Numbers 21, suspended
            between heaven and earth on a post for all the world to
            watch hanging there.
        3. But in so doing, the unique One would provide salvation to
            all those who would look toward Him in faith.

IV. \\#18\\ The New Birth Is By Man’s Choice

V. \\#16\\ The New Birth Is Because of God’s Love

VI. \\#13, 18\\ The New Birth Is Not for Our Harm but Our Help
     A. Looking at the serpent did not cause the problem.
     B. It provided the CURE!

VII. \\#19-21\\ The New Birth Will Be Rejected By Most

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