Luke 22:7-12
The Lasts

Looking back over the gospel of Luke, I see we have been reading
about the last week of Jesus’ earthly life since \\#Luke 19:28\\ and
the last full day of His life since \\#Luke 21:1\\.  Now we are
looking at the last evening of Jesus.

Let’s continue to note some lasts from our text.

I. The Last Service - The last opportunity to provide service.
    A. If these are the last days of Jesus’ earthly life, then these
        are the also the last days that mankind can serve Jesus in
        an earthly manner.
    B. Three people rendered service to the Lord that day.
        1. \\#10\\ The unnamed man who was carrying the water
            a. This is interesting for this must was able to be
                recognized in Jerusalem (the largest city) at the
                Passover (the most crowded time).
            b. How is that possible?  I believe it is because he was
                the only man carrying a picture of water on the
                (1) Typically, hauling water was done by the women.
                (2) On that day for some reason, this man was doing
                     that work.
                     (a) Maybe the woman who normally did it was
                          sick or hurt.  (Water is heavy.)
                     (b) Maybe the man had a tender heart toward the
                          woman and so what doing her a kindness that
                     (c) For whatever reason, this man was doing
                          something unusual and God knew he was going
                          to be doing it.
            c. We don’t know this man’s name or reason for carrying
                water that day, but God did.
                (1) This illustrates how God knows the smallest
                     details even before they happen!
                (2) I’ll be not a sparrow can fall to the ground
                     or a hair fall from your head without Him
                     knowing about it!
                (3) By the way, what this man was doing was
                     important.  He was the link between the
                     disciples and the house where the meal was to
            d. Did the man know he was being followed?
                (1) Probably not.  There was no need to communicate
                     with him.
                (2) Probably unbeknown to him, this man was giving
                     directions to those that followed him.
                     (a) We all do!
                     (b) Somebody watches every one of us.
        2. \\#11\\ The goodman of the house who gave use of the upper
            a. The goodman means this was the owner of the house.
            b. It seems that this man must have known Jesus and the
                disciples to allow them to have his room—or else God
                had given him word through some dream to allow anyone
                who asked to use his upper room.
                (1) Luke called it a "guestchamber" \\#11\\ and a
                     "large upper room, furnished" \\#12\\.
                (2) Guestchamber is a room for guests, maybe even
                     used for rentals.
                (3) This room becomes important to the disciples.
                     (a) We think that is where the disciples
                          returned in three days, Sunday night, when
                          they want to talk about Jesus’
                          resurrection.  (All the disciples except
                          for Judas was from Galilee.)
                     (b) That would mean they would meet there again
                          seven days later.
                     (c) We also think that is the upper room where
                          they met after the ascension of Jesus
                          \\#Acts 1:13\\.
                     (d) And we think that is where they were when
                          the Holy Ghost came upon them
                          \\#Acts 2:1\\.
                     (e) These are all just guesses, but if they are
                          correct, this upper room would have been
                          the first "church."
            c. The goodman may be signing up for a long term
                commitment, but it does not seem that he had any
                concerns over doing so.
                (1) If this was a rental property, it might have cost
                     him a good amount of money.  (Passover was the
                     busiest time of the year in Jerusalem!)
                (2) He seemed happy to serve our Lord in whatever
                     capacity that he was called upon to serve.
                (3) What a joy this type of a servant must be to our
        3. \\#8\\ Peter and John served.
            a. Luke is the only gospel that tells us the name of the
                disciples that were sent, perhaps because their
                enthusiasm might have been less than it should be.
                (1) Peter and John followed the man with the water
                      pitcher and did whatever else was necessary to
                      have the supper.
                (2) I imagine there was a lot of work that went into
                     getting this meal ready for 13 men.
            b. But we know, no one was at the door to wash the feet
                of Jesus and the disciples as they entered.
                (1) I don’t know that Peter and John were assigned
                     that task but everyone knew it needed to be done
                     and they were assigned to get things prepared.
                (2) Instead, Jesus will wash the disciples’ feet and
                     Peter almost will not let Him.
                (3) And that night, there will be a debate about who
                     was the greatest disciple.

Luke 22:24  And there was also a strife among
them, which of them should be accounted the

                (4) I imagine among the many regrets the disciples
                     would carry with them, one of them was that they
                     missed the opportunity to minister to Jesus by
                     washing His feet the last night that they had
                     the opportunity.
    B. Isn’t it amazing how time changes our perspective?
        1. That night no one moved to wash everyone else’s feet
            because they wanted to be the one who was served not the
            one who did the servicing.
        2. Washing the feet of others was just a mundane, lowly
            servant’s task; but within a few days, they would realize
            how special the opportunity would be had they been
            thinking of Jesus and not themselves.
        3. We need to learn to count our opportunities to serve as a
            divine opportunity from God.

II. The Last Supper
    A. This was the Passover Supper.
        1. We know this is the Passover Meal because it is mentioned
            as such several times.
            a. \\#7\\ The disciples were sent to prepare a Passover
            b. \\#11\\ The goodman was told that the room was needed
                for the Passover.
            c. \\#15\\ Jesus expressed his desire to eat the Passover
                with His disciples that night.
        2. Yet, no gospel writer gives us any detail about the
            Passover at all.
        3. Most of you have heard me explain at least some of why I
            believe this meal was being eaten the day before the
            a. One of the reasons is illustrated in this text.
            b. The Passover meal was to be eaten as a family.
            c. Here we have 13 men—all of them with no families
            d. In fact, we know Peter was married so he was the head
                of a family and should have been at home if this was
                the Passover meal required by the Law.
        4. Like we have holiday meals with those who are not our
            family, I believe these were having a Holy Day meal with
            those who were not their own family.
        5. The actual Passover Lamb would be slain on the next day,
            at the very time when the Jews are killing the Passover
        6. And while the people are partaking of the symbolic
            Passover lamb, the real Passover Lamb will be giving
            Himself for their sins.
    B. This was also the Last Supper.

Luke 22:16  For I say unto you, I will not any
more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the
kingdom of God.

        1. There is some question about what that means.
            a. Jesus did eat something with the disciples present on
                Sunday night to prove that He was not a spirit, but
                it was no meal like this.
            b. Others point out that Jesus took a sip of the vinegar
                while on the cross.  That vinegar was a cheap wine
                drank by the poor, common folk.
        2. I tend to think that Jesus was speaking this to the eleven
            disciples—His friends.
            a. Just like in \\#15\\, Jesus had looked forward to
                having a final meal with His friends, I think He was
                saying in \\#16\\ that they would not all be able to
                gather together and eat a meal of leisure and
                fellowship like this again until the Kingdom of God
                is established on earth.
            b. This might mean that this was THEIR Last Supper
                together for a while.
    C. \\#16-20\\ And this will be the first Lord’s Supper.
        1. After the Passover meal was eaten, Jesus took a cup and
            bread to illustrate what He was giving to the world.
            a. Jesus was giving His body and His blood.
            b. The bread and cup were symbolic, but we are told to
                repeat this meal as often as we desired to remember
                the sacrifice Jesus has made.
        2. Luke did not try to give us a detailed account of what
            happened in that room—just a summary.

III. A Last Salutation
    A. Notice the title God gave to those gathered with Jesus that

Luke 22:14  And when the hour was come, he sat
down, and the twelve apostles with him.

    B. God called them APOSTLES.
        1. Not only that, God numbered them, the TWELVE apostles.
        2. We all understand why eleven of them were called apostles,
            but why is Judas being referred to as an apostle?
            a. He has already made the arrangements to betray Jesus.
            b. He probably has the 30 pieces of silver with him.
            c. Once the meal is finished, he will leave to betray
            d. Why call him an apostle?
    C. We see something here about God’s loving, merciful character.
        1. Even though what Judas HAD done was sinful and wrong, as
            yet, he had not actually betrayed Jesus.
        2. At this moment, God knows what Judas WILL do but he has
            not done it yet.
        3. God does not judge us for what we will do.  Only for the
            sin we have committed.
            a. Jesus knows Peter will deny Him three times in a few
                hours but he has not.  Peter was one of the twelve.
            b. One of the disciples will be so scared, he will run
                out of his coat and flee away "naked" but he has not.
                He was one of the twelve apostles.
            c. And Judas will betray Jesus, but he has not.  He was
                one of the twelve apostles.
                (1) Judas was there for the meal and the twelve ate
                     with Jesus.
                (2) I think Judas was there for the foot washing.
                     Jesus washed his feet.  He was one of the
                (3) And he will be one of the twelve up until the
                    time Judas kisses Jesus’ cheek.
    D. That speaks very poorly for Judas but it speaks volumes on
        the love and kindness of Jesus.
    E. God isn’t the One that cuts us off.  We are the ones that cut
       Him off.

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