Luke 5:27-35
Jesus, the Lord Who Loves

We continue to learn about our Savior as Luke presented Him to the
Gentile world.
    1. \\#Luke 4:30-37\\ Jesus, Lord over Sickness and Demons.
    2. \\#Luke 5:1-11\\ Jesus, the Personal Lord
    3. \\#Luke 5:12-16\\ Jesus, the Lord Who Cares
    4. \\#Luke 5:17-26\\ Jesus, the Forgiver of Sin

Tonight, we see Jesus, the Lover of People.  In this small text, we
see Jesus dealing with three groups of people, Levi, publicans, and

Could I say that the world has yet to catch up to Jesus’ love for all
mankind?  Passages like this have helped the world to understand that
God loves all people, Jewish or Gentile, male or female, young or
old.  God loves all people.  The only thing that God hates is sin.

I. \\#Luke 5:27-28\\ Jesus loved Matthew.
    A. Levi is also called Matthew.
        1. Levi is his Hebrew name; Matthew is his Greek.
        2. Not much information is given about Matthew.
            a. His calling. \\#Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27\\
            b. He is in the list of disciples.
                \\#Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18, Lu 6:15, Acts 1:13\\
            c. Then he is mentioned at his own feast.
        3. Matthew is a SILENT DISCIPLE.
            a. Actually, there are several of those.
            b. Not one personal conversation, miracle, or deed
               (except for the feast) is given…
            c. Yet Jesus passing by saw this man sitting at a table
                 taking money from the Jews for the Romans and called
                 him into the ministry!
                 (1) The Jews considered publicans traitors.
                 (2) Some were abusive with their power.
            c. Not only that but He called Matthew to write one of
                the gospels!
        4. Why would God call a quite publican?
            a. The main answer is God’s amazing mercy and grace!
            b. Because Matthew would answer.
            c. God has called everyone into His service.  Most just
                won’t answer.
    B. Matthew was being called later in Jesus’ ministry.
        1. We do not know the chronical order of Jesus’ ministry but
            the gospel writers to follow some form of order.
            a. \\#27\\ "And after these things"
            b. After the many things that both John and Luke had
                mentioned, making me think we are well into the first
                year of Jesus’ ministry and perhaps more.
        2. It is possible that Matthew had been with Jesus some
            a. The Bible is clear that some disciples were called
                by Jesus more than once.
            b. Why would God call someone more than once?
                IT’S THE MERCY OF GOD!
            c. Chances are if God didn’t call more than once, this
                room would be empty tonight!
        3. Three Callings
            a. \\#John 1:39\\ COME-AND-SEE CALLING
                (1) This is the calling of the curious.
                (2) It was given to Andrew and perhaps John.
                (3) Many never get curious enough to hear the "Come-
                     and-See" call.
                (4) They are blind and deaf to the things of God.

Eph 4:18  Having the understanding darkened,
being alienated from the life of God through the
ignorance that is in them, because of the
blindness of their heart:

                (5) Many are so caught up in now they forget eternity.
                     So caught up in life that they forget death.
            b. \\#Mt 4:19, Mk 1:17\\ COME-AND-BE Calling
                (1) This is Andrew’s and perhaps John’s second
                (2) Simon Peter and James were also there.
                (3) This calling was a step up from the last for it
                     was the calling to BE somebody for Jesus, a
                     "fisher of men."
                (4) Of course this calling is what separated the
                     curious from the serious.

Joh 6:66  From that time many of his disciples
went back, and walked no more with him.

            c. \\#Luke 5:28\\ COME-AND-LEAVE CALLING
                (1) Matthew is the only one being called at this
                (2) This was the call that moved you from serious to
                (3) Matthew left his table, his job, and his money!
                (4) \\#Luke 9:57-62\\ Few will accept this call.
                     (a) Some refuse because they desire to be
                     (b) Some refuse because they desire to be safe.
                     (c) Some refuse because they desire possessions.
                (5) But those who accept this call will be rewarded
                     by God Himself.

Mt 19:29  And every one that hath forsaken
houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or
mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my
name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and
shall inherit everlasting life.

    C. Matthew’s heart is clearly visible.
        1. As soon as he settled his walk with Jesus, he had a feast
            to help his friends settle theirs.

Luke 5:28  And he left all, rose up, and followed
29  And Levi made him a great feast in his own
house: and there was a great company of publicans
and of others that sat down with them.

        2. I have heard of birthday parties, anniversary
            celebrations, Super Bowl Parties, Tail Gating Parties,
            Baby and Wedding teas, but this was a Soul Winning Party.

II. \\#Luke 5:29-32\\ Jesus loved publicans.
    A. Matthew was a publican, a tax collector.
        1. You can see the disdain for them.

Luke 5:30  But their scribes and Pharisees
murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye
eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

        2. Yet, Jesus associated with them and made one of them His
            closest disciple.
        3. Scribes and Pharisees were religious and wanted to know
            why Jesus, some kind of religious prophet, would
            associate with such a sinner.
    B. \\#31-32\\ Because Jesus loved sinners and they needed Him!

Luke 5:31  And Jesus answering said unto them,
They that are whole need not a physician; but
they that are sick.
32  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance.

        1. Salvation is never concerned with how sick the sinner is,
            but with how mighty the Savior is!
        2. There was something that Jesus always applied when dealing
            with people who come to Him.  It was mercy and love!

III. \\#Luke 5:30-39\\ Jesus dealt with the scribes and Pharisees.
    A. What are scribes and Pharisees?
        1. The scribe was a copiest.  He copied the Scriptures.
        2. The Pharisee was a member of a strict religious group.
        3. Both were very religious and popular.
    B. We see that God deals in mercy to those who are willing to
        come to Him for as long as they are willing to come to Him..
        1. The scribes and Pharisees haven’t refused Jesus yet.
            a. Curious - They wanted to know.
            b. Demanding - Want to understand and enlist Jesus
            c. Murderous - Kill Jesus \\#Luke 6:11\\
        2. At that time, they were curious and wanted to learn about
            Jesus so they asked him questions—some of which are
            pretty good questions.

Luke 5:30  …Why do ye eat and drink with
publicans and sinners?

            a. \\#31-32\\ The short answer to that is because that is
                who Jesus came to help!

Luke 5:33  …Why do the disciples of John fast
often, and make prayers, and likewise the
disciples of the Pharisees; but thine eat and

            b. \\#34-35\\ They will when it’s time.
            c. By the way, it’s time right now.
    C. Why would Jesus be so tolerant of the people that He knows
        will hate and crucify Him?
        1. The answer keeps coming back to, "Mercy and love!"
        2. So how are we supposed to deal with people?  How are we
            supposed to love them, help them?
        3. The answer must be, "with mercy and love!"

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